Now that the potion has passed the bright road in front of everyone, Jiang Chan is not hiding it, and will soon toss out the healing potion, blood supplement and so on. As for the rejuvenation potion that once sold sky-high prices in Interstellar, due to the lack of raw materials, Jiang Chan was helpless.

But dozens of drugs were placed on the test bench, which still left everyone stunned. Seeing everyone's surprised eyes, Jiang Chan explained, "I was originally a Chinese medicine practitioner, and these medicines are basically derived from various Chinese medicine prescriptions."

"For example, this antidote is based on the prescription of the detox pill, but the production method is different."

Jiang Chan picked up the bottle of antidote and shook it a little, her eyes very calm.

"Actually, the efficacy of the drug is similar to that of existing medicines, but the effect of the drug is faster."

A researcher sighed: "This is already very powerful. It is really a matter of life and death. Every minute of delay may cause great variables."

Jiang Chan: "Then I can't do anything about it. It's your business to promote it."

A leader next to Qin Wenbang smiled and said, "This is natural, and everything can't be put on Jiang Bo."

Jiang Chan snapped his fingers; "That's right, there are so many talented people in the country, cultivate them slowly, and there will always be a way in the future."

Even if the technology in the interstellar era is so advanced, the potions are still hand-made by pharmacists. Jiang Chan knows that it is impossible to mass-produce potions. Wanting the general public is simply unrealistic.

Qin Wenbang: "You don't seem to be optimistic about the process-based production of pharmaceuticals."

Jiang Chan nodded: "I'm really not optimistic. The production of medicines is very demanding, and the laboratory cannot produce medicines."

Qin Wenbang nodded: "Okay, now it's the icing on the cake to have medicines. As for what to do in the future, maybe there will be more and more people with spiritual power in the future? At that time, maybe the promotion of medicines will be easier."

Jiang Chan chuckled: "Maybe, I don't know if I can see it in my lifetime."

Qin Wenbang patted her head: "What nonsense? You are still young, and now the country is developing rapidly, you will always see that scene."

"There is nothing special about these medicines, they are mainly nourishing medicines. There are ready-made substitutes for other medicines." Jiang Chan picked up the medicines and didn't feel distressed at all.

What she does most now is restorative medicine. After all, there are not many people with S-level spiritual power. At present, she can still supply, and there are not many things that can damage mental power.

The reason why she took out the nourishing potion was because she was prepared.

She doesn't feel bad for those potions, those researchers are different, and she can't wait to hug them all. This is an excellent research object, and they have long been envious, okay?

Seeing a few researchers staring at her, Jiang Chan spread out her hands and took out two bottles of Veritas Potion and put them aside.

"I've already kept a few copies, and you can share the rest."

Several researchers rushed forward, and soon Jiang Chan's laboratory was empty.

Seeing that it was all her own people, Jiang Chan didn't hide it, so she ordered the two bottles of vomit potion: "This is the potion of vomit, as the name suggests, as long as he drinks this potion, he won't be able to tell a lie. "

The stern leader suddenly said anxiously: "Really?"

Jiang Chan: "Of course I won't tell lies, try it and you'll know."

It is said that when he was in the interstellar space, the Veritaserum Potion had always been firmly controlled by the military, and it had never flowed out. But the reputation of Veritaserum Potion is famous on the black market, and it has always been priceless.

She pushed the two bottles of potions in front of the leader: "It's the little thing that was tossed out on a whim recently. It's the best choice for you. It's useless for me to hold it in my hand."

The leader carefully put away the Veritaserum Potion, as if he was holding some peerless treasure. Jiang Chan also roughly guessed his occupation, thinking that the potion of the truth would come in handy for him.

Jiang Chan only kept two bottles of restorative potions, and the rest of the potions were distributed to Qin Rongjin and several others. They are both relatives and friends, so it is natural to arm them to the teeth.

Although she hoped that they would never use the medicine, she would feel more at ease with these with her.

The potion is just a small episode in her life. After Qin Rongjin and a few people went on a mission, Jiang Chan began her journey of destruction. Qin Wenbang had already prepared a vehicle for her, and now he is waiting for her to study it.

After all, she had never been in contact with her before, so Jiang Chan was a bit bumpy at first. But when she calmed down to study, she also found joy in it.

Jiang Chan has always been addicted to doing things, and has a kind of energy that can't survive without madness. Qin Wenbang is worried and proud when he sees it. Perhaps it is these stubborn people who have been able to make achievements since ancient times.

Seeing that the little milk fat that Jiang Chan had finally grown up a few days ago began to lose weight again, Qin Wenbang was a little worried. If he cares, he will be confused. After all, he is his own child, and he still feels distressed.

After thinking about it like this, until Qin Wenbang received a call from Qin Wen'an.

Jiang Chan is addicted to doing things. When she is busy, she can't take care of her mobile phone and so on. Professor Xu came to Jiang Chan just for the school lecture. Seeing that it was almost a month since the new students started school, Jiang Chan hadn't been back to school even once.

Although she doesn't need to go to class, it is always arranged to have two lectures per semester. Professor Xu came to ask Jiang Chan's opinion. Unfortunately, Jiang Chan's mobile phone is usually silent, so it can't get through at all.

The old professor called Qin Wen'an directly, and he couldn't believe that his parents couldn't find Jiang Chan! Hence the present one.

Jiang Chan wiped the oil off her hands: "What is my dad looking for from me?"

Qin Wenbang: "Professor Xu is looking for you, UU reading about your going back to school to give a lecture."

Jiang Chan stroked her forehead: "I forgot about this. It's been almost two months since the new year, and I haven't gone back. It happened that I went back to live for two days this time, so I changed my mind."

Now she understands everything that should be dismantled and understood, and the rest is up to her. How to modify it, how to improve its efficiency, etc., still need Jiang Chan to think about it.

It is naturally impossible to build a hover vehicle in one step. Everything is a gradual process, take it slowly.

Qin Wenbang: "Okay, it's time for you to rest too. The meat you raised so easily is falling down again."

Jiang Chan smiled brightly, "It's early, not late, I guess the courtyard is clean now, and it's a good time to go back. It just so happens that I have other things to deal with, and it seems that my bracelet is still by Zhong Min's side. "


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