The Farmer Girl Gets Rich

Chapter 998: Really ghost

What is even more strange is that Gu Ning'an's results, logically speaking, the answer is so good, at least there is no problem in being on the list.

However, even the last one is not Gu Ning'an's name.

It's so strange!

Xu Chengze told Xu Xianlin about this matter, and Xu Xianlin also felt very strange.

The father and son have been thinking about the countermeasures in the room for a long time. After thinking about it, they can only see if they can go and see the test papers they made first!

Xu Xianlin was an official before teaching, and he also knew a few people in officialdom.

Some of my former colleagues are not ordinary now, and they happen to be connected with this child test.

So he immediately repaired a book and ordered people to pass by quickly.

It is nothing more than writing, I want to see the format of the government's revised papers, which papers scored high, and he can prescribe the right medicine in the future as a husband.

Within a few days, someone sent a letter.

I also wrote a letter of recommendation.

Relying on this letter, it is very convenient to go to the government to check the file.

Xu Xianlin got the recommendation letter, and immediately asked Xu Chengze to take the letter to the government.

After he came out, Xu Chengze's face looked ugly and ugly.

All the files are sealed, except for the candidates' answers, personal information such as names are invisible!

Xu Chengze flipped through all the files and finally found the files of Gu Ning'an and Gu Ziwen.

The fonts of the two of them, Professor Xu Chengze has been doing for so many years, and after a glance, he knew it was the font of the two.

After seeing the questions answered by Gu Ning'an and Gu Ziwen, Xu Chengze's lungs were bursting.

Gu Ning'an's dossiers are neatly written, and the test papers written are reasonable and well-founded, which can be regarded as a model. The examiner who checked the paper also wrote Grade A on it.

But looking back at Gu Ziwen's test paper, it was simply unsightly.

Gu Ziwen's handwriting is considered good, but compared with Gu Ning'an, it's a lot worse.

For one thing, Gu Ziwen has no patience.

When I first started writing, the handwriting was still neat, but later, the more ugly the word was written, the more I wrote it, the more I could not see what was written!

There is even one, half of the test paper is crumpled, as if it is immersed in water.

Seeing this, Xu Chengze suddenly thought of someone saying that Gu Ziwen had fallen asleep for a short half an hour during the inspection. It seems that Gu Ziwen is really undoubted.

For Gu Ziwen's examination papers, the appraising examiner even gave grades C and D, and the best was only grade B.

And Gu Ning'an's test papers are all Grade A.

The judgement was decided, and the results of Gu Ziwen and Gu Ning'an were obviously exchanged!

When Xu Chengze returned to Liujia Town and told Xu Xianlin what he saw, Xu Xianlin was also taken aback.

"You mean that someone made a ghost from it and changed their grades?" Xu Xianlin frowned. This is a major event related to the students' lives. Moreover, the imperial court is now in the process of selecting and employing people. The imperial examinations were designed to send outstanding talents to the court, but they dare to make trouble at the top and risk the world to do such things that violate the law and discipline.

"Father, the grades of Gu Ning'an and Gu Ziwen have changed. Who do you think has such a big means to change their roster?"

Xu Xianlin was also helpless.

When he was a student before, he hadn't heard of such things, but most of them were slanderous and unfounded.

At this moment, he suddenly encountered the matter of Gu Ziwen and Gu Ning'an, which really broke his mind.

Both Gu Ziwen and Gu Ning'an are his students, and everyone in Yushulou can see their character, virtue and ability.

When Gu Ziwen first entered the school, his schoolwork was still good. After all, Gu Chuanlu is also a talented person, so he will naturally teach Gu Ziwen some knowledge.

When the other students came in, they were almost a blank sheet of paper, so naturally they couldn't compare with Gu Ziwen.

Gu Ziwen is still hardworking, but he is too arrogant and self-satisfied. He knows why. In fact, he is only half a bucket filled with dissatisfied water and still sloshing.

On weekdays, in the school, you can fool around casually. This time, it's good. I really have to see the real chapter in the examination room. Gu Ziwen is Gu Ning'an's opponent.

Gu Ning'an is diligent in studying, and he has to understand what he doesn't understand at any time before turning over. He won't just try to get rid of it. It is precisely because of this kind of perseverance that the knowledge in this brain is perfect.

When I arrived in the examination room, I had ink in my heart, so naturally, I just grabbed it at my fingertips and it was a matter of course!

Xu Xianlin didn't worry that Xu Chengze would misunderstand the results of the two of them.

Moreover, just after Gu Ning'an came out in the examination room at that time, when he told them how to answer the paper, Xu Xianlin guessed that Gu Ning'an's results must be extraordinary!

Sure enough, the grades are extraordinary, but they have made a wedding dress for others!

"Chengze, this matter is not in a hurry. They were able to buy the government to commit fraud. They were naturally prepared. Moreover, the list has been posted. Even if we go to make trouble, I am afraid that it will be a mess, it will not help!" Xu Xianlin sighed.

Although he also knew that this matter was not trivial, he still didn't know who was involved in it!

"Father, this is related to Gu Ning'an's future, and it is also related to the Gu family. We can't let this thing go so wrong! Today, Gu Ziwen will steal Ning'an's child test scores, and tomorrow, Gu Ziwen will steal Ning'an. Ten years of hard work and hard work like Ning’an is just to be able to get out of the limelight early and make the little fun less difficult. Let’s not just watch Ning’an being bullied!” Xu Chengze thought of this passage. Time Gu Ning'an looked depressed, this felt very uncomfortable in my heart!

Every scholar is most afraid of doing well in his exams, but he didn't receive the admission notice. After ten or decades, he suddenly learned that someone else had taken his name and went to college.

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