The Female Cannon Fodder Is Highly Poisonous

Chapter 3557 I am the Lord in the last days (11)

A week passed quickly.

When Ruan Tang led the team to Yuancheng, his subordinates reported that people from Xiang Kingdom were already in the city.

For Ruan Tang's safety, someone said: "Boss, we have been attacked by them behind the scenes many times during our missions. We should be more careful with those insidious villains."

This time, except for those who stick to the base, most people followed Ruan Tang out.

Those who have been raped several times by members of the Xiang country are showing their fangs at this moment.

The giant panda, who has been despised many times because of her gender, is even more majestic, "Don't worry, I can make them regret when they come here."

People who come from a civilized society live like ancient times. They even say that a woman can't stand her shoulders and can't carry her hands. If she is not worthy of the battlefield, she should wash clothes, cook and take care of her children at home.

Not only that, but also said that the reason she looks like a flower but holds an important position in Xingchenju is because she seeks status and power by using sex.

Oh shit!

Last time the task was urgent and there was no time to argue with the idiot, this time she must beat that idiot to his knees and call him daddy!

The braised pork is also aggressive: "Those bastards, they are so stupid that they can just eat some medicine that tastes like shit, and they don't care whether we eat meat or not, and they say that what the boss gave us is human flesh and zombie meat, so that we will all betray us." Boss, dreaming about him, today I will definitely beat that guy until he doesn't even know his mother!"

Starting from giant pandas and braised pork, everyone who had negotiated with the people at the Xiangguo base showed dissatisfaction or fierceness.

Obviously, they all have great opinions on the Hunan base.

You know, morale can play a decisive role in the success or failure of a war.

"Boss, what are you thinking?" Beef Noodles still obediently followed Ruan Tang, looking up at Ruan Tang adoringly.

As soon as she made a sound, everyone else looked over.

Ruan Tang laughed suddenly, and said, "Whether you can eat what you want at the celebration banquet depends on the fruits of your victory."

Headed by the beef noodles, everyone shouted wildly.

Since the end of the world, they have practiced the saying "If you have milk, you are a mother" to the end.

The boss is the boss after all.

When I started talking to her, the base was nothing but ruins.

But now?

Aside from the zombies and gunpowder outside, Xingchenju is actually no different from some small cities before the end of the world.

This is the ability of the boss.

"Boss, there is movement." It's spicy chicken.

Ruan Tang looked at the crowd with a calm face, as if he was dealing with the usual three meals, and said, "It's up to you next."

As soon as the voice fell, someone quickly disappeared.

When the others saw it, they cursed silently, thinking that the kid didn't usually notice how slippery he was, but now he was clever, and they all took action after scolding him.

Ruan Tang stayed where she was, and Wu Qiao and several third-level supernatural beings were protecting her closely.

She suddenly remembered something, and asked the people on the side, "Has any of you seen Si Qiao?"

477 That guy has been crazy since he came to this world. Except for going around her for a day or two at first, and then having fun, he goes away for several days, but every time he comes back, he can bring her happiness. Same surprise.

Wu Qiao asked other people first, and after seeing everyone shaking their heads, he said: "I didn't see it, the fourth child always sees the head and sees the end, and with his urination, he must have sensed something good again, so he went to look for it. "

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