The Female Cannon Fodder Is Highly Poisonous

Chapter 3558 I am a master in the last days (12)

Before traveling through this world, 477 said that they had an internal meeting. As the most outstanding member of the new system, he was personally invited by the boss's boss to attend the meeting, which made 477 very happy.

But to say happy, it would be better to say apprehensive.

Before leaving, he looked at Ruan Tang quietly for a long time, his hesitation made Ruan Tang wonder if he had done something wrong to her.

But 477 righteous words swore to the Lord God that he would never betray Ruan Tang.

But when Ruan Tang stopped asking, he showed a guilty expression again.

477 thought he was hiding it well, but Ruan Tang still found out.

Afterwards, 477 went to attend the meeting, and Ruan Tang rested in the space station, just like every time she stayed in the space before, after she fell asleep, one picture after another would always flash in her mind.

Sometimes it is ancient times, sometimes it is modern times, sometimes it is cultivating immortals, and sometimes it is ghosts and gods.

The only thing that remains the same is her and that man.

This time is the same.

When she fell asleep, she went to a place that looked like an alien planet in a technology movie, but saw a man in a suit and leather shoes in a courtyard that looked like an ancient courtyard.

The man's face was like a mystery, changing his face every now and then, but without exception, they were all stunningly beautiful that did not exist in the world.

And this stunningly beautiful man walked towards her against the light.

The other's hand was placed on her hair, and the warm and gentle touch quickly spread to her brain.

It was a touch and smell that she was so familiar with that she could never forget.

Under the gentle caress of the other party, Ruan Tang fell into a deep sleep again.

Before she fell asleep, a handsome face that she had never seen before appeared before her. The thin lips of the other party were slightly parted, and she said a very strange sentence.

It's time to wake up.

wait for me.

After Ruan Tang woke up, everything in the dream was blurred, but he remembered these words and the man's breath clearly.

Who should wake up, her?

Who should she wait for, him?

Anyway, he could always wait for the answer, and Ruan Tang didn't hesitate, and after the 477 meeting was over, he plunged into the new mission world.

And 477, this time finally has a physical body, and he is still a teenager. For 477, this is something that makes him happier than getting points

Since the end of the world, he has been clinging to Ruan Tang all day long, as if he couldn't leave her for a moment, and sometimes he would say something like "If it wasn't for the boss, he would never have the chance to meet the Lord God".

From his attitude and reaction, it can be seen that Ruan Tang is the most critical reason for his career promotion.

Therefore, he was both a nanny and a younger brother, a military adviser and a guide. Whether it is basic necessities of life, food, housing, transportation or major affairs of the base, he is very dedicated.

After so long, Ruan Tang didn't care so much about the things in the last days, but 477 cared very much, thinking that the timing of his withdrawal was wrong, which made Ruan Tang lose the country he had fought so hard for.

This time, he wanted to return Ruan Tang a sea of ​​stars no matter what.

Since then, the 477 has been on the road forever.

He already had the ability to predict the plot, and he predicted a few things casually. After he succeeded, everyone in the base treated him like a treasure.

After Ruan Tang mentioned it, the others also realized that it seemed that Si Qiao had been away for a long time this time, and they were a little worried.

If Si Qiao's ability is discovered by people from other bases, the only two paths waiting for him are to be recruited or killed.

Just as Wu Qiao was about to say something, Ruan Tang shook his head and said, "Don't think wildly, Si Qiao will not betray me."

That little thing couldn't bear the price of betraying her.

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