Latest website: Around half past six, Jiang Chan opened the car door, and a sports car happened to drive over at this time. After seeing the owner's face clearly, Jiang Chan smiled slightly, young man, it's you.

Holding the young man's arm, Jiang Chan walked into the banquet hall. After entering the banquet hall, Jiang Chan found a corner and waited for Song Miao's arrival.

As for the man who brought her in just now, he also went to chat with the bosses after a while, and he had no impression of the female companion who came in with him.

Holding a glass of champagne in his hand, Jiang Chan slowly looked at the door. During this period, many young talents came in one after another. When he saw a few of them, Jiang Chan suddenly raised his eyebrows slightly.

Those few should have been taken away from their luck, and now they are looking at the top of the dark cloud. To be honest, they are able to stand here now, which also shows that Bunsen and their luck value is not low.

Jiang Chan's eyes swept across the three unlucky bastards, and then looked away again. When she solves the cottage system, the luck of these people will naturally be returned.

As for whether they can get through the current difficulties, what does that have to do with her?

Around seven o'clock, Song Miao walked in holding a man with a gloomy face. As soon as she walked in, it seemed that the entire banquet hall was lit up, and everyone in the room looked at her.

021 flew to Jiang Chan: "Boss, it's her, her halo is too bright, when will you do it, boss?"

Jiang Chan: "It's not easy to do things in front of everyone's eyes. I'll talk about it when she's single."

She waited for nearly an hour. Song Miao was like a butterfly, and seemed to be talking to everyone in the banquet hall. And the man Zheng Duo who came with her, his eyes became more and more gloomy.

Seeing that Song Miao was almost socializing, she was walking in the direction of the bathroom, and Jiang Chan slowly swayed out of the corner, casually following Song Miao's pace.

She appeared for a short time, but the people who should see it clearly saw it. After all, Lin Ning's appearance is still very capable, and with Jiang Chan's temperament bonus, it is also an eye-catching presence in the crowd.

After politely rejecting some conversations, Jiang Chan went to the bathroom smoothly. At that time, Song Miao was standing in front of the mirror to touch up her makeup. Suddenly seeing a pair of eyes in the mirror, Song Miao turned back subconsciously in shock.

Jiang Chan quietly closed the door of the bathroom and looked at Song Miao with great interest: "Does it feel good to get the system? It seems that you can play with everyone in the palm of your hand?"

Song Miao squeezed her lipstick tightly, her face remained calm, but there was already a storm in her heart.

She forced a smile: "I don't understand what you're talking about, I'm going out."

Jiang Chan chuckled lightly: "Don't be in a hurry to go out, you really know how to hide, but I've been looking for you for more than two months."

Song Miao's heart kept sinking. For more than two months, it happened to correspond to the time when the system was not working. Could it be that the system was hiding from her? What is she about?

Jiang Chan didn't want to talk too much with Song Miao, after all, everyone understood why the villain died of too much talk. This is not her right hand slightly raised, made a tearing action.

The plundering system originally hidden in the void was immediately dragged to the front by Jiang Chan. With such a simple action, the binding between the plundering system and Song Miao was simply and rudely cut off by Jiang Chan.

With the departure of the plundering system, Song Miao's appearance also changed. The previously radiant beauty immediately became unremarkable, and you may not be able to find it in the crowd.

Seeing that Song Miao was going to beg her for mercy, Jiang Chan ignored her, she pinched the looting system: "This guy is even darker than you, he has only been here for half a year, and he has already looted nearly 200 points of luck. Mention all the talents and gifts it plunders from others."

021 is not happy: "Big brother, Tong has already changed his mind and started again. You can't always talk about Tong's black history."

The plundering system will also wink, and it will start begging for mercy before Jiang Chan has it. As for the various benefits it promised, Jiang Chan was not moved at all.

With a firm squeeze of the right hand, the plundering system immediately shrank by more than half, and the whole body was also dimmed. Countless light spots flew out from it, these were all the luck points it plundered in the past six months.

Now these luck points are also in their own place. As for those who have been robbed of their luck points and talents, Jiang Chan doesn't pay attention to what they will do in the future. After all, with all this, it's a matter of time before they start over.

Seeing that such a small system that has been hiding for more than two months has no power to fight back in front of Jiang Chan, 021 shrinks, the boss is still the boss, and he must be obedient in the future.

Glancing at Song Miao one last time, Jiang Chan turned around and walked out of the bathroom. As for Song Miao's hysteria, etc., what does that have to do with her? When Song Miao plundered other people's luck talents, she didn't care about other people's life and death. Why did she flood the Virgin's heart?

After coming out of the bathroom, Jiang Chan was in a good mood, and 021 was also happy. This was not around Jiang Chan, and Rainbow blew a load of **** for the sake of the looting system.

Jiang Chan flicked it: "Go back and give it to you."

After the business is settled, Jiang Chan will not stay in this banquet hall too much. After all, it's true that she didn't come in without an invitation. If someone wants to check her later, it will inevitably be troublesome.

Therefore, Jiang Chan left the hotel as soon as he turned his heels. He was running around all day, so he ate some snacks at noon. When he was in the banquet hall at night, he stared at people, and he really didn't care about filling his stomach.

After filling her stomach, Jiang Chan went to the nearest hotel to rest. She plans to go back to N city tomorrow. Now that everything here is settled, it is meaningless to stay in S city.

Just sitting down in the room, 021 flew out, and the electronic eyes stared straight at Jiang what she wanted was obvious.

Jiang Chan threw the plundering system to it casually, and a tiger pounced in the air in 021, and soon all the scum of the plundering system was swallowed up. A stream of light flashed across 021's body, which was full of food and drink, and the light group looked a little bigger.

Jiang Chan flicked it away with one finger: "Go play, don't make trouble, come back before eight o'clock tomorrow."

021 hum hum chirp: "Tong is the best, and never makes trouble, and will be back on time."

It's going to see Song Miao's situation now, and what will she do if she loses the looting system that helped her turn over? Insanity? Or all kinds of unwillingness?

There should be all these emotions, after all, Yun Miaomiao was like that back then. Thinking of Yun Miaomiao, 021 suddenly sighed, and the first host bound in Tongsheng was unfavorable.

Alas, now people are swords and I am fish, and I don't know when Tong will be able to live a good life of freedom and freedom. Let's not mention the big boss Qingyuan, even Jiang Chan, there is no way to deal with it.


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