The Female Cannon Fodder Is Highly Poisonous

Chapter 3566 I am a master in the last days (20)

After Huayu made some moves, let alone 477, everyone else sensed the strangeness of the atmosphere.

But Ruan Tang glanced over, Hua Yu lowered his head.

He doesn't say it, but his body has already shown his attitude.

He shouldn't have threatened and warned Ruan Tang's subordinates in front of Ruan Tang, but he was right, who made that little goblin play so much!

"Hey, don't be dumb, fifth child, go ask how the others are doing." Ruan Tang said.

Wu Qiao sighed lightly, it seems that the good show will not be over.

He called an assistant and went out to contact other people.

Ruan Tang looked around again, "This shopping mall doesn't look like it has been fought, but the area we passed is clean..."

Before she finished speaking, Hua Yu looked over with guilty eyes.

Just as Ruan Tang was about to ask, 477 pointed at the cat and said angrily, "That's because they took them away! Obviously I came here first, but there are so many of them, they robbed me as soon as they came, and kicked me out."

Hey, hey, if he can't beat him, he will file a complaint.

Ruan Tang gave a meaningful "Oh" and said intentionally, "Could it be that you are in the same camp as Xiang Kingdom?"

As soon as these words came out, the faces of everyone from Huayu to Huamao and his subordinates turned green.

Wouldn't it be insulting to say that they are on the same side as the Hunan base?

Huayu and Huasheng were elsewhere before, and there were Huamao and others in the mall. He looked at Huamao with a very ugly expression, "Say, what's going on?"

Huamao hesitated and didn't know what to say. He only said that he was wrong, and then apologized to 477, saying that he would return the supplies.

A younger brother behind him argued, "Boss, it's not Brother Mao's fault. It has nothing to do with Brother Mao. It was a private decision by the few of us. Our base has run out of supplies recently, so we just thought..."

At that time, they didn't know 477's identity, and they didn't know that 477's boss meeting was their boss' dream lover. As a result, the flood rushed into the Dragon King Temple, and the family no longer knew each other.

This is cleverly said, it comes down to a family, and the supplies naturally belong to the family.

They all belong to their own family, and they don't care who holds them.

But 477 was still very angry, and kept complaining to Ruan Tang, "Not only did they rob me of supplies, they also scolded me, saying that I was a jerk, that I couldn't lift my shoulders, that I didn't know if I crawled on someone else. Only the bed can lead the team out..."


A light and crisp voice sounded, and 477 trembled in fright. After confirming that he was not missing an arm or a leg, he immediately looked to the opposite side.

The man who just defended had one arm drooping weakly, apparently dislocated.

"Acknowledge the punishment if you make a mistake, don't try to find excuses for yourself in crooked ways." Hua Yu said coldly.

His rules have always been stern and serious, and his subordinates have never broken the rules. The only time he broke a rule was when he robbed Ruan Tang of supplies, which really discredited him!

The subordinate's face collapsed upon hearing this.

"Boss, Boss Ruan, this brother, I was wrong!" The subordinate no longer defended himself, but bowed at ninety degrees.

Then he had to accept the punishment according to Huahai's rules.

477 looked at it, but was a little embarrassed. Huan, who had just sued, couldn't bear to see that person being punished, so Ai Qiqi pulled Ruan Tang's sleeve to plead for mercy.

Ruan Tang thought to himself, it's too late.

The dog man has lost all face, and it is impossible not to punish him.

Hua Yu gave 477 a cold look, not blaming him for suing, but because he didn't like the little fairy next to his sweetheart.

But he can't do anything to 477, he can only restrain his own people.

In the next second, including Huamao, that team went out to receive the penalty without any complaints.

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