It is like a monkey at the foot of Wuzhi Mountain, which cannot turn the sky at all. With a heavy sigh, 021 happily ran to the hotel, and it also went to see the Reservoir Dogs.

Zhao Feifan has been particularly bad recently. Originally, he was a well-known young and talented business star in S City, but in the past six months, everything he has done has been unsatisfactory, and the company's performance has also declined sharply.

There are always all kinds of accidents when he goes out. Compared with before, he seems to have committed Tai Sui recently, and all kinds of things go wrong. Tonight's banquet, the reason why he came here was to see if he could find a way to save his company.

Before entering the banquet hall, he still felt heavy. But in the middle of the banquet, he suddenly felt light, and it seemed that his mind became clearer.

When he communicated with others again, some of the executives who were not optimistic about his company originally handed over olive branches. The same situation also happened to Wang Yifei and Liang Fang. The three of them are leaders in each other's fields, and it is inevitable that the three of them have met each other.

None of them were stupid, or should I say they were all pretty smart, and quickly found out what was wrong with them. The three of them sat down in a corner of the banquet hall and began to discuss their anomalies, but when they asked them to explain the reason, they couldn't say why, and all three fell into their own doubts for a while.

"Zheng Duo is very proud recently. Have you seen the female companion he brought today? It's very beautiful and very eye-catching."

Behind the sofa of the three, there was a sudden chatter, and Zhao Feifan and the others all pricked up their ears.

"It's really good-looking. It seems to be called Song Miao, right? That skin and figure are cheaper than Zheng Duo, and I don't know where he met the beautiful woman."

"Those who can walk with Zheng Duo are not the ones we can touch. Let's go, toast, don't fish here."

Soon the back of the sofa became quiet, while Zhao Feifan and the others fell silent.

Zhao Feifan: "I remember that I also knew Song Miao, like half a year ago? It seemed that I ate a few times at that time? But I never saw her again."

As soon as he said this, Wang Yifei and Liang Fang also remembered it, and their minds were clearer than ever before: "I know it too, and I also ate with her!"

"I remember that after I met Song Miao, I began to have bad luck, and my career gradually began to decline. How about you?"

"That's true. The key is that Song Miao's appearance has not been in my mind before, it seems that I just remembered it now."

Listening to Wang Yifei and Liang Fang's words, Zhao Feifei fell into deep thought and began to gradually peel off the cocoon.

"The three of us know Song Miao, and we are all equally unlucky. The key is that after we all know her, do you think this has anything to do with her?"

Wang Yifei: "It's very possible, what about Song Miao? Why isn't Zheng Duo by his side?"

Liang Fang glanced at the hall: "She's not in the banquet hall, let's go out and see."

Zhao Feifei stood up: "Let's go out first."

In the bathroom, Song Miao finally stood up. She stared at the ordinary self in the mirror for a long time, her eyes were very crazy: "I shouldn't be like this, I shouldn't..."

"Who the **** are you? Give me back my stuff!"

When Zhao Feifei and the others came over, they happened to hear the voice in the lady's bathroom. The three stood still outside the bathroom and listened to venting inside.

But it was these two sentences that they went over and over again, and there was no more useful information at all. Liang Fang's temper was not very good, so he knocked on the bathroom door vigorously.

I only heard a chaotic sound from inside, and soon a woman came out of it. She deliberately avoided the sight of the three of them, and shrank her shoulders to bypass them.

Of course Song Miao wanted to leave. She knew what she had done, but she didn't expect to be blocked by Zhao Feifan so quickly. It is because of their luck value that she can exchange more buffs from the looting system.

Now that her outer halo has all disappeared, have these three returned to normal? Thinking of this, Song Miao could not wait to be as far away from these three as possible.

Liang Fang was full of arrogance, but this did not directly block Song Miao. He raised Song Miao's face, looked at it carefully, and said, "So you look like this."

Zhao Feifan and Wang Yifei also saw Song Miao's true face, which can only be said to be very ordinary.

Zhao Feifan frowned, "So what is going on here?"

When the three of them were puzzled, Song Miao pushed Liang Fang away with a panicked expression: "I don't know anything!"

Liang Fang was pushed to the wall by surprise. He grinded his back molars: "Song Miao must have a secret. First, go to the hotel to get the surveillance camera to see who she met today. Why is it so abnormal?"

small book booth

After all, they were once the proud sons of the sky, and the three of them soon got the surveillance, and they didn't stay in the banquet hall much. At this time, it was the most important thing to solve the doubts in their hearts.

Jiang Chan didn't know that someone was going to take off her waistcoat. 021 obviously saw it. UU read but did not tell Jiang Chan. She always digs a hole for Tong, and Tong has to give back one or two.

Jiang Chan's tea restaurant has a good reputation in the CBD. Not only does it have a variety of snacks that will not be repeated in the first half of the year, but also a variety of new light meals from the chef every week, as well as warm and thoughtful service, etc. It can be said that this place has satisfied all kinds of fantasies of women about desserts and snacks.

In his spare time, Jiang Chan usually sits in a corner of the coffee shop, holding a computer and tapping from time to time. If you look at her computer, there are all kinds of numbers and symbols on it. Otherwise, all kinds of code.

The clerks have long been surprised. Is their boss an ordinary person?

This afternoon, Jiang Chan was busy in front of the computer, and the clerk Xiao Xu brought a pot of fragrant black tea and a stack of refreshments: "This is what Master Liu made according to your recipe, can you try it, boss?"

Jiang Chan: "How did you feel when you tasted it?"

Xiao Xu smiled: "It's a bit sweet and greasy to eat alone, but with slightly bitter tea, it's not so greasy."

Jiang Chan nodded: "Okay, go get busy."

Xiao Xu held the tray: "Okay, boss!"

Seeing Xiao Xu jumping away, a smile flashed across Jiang Chan's eyes. The employees in the store are generally in their twenties or thirteen years old, and they look extraordinarily youthful and energetic. She likes to be with these people and feels that her mentality has become younger.

Closing the computer, Jiang Chan squinted his eyes. When he was still mentally free, he could do whatever he wanted. Where is it like now, there is the shackles of the flesh, when learning and studying, it is inevitable to pay attention to it.

While Jiang Chan was enjoying afternoon tea, Xiao Xu led three big men to Jiang Chan.

"Boss, they want to see you by name." Xiao Xu's eyes were a bit gossip, and he had never seen a young man beside the boss, and now there are three of them. (To be continued)

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