The Female Cannon Fodder Is Highly Poisonous

Chapter 4292 cannon fodder her father is Long Aotian (36)

"Shopkeeper, didn't you hear what I said? Get out of the way, Mr. Ruan is not here, you big men can't take care of children well, let me talk to her."

As soon as Miss Qi Er opened her mouth, not only the shopkeeper was embarrassed, but even her maid showed a embarrassed expression.

Everyone knows that the owner of these shops under the banner of "Ruan's" is a handsome and talented young man, whose appearance is better than Pan An's.

Even in the aristocratic family, there are some people who plan to seek Ruan Minwen as a husband-in-law for the family concubine.

Later, this man said that he had been married and had a child. Although some people's thoughts were dispelled, some people still thought that the wife he married must be a country girl, who was illiterate, and her color must not be as good as theirs. These people want to replace it wholeheartedly.

Not long ago, new news spread that this wife died young, leaving only a 13-year-old daughter who was very much loved by him.

Some rational people who don't want to be wronged, don't want to be wronged, don't want to be stepmothers, and don't want to raise children for others have given up their thoughts, but there are also people who want to marry and have their own children instead, and what's more, they want to end this matter. child……

Before Second Miss Qi went out, the servant girl tried to persuade her several times. Last time Miss Qi went out and caused trouble, even they were punished by the master and wife. If it weren't for the kindness of the young master, they might not be able to move at this moment.

Now when she heard her forcefully wanting to see Miss Ruan's family, the servant girl's expression changed, and she quickly tried to persuade her, even mentioning the young master specifically.

The Patriarch doesn't want to make his concubine sad and is reluctant to punish Miss, but the Young Master won't be so soft-hearted.

Who would have thought that when Miss Qi Er heard the word "young lord", she would have a new idea, "You don't know whose appointment Mr. Ruan is going to, do you? My brother is having a banquet at Chunmanlou, and Mr. Ruan also It's inconvenient for the girl from the Ruan family to go with her there, so he specially asked me to come and take care of her."

Maid: "..."

Shopkeeper: "..."

If Young Master Qi could say such words, they would be able to take his head off on the spot.

Second Miss Qi Yunying is not married, Mr. Ruan is alone now, Young Master Qi is crazy and can make his younger sister take the initiative to help the outsider manage the family background and raise his daughter, wouldn't the reputation of the Qi family be lost?

Never expected that a lady from a dignified family would be able to make up such a lie.

The servant girl turned pale with fright, and pulled her sleeves to pull them out, "Miss, it will be the old lady's birthday soon, didn't you want to copy the Buddhist scriptures for the old lady to pray for blessings? Did you forget?"

Second Miss Qi didn't care, "It's just copying the scriptures, I'll copy them when I go back, what's important now is the girl of the Ruan family, she's only three years old, I can't just ignore her."

After saying this, both the shopkeeper and the maid embarrassedly picked out a Cuju field.

Seeing that Second Miss Qi didn't even want face, was full of lies, and wanted to see Ruan Tang even at the expense of the Qi family's reputation, the shopkeeper also sank.

"I'm really sorry. My master has ordered that no one should disturb the lady. Just now, Miss Cai had already had a rest after lunch. If Second Miss Qi really cares about the child, it's better not to disturb her!" said the shopkeeper.

Miss Qi Er was taken aback when she heard the words, even a shopkeeper dared to speak to her like this, she almost lost her temper.

But thinking about whose territory this is, he didn't dare to be presumptuous, but his tone was really bad, "The shopkeeper said this, I have seen that girl, she grew up like a flower and like a jade, and anyone who sees her will love her, I feel sorry for it before it's too late, How can I bear to wake her up?"

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