The Female Cannon Fodder Is Highly Poisonous

Chapter 3567 I am the Lord in the last days (21)

477, who was warned again, was discouraged, and did not dare to provoke the tiger anymore, so he found a reason to go out.

After a while, Wu Qiao sneaked in and said to Ruan Tang, "It's really rare. When the fourth brother also found out with conscience, guess what, the fourth brother actually sent snacks to those people."

Ruan Tang was really surprised: "Jerky?"

Wu Qiao nodded: "It's not bad, he is really willing."

In fact, they didn't think the jerky was very delicious, but the fourth child liked it very much.

Ruan Tang smiled without explaining.

When 477 was still a beginner, she always wanted to collect dried meat for her. Now that she has a body and tasted delicious food, she is naturally reluctant to give up.

As soon as Wu Qiao left, Ruan Tang glared at Hua Yu, "Your people are so majestic, you stole our supplies and made my baby feel guilty, it's really amazing."

Hua Yu: "..."

It's their fault that's right.

But can you not take a bite of a baby?

"Tell me about your base. I heard that you have even built a gunpowder depot. Is the next step going to be to manufacture weapons and ammunition?" This is what Ruan Tang is most concerned about.

All their current weapons were collected from various places after the end of the world, but manufacturing is the key to solving the problem.

Hua Yu also knew the importance, and immediately explained it to Ruan Tang.

Their base is actually very similar to Ruan Tang's Xingchenju in terms of business model, but what Huahai does is not as good as Xingchenju.

Whether it is medical treatment, technology, manufacturing or agriculture, Xingchenju is outstanding.

But Huahai, it’s probably because he has poor vision to choose a bad place, no matter how he grows, he can’t grow edible food, and breeding is not successful. Finally, he got a little piglet, raised it, and died of illness .

This is very bad luck.

Besides technology and medical treatment, although they have tried their best, they are not good at it, and they are not good at it. There is no way for a butcher to make a rocket.

In contrast, the manufacturing industry is a little more prominent.

If you want to hold onto your territory and survive in the last days, your weapons must be strong enough, and you must be ahead of any other base, so that you can live decently.

But for a pair of people in Xingchenju, looking at Ruan Tang and her subordinates who are clean from head to toe and have a ruddy complexion, and are clearly alive and well, not to mention the others in Huahai, even Huayu is quite sour.

Their decency, in the face of real decency, is not even shattered.

At the end of Hua Yu's speech, Ruan Tang couldn't help laughing, "Are you sore too?"

Hua Yu: "..."

Who is not sour?

He was sour when he didn't see anyone before but only heard his voice, and even more sour after seeing it with his own eyes!

Those frogs in the well in Xiangguo are like fools, it’s fine if they don’t like Xingchenju, and they say that Xingchenju feeds the carrion from the corpses of animals and people.

Is it true that the supernatural being is a fool?

"It used to be quite sour, but not now." Hua Yu said honestly.

Ruan Tang: "Oh? What's the difference now, you can also raise pigs?"

Hua Yu: "..."

Regarding the issue of raising pigs, there were too many jokes at Xingchenju.

Before reuniting with Ruan Tang, they heard the latest joke from a few people named Dongporou, the giant panda in Xingchenju.

Thinking of this, Hua Yu's scorching eyes locked on Ruan Tang again, and asked amusedly, "I heard that there is an expert pig breeder named Zhu Qiang in your base. I wonder if the leader can lend me him for a few days?"

Ruan Tang frowned, "He can raise pigs but can't give birth to cubs. What do you want to do to him?"

Hua Yu: "..."

It's as if he borrowed the pig to be strong in order to make the pig strong to conceive and give birth to cubs!

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