The Farmer Girl Gets Rich

Chapter 997: Comfort Gu Ning'an

Last year, these grapes did not bear fruit, and I don’t know if they will bear fruit this year!

"Ning'an, these vines were planted last year. Do you remember whether there were grapes on this vine last year?" Gu Xiaowan asked suddenly.

Gu Ning'an didn't expect her sister to ask such a thing, so she thought about it and replied: "No. Last year, Mr. Xu brought a lot of grapes from Minshan. We ate grapes at Mr. Xu's house last year!"

"Then do you know why there are no grapes on this vine?" Gu Xiaowan asked again.

"Maybe this vine has not reached the end of its life!" Gu Ning'an thought for a while and wanted to answer.

As the saying goes, peaches, three plums, four apricots for five years, it means the least time it takes for these fruits to grow.

"Ning'an, even the fruit trees grow and the fruits are the same. If you have time, you will not bear fruit when you are small, isn't it the same for people? You are still young, and when you reach your age, you will be admitted naturally. We are not in a hurry. Take your time!" Gu Xiaowan used the example of fruit trees to persuade her.

But Gu Ning'an suddenly became sad. There was no one around. He leaned directly on the shelf of the vines and said uncomfortably, "Sister, I feel uncomfortable! Everyone in the family is doing it for you. The only thing at home is me. In addition to spending the family’s money, you have to take care of me! I feel so sad that even Xiao Yi now embroiders to earn so much money for the family. Only me is left. There is nothing good except reading." Gu Ning'an blamed himself: "No, even reading, I can't read well. Only me, I didn't do anything for the family, and I always drag everyone back!"

Gu Ning'an almost finished speaking in tears.

Gu Xiaowan heard it, her heart hurts like someone else is holding her heart with her hand!

"Ning'an!" She hurriedly stepped forward, hugged Gu Ning'an, and said distressedly: "What are you talking about? You are a member of the family, why are you holding everyone back?"

"Sister, I resent myself so much. I thought I tried hard to pass the entrance examination this time and honored my sister's face, but not only did I fail to pass the entrance examination, but also caused my sister to make others laugh!" Gu Ning'an burst into tears.

When Gu Xintao came to the house to curse, how ugly and ugly what she said.

Gu Xiaowan's eyes are blind. It is obvious that Gu Ning'an is a material for plowing soil and planting the ground, and she has to send it to study.

It's nothing more than sending it to study, and always pretending to know everything. Finally, I saw the real chapter in the exam and got the test of the person.

There are still students who scolded Mr. Xu's family secretly.

Said that Mr. Xu's family didn't know how much they had benefited from Gu Xiaowan's family, and kept a trash as a treasure.

Gu Ning'an would still go to the Yushu Tower on time every day, and he heard these words more or less.

This felt more sad and blamed himself.

Blame yourself for being so useless!"Fool, what a shame is not a shame! If they want to laugh, let them laugh! Ning'an, my sister tells you that you have only been in school for a few years, and you are so young that you cannot pass the exam. It’s normal! Didn’t my sister tell you that day? I don’t care if you are admitted, the key is that we must learn to be a human being. I believe that as long as you always hold a motivated heart, you will not be admitted this year. , We will be able to pass the exam next year! At that time, you will come back to give my sister a long face! Let all those who laugh at us go to hell!" Gu Xiaowan put her arms around Gu Ning'an, and kept patting his shoulders, smoothing him Breath.

"But, sister, what if I fail to pass the test next year?" Gu Ningan asked cautiously.

"It won't work next year, and there will be another year! If we fail to pass the exam, we will go another way. All roads lead to Rome, and my sister believes that one day, you will be our pillar!" Gu Xiaowan looked forward to.

Gu Ning'an was a little confused: "Sister, where is Rome?"

"Rome" Gu Xiaowan said horribly in her heart, and quickly lied to: "Rome is where we can live a good life. This way is not good, let's go another way. Look, let's come out of Wuxi Village, this way Isn’t the road getting wider and wider? We’re still buying a shop in the capital and opening Lanyue Pavilion. I believe that our life will only get better and better. Your task is to not have distracting thoughts and focus on Reading! You are not required to take the top prize, but you must always have a heart for knowledge and progress! Even if you can only be a teacher in the future, that is also a great thing for virtue, just like Mr. Xu and others! "

Gu Xiaowan's words made Gu Ningan's heart feel better after a few days of haze.

He grinned, and finally there was joy in his eyes: "Sister, I will definitely work hard!"

The result is not important, what is important is whether there is always a high-spirited attitude on the way to find the result!

After these words, Gu Ning'an's mood was obviously better, and there was a smile on his face.

Every day, as usual, I go out early and return late at night, go to the Yushulou to read and study.

Because Gu Ziwen was admitted as a talent, he was almost praised by his classmates and was about to fly to the sky.

Today it is not this student who will be the host and invite Gu Ziwen for dinner, and tomorrow it will be the student who will be the host and invite Gu Ziwen to listen to the opera.

A group of scholars have brought their style of eating, drinking and having fun to the extreme.

Xu Chengze was not busy during this time.

Since returning from Ruixian, he has played a big question mark in his heart.

After the last child test, he asked Gu Ning'an about the situation during the test.

There were five consecutive exams, and Gu Ning'an clearly remembered the content of each exam and the answers he gave.

Xu Chengze was very satisfied with his answer, and even Xu Xianlin praised him for writing well.

But Gu Ziwen, I heard someone say that once he slept in the examination room for half an hour and got wet with the test papers.

When I was about to hand in the paper, I realized that I had only written half of my answer, and there was nothing left behind.

So, when he was on the list, he was really surprised to see that Gu Ziwen's name would be at the top of the list.

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