The Female Cannon Fodder Is Highly Poisonous

Chapter 3816 After picking up the villain, I lay down and won (60)

When Chu Yu came out of the room again, the three girls had already left, leaving Chairman Chu and Chu's mother angry in the living room.

"Chu Yu, what did you go to do today?" Chu Mu asked.

He secretly went to an unimportant person's graduation ceremony, and brought home the clothes worn by others. Is he afraid that they won't know that he likes that girl who is five or six years older than him?

Chu Yu walked slowly to the sofa and sat down. What was broadcast on TV was an interview with Ruan Tang after he became the champion of the college entrance examination.

The reporter asked her how ordinary people could score as well as her in the test, and Ruan Tang said it was impossible.

No one else is her.

The reporter who interviewed her also interviewed her when she was just out of the exam room. At that time, she asked how you felt in the exam. Ruan Tang pointed to the school gate and said that her name would be hung there in a few days.

At that time, many people laughed. Some said she was confident, some said she was arrogant, and some said she was optimistic and self-deprecating.

Later, Ruan Tangzhen became the number one scholar, and looking at this paragraph in reverse, many people were shocked.

The papers in province A that year were very difficult, and the scores were lowered, but there were also many high-scoring candidates, but Ruan Tang was only a few points away from the perfect score. It is said that there were mistakes in writing rather than wrong answers. Her score was several points higher than the second place.

Afterwards, some people picked out that Grandpa Ruan Tang was Professor Qu, saying that the mathematics that year was so difficult, but Ruan Tang got a perfect score. Who knows if Ruan Tang got the answer in advance.

Ruan Tang didn't need to respond, University A, who had booked Ruan Tang from Professor Qu, responded.

There was no need for Ruan Tang to make a set of math papers on the spot. They took out Ruan Tang's results of skipping grades and entering higher education since he entered school, and then made public the evaluation of Ruan Tang by several respected old professors from the School of Mathematics and the School of Computer Science.

The doubters shut their mouths after seeing Ruan Tang's grades all the way and the time difference when she skipped a grade.

Now playing is a fan-edited compilation of Ruan Tang's interviews.

Now it was her turn to graduate, and the same reporter from before asked her how she felt about graduating from college.

Ruan Tang said that University A is very good, the teachers and leaders are very good, and the students are also very good, so she chose to postpone her graduation for half a year.

Because it would not hurt the self-esteem of those students who entered the school at the same time as her and called her a school girl.

After that, the reporter interviewed A college student.

Student 1: "Although we have not been comforted, we have received the care and consideration of the senior sister. Thank you for the 'care' of the senior sister!"

This person used the word "take care" in a very strong tone, with a bit of gnashing of teeth.

Student 2: "To be honest, if you don't say that, Ruan Tang, we may not realize what your skipping a grade has to do with our self-esteem. Now let me cry first."

Student 3: "University A is very good, the teachers are very good, and the students are very good, but you just want to leave, don't you? We have so many good schools and such good people, but we can't keep you. I want to reflect on why!"

The reporter couldn't help laughing, and then Ruan Tang specially answered this question after he became a graduate student, and the address had changed.

She said: "Student, you are wrong. I am reluctant to part with University A and you."

The main reason is that there are too few schools like University A where almost everyone is obsessed with academic research and immersed in a cultural atmosphere.

There is no intrigue, no intrigue, and everyone is working hard for an ideal learning environment.

She is also a part of it.

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