The Female Cannon Fodder Is Highly Poisonous

Chapter 3817 After picking up the villain, I lie down and win (61)

After that interview was broadcast, University A became the first choice for countless college entrance examination students to apply for the school.

They also want to see what a school looks like that can make this gifted student feel grateful and appreciated from the bottom of their hearts, and they also want to feel the atmosphere of being immersed in academic research!

If this is the case for outsiders, let alone the feelings of the teachers and students of University A.

Although Ruan Tang's arrogance makes people feel helpless and hurts "self-esteem", but based on her affirmation of University A and the teachers and students, they will continue to love and support Ruan Tang.

After that, there was another interview after Ruan Tang became a graduate student, which was the evaluation of Ruan Tang by the masters and students of A after Ruan Tang's speech.

The teachers' evaluation of Ruan Tang is very consistent. She is a good student, a good student, smart and creative. She may have concentrated all the characteristics of students that teachers like.

When it comes to students, it is very strange.

Student A: "Sister Ruan Tang is very good, if she is not so tall! I remember one time when we went to support teaching, the local students would ask her for anything, because she is the tallest and most leadership person among us. , but in fact I am the captain! How can you ignore my love of 2.2 meters just because I am 1.5 meters tall!"

Student B: "The past is unbearable! I still remember the freshman debate meeting in the first year of freshman year. We had a good debate with the opposing party. We were about to win. I don't know where the opposing party found a 1.7 meter tall and calm The calm and composed senior sister put us off the stage of history as soon as she opened her mouth. Only after the debate ended did she find out that the other party was only fifteen years old, and she was a freshman just like us. She really became a senior sister..."

When it came to student C, it was another confession, "A glimpse of the library, let me end the daily life of single mother and fetus, and from then on, my world is nothing but studying..."

Someone next to him laughed and said that he was not good at studying, and then student C was heartbroken and said that he would give up his senior sister to specialize in studies, and that he would be seen by his senior sister only if he studied well.

Seeing this, a smile appeared on Chu Yu's face.

Xindao, even if you study well, Ruan Tang won't pay attention to you!

Then, there is no more.

The TV was turned off by the first mother.

She was still wondering why the person who didn't like to sit and watch TV with them since childhood suddenly changed his temper. It turned out that it was because of that vixen.

"Chu Yu, did you hear me talking to you?" Chu's mother said a lot in the past half a day, most of which were to remind and warn Chu Yu not to play with Ruan Tang and others who have no family background.

Is he crazy if he insists on playing with a few unwanted wild children instead of making friends with so many people from good families and high backgrounds?

As soon as the TV was turned off, Chu Yu's expression became as indifferent as before, "What did you say?"

First mother: "..."

She took a deep breath to avoid getting angry, and said patiently: "I said you should cut off relations with those people immediately. What good do they have? You can associate with them and attend more banquets in the future. Miss Qin, Miss Han, Miss Fang and the others very nice……"

"Can you tell Chu Jue about this kind of thing?"

Chu Yu's eyes were full of sarcasm, "It's not what you said, my fate is good, I was reincarnated in the Chu family and became the young master of the Chu family, and I was born with everything that ordinary people can't have, and the fate of Chu Jue needs you to plan for him?

Miss Qin, Miss Han, Miss Fang... Miss Fang is not good, her family background is too inconspicuous to help Chujue, but Miss Qin and Miss Han's family background is too good, if she really married Chujue, her mother-in-law might be wronged Yes, I advise my mother to choose carefully. "

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