The Female Cannon Fodder Is Highly Poisonous

Chapter 2498 The actor's white moonlight double (72)

Gong Hua's head was smashed and she still had a concussion. Han Junlun refused to let her go to the hospital, but directly called a doctor to give her a simple bandage.

After waking up with a headache, Gong Wei heard about these things and was angry at Han Junlun's cold-bloodedness. Fearing that he would be killed by Han Junlun sooner or later if he continued like this, he quietly called the police.

Ruan Tang and Mu Tingyue's enthusiasm for obtaining certificates has not yet passed, and Han Junlun's being taken away by the police has become a hot topic again.

Netizens are happy to see it

When you slandered Ruan Tang before and wanted to trample her to death, you probably didn't expect this to happen, did you?

This is retribution.

Gong Hua was free and went to the Gong family without looking back. Even if she listened to her parents' marriage and married someone she didn't like, it was much better than following Han Junlun.

Han Junlun intentionally hurt others and was detained for ten days.

After he came out, when he heard that the Gong family was going to marry a family friend, and they were going to get married at the end of the year, he knew he had been betrayed again.

The same Gong family, the same him who had nothing, the same Gong Hua who never looked back and wanted to break up with him, and his old mother who passed away...

The memories of two different ages crazily ate away at his brain.

It made him unable not to hate Gong Hua who ruined his life!

If Gong Hua hadn't been pestering him and confessed that he liked him back then, he wouldn't have fallen in love, wouldn't have been fired, maybe now it's a different life.

Immersed in the fantasy that she is about to marry into a wealthy family and become a rich wife, and never have to worry about money and fear, Gong Hua has no idea what she is about to face.


The explosion of the TV series doubled Mu Tingyue's net worth.

It took some time to review the movie due to the subject matter and content being too special and heavy. The Lunar New Year file could not be released, but it was also scheduled to be released during the winter vacation.

The publicity and theater arrangements have been optimized. Although he has no intention of making money from this film, Ruan Tang is still full of confidence in the box office.

In addition, the film has also been sent to the selection of various film awards.

The most important thing is the award.

From the very beginning, they went for the big prize.

The box office of the film broke 200 million on the day it was released, and fans of various actors and people who went for the theme after watching the movie introduction accounted for the vast majority.

As soon as it was released, all major film critics left the stage one after another. The ratings on various forums were only high but not low. The sincere recommendations of fans and passers-by, and the real sentiments from many anonymous parents and personal experiencers made people who had no feelings for the film feel ashamed. Curiosity arose, urging them to walk into the theater.

Go in with a smile, come out with a heavy heart.

Most people have to do it again and again, and write movie reviews and feelings when they go home with swollen eyes. Relatives and friends around Amway, for their children, for themselves, and for the people around them, also want to watch movies.

The main creative team held a celebration banquet. As the protagonists and investors, Mu Tingyue and Ruan Tang could not be absent. During the interview, Ruan Tang directly appealed to parents to be more responsible and protect their children.

At the same time, I call on all adults to shoulder their due social responsibilities, and take a tough attitude towards this kind of perverted scum, otherwise how do you know if your compromise, ignorance, indifference will hurt your children in the end?

We call on the whole society to strengthen relevant education, so that children can learn to take precautions and learn to protect themselves. After all, sometimes relying on others is worse than relying on oneself.

In the end, he said bluntly that if you don't treat children as human animals, don't have children. The human gene pool does not lack his dirty and perverted chromosome.

6 more!

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