The Female Cannon Fodder Is Highly Poisonous

Chapter 4291 cannon fodder her father is Long Aotian (35)

On the fifth day after arriving in Qinghe, Qi Shaojing, who had settled the family affairs, sent someone to send a post. In two days, he will hold a banquet at Chunmanlou to make amends to Ruan Minwen.

At the same time, he also invited a few friends, some from aristocratic families, and some knowledgeable literati like Chang Yin, to enjoy the plum together.

It is very difficult for businessmen to enter the circle of their aristocratic children, and even if they participate, it will be very embarrassing because there are not many common topics.

But these problems did not exist in Ruan Minwen.

Even Mr. Chang Yinchang, who was highly respected by Qinghe literati, was impressed by him, let alone others.

"You go to the banquet, I'll do it at home." Ruan Tang saw what Ruan Minwen was thinking when he clearly wanted to go but hesitated.

It would be too inappropriate for Ruan Minwen to bring his daughter to their gathering of men.

Ruan Minwen: "Father is worried about letting you stay at home alone."

Ruan Tang glanced at the servant girl who was standing by and said helplessly, "What's there to worry about? I'm at home, with so many people watching, can I still grow wings and fly?"

Ruan Minwen's heart skipped a beat, thinking of their father and daughter's adventure, he thought that it was not impossible.

Seeing that he was really thinking about the issue of "flying away", Ruan Tang was even more speechless, "Then I will go to the shop and bring a few more people to watch over it. If you miss me, just send someone to the store to check it out."

No, it's less safe outside than at home.

Although Qinghe's law and order is not bad, it doesn't mean that there are no bad guys, especially his precious daughter is so cute, it's too easy to be missed.

But if you put it at home, it's a bit far away.

Ruan Tang stopped talking, Ruan Minwen struggled for a while, and finally decided to take Ruan Tang to the store, and pick up Zai Zai after the spring is over.


"Daddy left?" Ruan Tang sat on the soft couch, playing with a string of jasper beads.

The shopkeeper came in wiping the sweat from his brow, and responded with emotion, "Master is very worried about Miss, so he told his subordinates at the door for a while, and then he turned around and went to the banquet."

Ruan Tang didn't raise his head, and said "Thanks for your hard work".

Shopkeeper: "..."

The master is weird, and the young lady is even weirder.

A child who is only three years old is a bit too old.

His mind is full of the master's explanation, he doesn't need to do business today, he must concentrate on taking good care of the young lady, and bring the fun things to the young lady for her to play with.

After a while, he would ask Ruan Tang if he was hungry, so that he could ask the buddy to buy it, but Ruan Minwen was more thoughtful than he thought, so he sent Manager Chen to send it over.

"Miss, take your time, I'll go back and report to you." Chen Gui was carrying a food box, which was a good snack from Chunman upstairs.

When it was lunch time, Ruan Laosan brought Chunmanlou's buddy again, and he came to accompany Ruan Tang for lunch.

"Third Uncle, please reassure Daddy that I will be fine here."

Ruan Tang's words passed on, and Ruan Minwen was indeed safe.

But some people are restless.

"Shopkeeper, I heard that Mr. Ruan's daughter is here? It's a coincidence that she came earlier. I made some snacks and planned to send them to the mansion. I didn't expect the little girl to be here, which saved my time." Miss Qi Er still dressed so eye-catchingly.

The shopkeeper got a headache when he heard her talk.

At first, he liked Miss Qi Er quite a bit. After all, as long as he came to the door, he would do business, and sometimes he would bring her ladies along.

But ever since he knew that she had taken a fancy to the master, the shopkeeper became a little afraid of her.

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