The Female Cannon Fodder Is Highly Poisonous

Chapter 2499 The actor's white moonlight double (73)

Ruan Tang's remarks caused an uproar on the Internet, almost half of the voices of support and opposition were mixed, and many of them were directly scolded.

Ruan Tang was scolded to stand up and talk without pain in his back, and to come out to be a monster after earning some money and a little fame, and he was not ashamed.

If the father who committed the crime in the movie is her real father, her husband, can she kill him or send him to prison without hesitation?

Is she really willing?

What kind of psychology is it to encourage others to kill those close to you when you can't do it yourself!

Another example is that although her husband often beats her children and drinks and gambles outside, he always thinks that he has a family, and he will make a little surprise for her from time to time. No matter what, the family will go together. How can you be so cold-blooded and ruthless!

Ruan Tang didn't have much time to read the comments, and after just one glance, he was disgusted enough.

This kind of person is reluctant to part with a piece of trash, but he doesn't care about the feelings of the victim. The criminal shouldn't be sent to prison, so the victim deserves to be spoiled by a pervert and ruin his life?

In reality, however, there are many such people.

"Don't look, some people can't be changed, it's enough for us to do our best." Mu Tingyue took away the phone, turned it off and put it aside.

In his opinion, Ruan Tang has done enough.

If you are a sloppy person, seeing this kind of movie and knowing that such crimes may be happening in your life, you will naturally be vigilant all the time, teach your children how to protect themselves, keep them away from strangers, and protect them from Getting hurt.

But some people cannot wake up.

Just like most people who oppose, maybe they have the same mentality as the criminals in their hearts, and the influence of the movie is too great, the effect of the propaganda is too good, it has caused great hindrance to their crimes, so they jumped the wall in a hurry Ruan Tang, who insulted the film's main creators and spoke boldly in the interview.

For this kind of people, parents can only pay attention to them.

"I know." Ruan Tang hugged Mu Tingyue's arm, and silently buried his head on his neck.

Warm breath hit the neck, Mu Tingyue would have been emotional in the past, but at this moment he only felt distressed, so he kept comforting Ruan Tang.

Ruan Tang said sullenly, she didn't care about those perverted remarks, she was just angry, many people obviously don't like children, why would they give birth to a child and cause trouble?

Just like during the filming, when they went to the night market to eat, there was a very small child eating by himself with sticks, and the street was full of people, and the children were running and jumping everywhere. She was terrified, afraid that someone would bump into the child , the sharp bamboo stick will stab the child himself or stab other children, hurting other people's eyes and face.

Although the probability of it happening is small, once it happens, it will cause 100% damage.

But those parents talked about their own affairs with their peers, and they never seemed to have such worries.

You don't worry about the child being poked, or traffickers abducting the child, and you don't worry about the child running out to play and hitting a speeding car.

Of course, in the minds of some people, it may be a good thing to get into a collision. After all, they can extort a sum of money from the driver, and then curse the country to get some comfort and compensation, so that they can happily give birth to a new child for them to play with. up.

"Baby, why are you so nice..." Mu Tingyue's heart softened after hearing this.

How lucky he is to have such a good woman like her.

7 more!

it's almost over

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