The atmosphere of the few of them chatting was very relaxed, and the worries of the Wang family's parents were relieved. Mother Wang approached Jiang Chan: "Doctor Jiang, can Hai Bo really wake up?"

Jiang Chan pointed at his knee: "I never say anything I am not sure about."

At about 8:00 in the morning, Jiang Chan went to the ward with the superior doctor in a white coat. This is the third week that she has come to the hospital for consultation. As soon as she opened the door, Jiang Chan saw Su Xueyao's bright smiling face.

"Doctor Jiang is here? Hai Bo is doing well today. He just had breakfast and is now able to get out of bed and take two steps."

The chief doctor looked at Wang Haibo's various values, and then smiled: "Yes, it will take a few days to be discharged from the hospital."

Wang's father and Wang's mother rubbed their hands in excitement, not knowing what to say. Jiang Chan smiled: "You guys are busy, Director Lu and I will go round the room."

"Xiao Jiang, it's a pity not to stay in the hospital to work with your medical skills."

After walking around the ward, Director Lu sat down in the office and looked at the slim girl in front of him with a pity.

Jiang Chan quickly packed her things: "Nothing to regret, I'm not glowing in the hospital, but I can do the same in other places. I've been troubled by Director Lu for the past three weeks, and I should go back."

She came here originally for Wang Haibo, but now that Wang Haibo's situation has improved, she should go back and do her own thing. She still remembers the car Qin Wenbang prepared for her, why would she want to stay here longer?

Jiang Chan came here for an internship for three weeks, and she didn't bring much, so she didn't go to say goodbye to Wang Haibo's family.

Besides, she still has some experience in pharmacy. Since she awakened her spiritual power, she has not done pharmacy in the real world. It seems that it is time to toss out pharmacy.

Thinking about this in my mind, it didn't delay Jiang Chan's packing. In less than 20 minutes, Jiang Chan's car left the military hospital and galloped towards the troops.

When Jiang Chan came back, Qin Rongjin happened to be there, and they also kept an eye on Wang Haibo's situation. Although they knew that Wang Haibo's situation had improved, didn't they see Jiang Chan? They are inevitably a little worried.

Seeing Jiang Chan come back and ask carefully, the last trace of worry is gone. Qin Rongjin leaned on Jiang Chan's shoulder: "I still have the ability. This is a great thing to save a family."

Jiang Chan said lightly: "Although Wang Haibo woke up, this injury will have an impact on his career. He can no longer engage in such a dangerous profession in the future, his body does not allow it."

Lin Yunfeng thought openly: "It is a blessing to be able to recover a life. He knows in his heart the importance of life and work."

Jin Liyang: "This is also true, only being alive is the most important thing. You let him choose, and he must be the same. If he can live, who wants to lie in bed for the rest of his life?"

Jiang Chan: "He can think about it himself. By the way, when will you go on a mission? I'll prepare something for you."

Qin Rongjin: "The day after tomorrow, the troops will prepare what should be prepared."

Jiang Chan glanced at Qin Rongjin: "Just keep it for you, I have some new ideas recently, do you want to try it?"

Lin Yunfeng raised his eyebrows: "What good thing?"

Jiang Chan said succinctly: "Mental potion, do you want to say whether you want it?"

Jin Liyang rushed over and said, "If they don't want it, give it to me. You are too capable!"

Jiang Chan smiled: "Don't play tricks, go to the laboratory with me now?"

In the laboratory, Jin Liyang was holding a medicinal herb in his hand, and his eyes were almost squeezed into cross-eyed eyes, and he managed to separate out some impurities. Seeing Jiang Chan's movements, Jin Liyang pouted.

"Hua, it feels like you've done it many times, it's not hard at all."

Jiang Chan frowned without wrinkling: "I'm a genius."

Qin Rongjin and Lin Yunfeng laughed softly over there. They are also very interested in this potion now. If they can do it by themselves, it will save Jiang Chan from worrying about following behind, after all, they also have mental power.

The potion itself is a very meticulous work. Qin Rongjin and a few are the elites of the army, and they can calm down. After it sank carefully, it didn't take long for it to be done well.

Jiang Chan didn't want them to make potions as soon as they came up, and now help her to get rid of the impurities in the raw materials. She herself is the last step, the medicine making.

While they were busy, many people were already standing outside the laboratory. Qin Wenbang stood at the front, looking at Jiang Chan in a white coat and holding various test-tube injections, Qin Wenbang's eyes were full of pride.

It is said that the girls of their Qin family are the best!

After all, he has been a master of pharmacy for several lifetimes. Jiang Chan can make finished products extremely fast, and practice makes perfect. The first thing she made was naturally a spiritual potion, which was the spiritual potion that was regarded as a standard in the interstellar era.

After all, Qin Rongjin's physical fitness is very good, and they have all the common medicines around them, but they can't do anything about mental power. In this way, Jiang Chan is more at ease with the restorative medicine.

As soon as the fiery red nourishing potion came out, it was carefully held in the palm of a researcher's hand. After obtaining Jiang Chan's consent, he took a drop for various tests.

Suddenly, all the researchers outside the window left, leaving only Qin Wenbang and a few leaders.

Looking at the ten restorative potions on the table, Jin Liyang's breathing was a little short. They just smelled it, and they felt that their minds were much clearer, and their mental power seemed to be calmer.

Jiang Chan raised her eyebrows: "You each have one, and the rest will be distributed by the uncle."

Look inside and come to an Qin Wenbang knocked on the window, and after getting Jiang Chan's consent, Qin Wenbang walked in with great strides. He restrainedly touched Jiang Chan's head: "Well done."

Jiang Chan wrinkled her nose: "Unfortunately, only people with spiritual power can make potions, and learning this potion is not something that can be learned in a short time."

As she said, she glanced at Qin Rongjin. Now the elites in the army have the mental power. It seems unrealistic for them to spend time and energy on learning potion making.

But at present, she is alone, and even if she is exhausted, she can't do that much.

Qin Wenbang thought openly: "That's okay, talents can be cultivated slowly in the future. In the future, when Qin Rongjin can't get a job without training, he will come to you to learn from you."

Jiang Chan: "I don't care, as long as they are happy."

While a few people were talking, a burst of exclamations erupted from the laboratory next door. Jiang Chan raised her eyebrows slightly, apparently the test results over there came out.


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