Lin Yunfeng glanced at Jiang Chan: "Who made her quiet? Don't you like to trouble others?"

Jiang Chan's whole mind was immersed in the case, and she kept debating the various conditions of the patient Wang Haibo in her mind. Burns, she had seen them in the hospital back then, but she had never done it on the spot.

But now the trouble is not the burns, but other diseases. Why hasn't he woken up yet? It would be a pity for such a good young man to become a vegetative person.

Jiang Chan was thinking, Qin Rongjin didn't dare to influence her, she just sat aside and glanced at her from time to time. They all hoped that Wang Haibo would be well, after all, it was a living human life.

When they arrived at the city hospital around 4:00 pm, Jiang Chan and the others were undoubtedly very eye-catching. Yishui'er's camouflage makes her legs longer. If Qin Rongjin and others didn't describe her as solemn, it is estimated that many people would want to come over and ask for contact information.

Qin Rongjin had a clear purpose and went straight to the dean's office. They came suddenly, and Wang Haibo had a special status. If they wanted to see Wang Haibo, they always had to say hello to his attending physician.

Lin Yunfeng and Jin Liyang walked beside Jiang Chan like two javelins, staring at the surroundings like falcons. Li Juan and Huang Li were even more nervous, and they were all cautious.

In the dean's office, after hearing about Qin Rongjin's purpose, Jiang Chan pushed over a certificate: "This is my certificate, I want to see this patient."

The dean opened it and took a look: "Dr. Jiang? I'll take you to see this patient, but he is still in the ICU, and others can't come and go at will."

Jiang Chan nodded: "I understand, I want to see Wang Haibo's situation on the spot."

She already has a medical case in mind, but how to implement it depends on Wang Haibo's situation.

Outside the ICU, as soon as Qin Rongjin showed up, Wang Haibo's parents and family members gathered around, all of them looking at Qin Rongjin with hopeful eyes. Qin Rongjin patted Dad Wang's hand: "this is Jiang Chan, let her go in and see the situation first."

Seeing that Jiang Chan's face is so tender, the Wang family's parents didn't show any other expressions. After all, they can't do anything now. They can only hope that the doctor is really capable.

Jiang Chan followed the dean and Wang Haibo's attending physician into the ICU. Jiang Chan swept his eyes and quickly locked Wang Haibo's bed. His attending physician stood by the bed and picked up the shelf beside the bed to see With a glance, "The current value is fairly stable."

Jiang Chan glanced at it, and she saw all those values ​​in her eyes. She leaned slightly in front of Wang Haibo's hospital bed, her fingers resting on Wang Haibo's pulse.

Wang Haibo's attending physician was surprised: "Traditional Chinese medicine?"

Jiang Chan nodded slightly, and calmly felt Wang Haibo's pulse. Five minutes later, Jiang Chan stood up straight. She took the medical record folder in the hand of the attending doctor, and after looking through the records of the previous days, her brows gradually loosened.

Dr. Liu was curious: "Dr. Jiang, do you have a solution?"

Jiang Chan: "I was only half sure, but now it's eight points. Go out and talk, they should be in a hurry."

Outside the ICU, Wang's mother kept pacing: "They have been in for 20 minutes, will something happen?"

Qin Rongjin leaned against the wall: "If you have something to do, you should be busy. It's very calm at the moment."

Wang Haibo's wife Su Xueyao pinched her fingers, hoping that when the doctors came out, they could tell them good news.

Soon Jiang Chan strode out of the ICU, and Qin Rongjin walked to her side in a few steps: "How is it?"

Jiang Chan glanced at the hopeful Wang family: "The situation is good, I have 80% confidence that he will wake up. But Wang Haibo's treatment is not a short-term process, at least a month, I don't have time to delay here all the time, I have what I have. There are many things."

Qin Rongjin immediately understood what Jiang Chan meant: "You mean to transfer Haibo to the hospital in the capital?"

Jiang Chan nodded: "It's the best, now it's up to you guys. If you don't want to be transferred, I'll leave a medical record. As for how to implement it here..."

Su Xueyao immediately decided: "We will go to the hospital in the capital, Dr. Jiang, Hai Bo will ask you."

Dad Wang also nodded: "Yes, you are Haibo's friend's sister, we all believe in you."

Mother Wang wiped away her tears: "Since Haibo's accident, we haven't heard a good news. Now that Haibo is like this, it's better for us to give it a go. The worst result is this..."

Jiang Chan: "Don't worry, his condition won't be worse than it is now. If you make up your mind, you can transfer him to a hospital as soon as possible. As for the follow-up process, please follow up, Dr. Liu and I still have some things to discuss."

Qin Rongjin's brows relaxed a lot, and he rubbed Jiang Chan's head: "Okay, go ahead and leave the next thing to us."

Huang Juan and Li Li followed behind Jiang Chan to Dr. Liu's office. Qin Rongjin and Lin Yunfeng went to work on Wang Haibo's transfer and contact the hospital in the capital, but these were not big issues.

While Qin Rongjin was busy dealing with these matters, Jiang Chan was in Dr. Liu's office arguing with those doctors. After all, the patient Wang Haibo is quite famous here. They consulted several times, but each time they could not come up with any plan.

But now a little girl of seventeen or eighteen suddenly came, and she opened her mouth and said that she had a way. This group of doctors gathered together, just to hear what Jiang Chan said. UU reading

After communicating like this for about half an hour, Jiang Chan explained his thoughts clearly. One of the doctors pushed the glasses: "What Dr. Jiang said is very reasonable, why don't we just follow what Dr. Jiang said? Let's follow up the situation as well?"

Jiang Chan shook his head: "It's not convenient for me to stay here longer. Wang Haibo will be transferred to the military hospital in the capital. If you are curious about his treatment, I will contact you at any time."

These doctors are also human beings. Seeing Jiang Chan's words with such certainty, they knew that their idea would not come true. Of course, they could also see Jiang Chan's temperament. Although he looked gentle, he was actually very strong, so he said no.

Looking at the guards walking beside her, they didn't dare to inquire too much.

Around 6:00 pm, Wang Haibo's family boarded the helicopter and headed for the military hospital in the capital.

Knowing that Wang Haibo can still be saved, the atmosphere on the return journey was much more relaxed. Jin Liyang patted Jiang Chan's shoulder: "Hua, you are so amazing!"

Jiang Chan shrugged: "It's alright, change your mind. How about I went to the hospital for a period of time recently? To save my uncle from always nagging me, saying that I have been staying in the laboratory."

Qin Rongjin: "Also, I'm worried that after you go, the hospital won't let you go. By the way, where did you get that certificate? Why don't I know?"

Lin Yunfeng touched his nose: "I know, I sent it here at the beginning."


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