Murphy thought for a while: "It shouldn't be. If this plan can be implemented, I will prepare for a few seasons, and I shouldn't have to work on the TV station every day."

Qin Liyan's brows and eyes loosened a bit: "You really should rest, as far as I know, since the beginning of this show, you haven't rested once. Sister-in-law was also busy before, and there are rest days every week, but only You, all year round."

Mo Fei bit the pen: "I can't help it, this show is too important. If I am absent, I will be replaced by someone else, it is due to hard work, how can I be reconciled? Now I have some achievements, that is I have the confidence to seek change.”

Qin Liyan patted her head: "If you have any difficulties, let me know at any time."

Mo Fei chuckled: "I see, you go to rest first, I also rested after writing this paragraph."

Before waiting for the decision of the station, Murphy had already gone to the station director with her freshly released plan. At the beginning, Jiang Chan did the same, directly blocking the director in the office, and now Mo Fei is doing the same.

Seeing Mo Fei come in, the director smiled like a big chrysanthemum: "Mo Fei, why did you come to me at this time?"

Murphy said straight to the point: "The popularity of the show I'm running is not as good as it used to be. I recently thought of a new show. Can you help me, director?"

"New program? Let me see." The director was immediately happy when he heard that Murphy had a new idea. He is undoubtedly optimistic about Murphy, she is a very talented person.

She was fascinated by this, and Mo Fei didn't stay in the office too much. Although she had other thoughts in her mind, she still had to do her job well.

She is still very confident in her plan, after all, Jiang Chan has changed her so many times before and after. If the stage does not support it, she will have to find a way to make this show by herself.

Don't they support it? You will definitely not miss this show. After going through the planning book completely, the director called a high-level meeting. He was undoubtedly optimistic about this program.

There are naturally many discerning people in the world, and soon Murphy's poetry program was decided. Less than three days before and after, the stage was preparing to form a new program.

Mo Fei took advantage of the opportunity to hand over the talk show at hand to another anchor on the station, and focused on following up on this poetry show. If the first season of this show is done well, there will be no need to worry about it in the next few seasons.

The station specially assigned a director to her. Coincidentally, he was still an old acquaintance, Team Leader Liu.

"Brother Liu, take care of me."

Team Leader Liu smiled and said, "Take care, take care, and I will follow you. It's absolutely not bad if you did it."

Mo Fei felt a little guilty: "How can Liu brother be so mysterious?"

Team leader Liu said firmly: "It's so good, you haven't seen the people who are close to you in our stage, don't they all have a good time? Brother Liu will drink and eat meat, or eat bran and veggies in the future, it's up to you. "

Mo Fei: "For the sake of Brother Liu's better life in the future, I will definitely do a good job in this show."

The talk show at hand was handed over to others, and Murphy's time suddenly increased a lot. She no longer has to get off work at ten o'clock every day, she also has a rest day, and she has time to gather with friends.

Of course, I spent more time with Qin Liyan. Knowing that Mo Fei was not busy during this time, Qin Liyan also tacitly reduced the workload. Although he stayed in the study after returning home, at least he had time to see Mo Fei. Much more.

Although a lot of work on the new program is being followed up by Team Leader Liu, Mo Fei is not idle either. She has been frantically enriching herself recently. After all, it is a poetry show. If she has no ink in her stomach and is finally stumped by the guests, what should I do?

Looking at Mo Fei lying on the sofa, Qin Liyan shook his head. Since the implementation of the new program, Murphy is going crazy, holding all kinds of Chinese classics all day long, and there is no entertainment. Every day, all kinds of poems and songs are muttered.

He also understands Mo Fei's hard work, because it is the first poetry program in China, and she wants to do her best. She was betting almost her entire future, so it was no exaggeration to work as hard as she could.

If it were him, he would do the same.

After a month of intensive preparations on the stage, Mo Fei's first show in her life was launched. The new program is recorded and broadcasted, and of course the program team produces it very quickly.

When the show was halfway through recording, the first episode had already met the audience. This show itself has its own popularity. In addition to being the first poetry show in China, it also has the bonus of Murphy's fame.

In addition, the guests who came to participate in the show spanned all age groups, and the post-production of the show team was also very sophisticated. The combination of these two compartments made the show really explosive.

After seeing the ratings, the director and many high-level executives were relieved, "This wave is stable!"

"Murphy is such a talent, isn't it too subservient to only let her be a host?" Looking at Murphy, who was stable and generous on the stage, a senior executive babbled.

Director: "Look at her, I see a lot of ideas in her little brain."

"When this little girl first entered the stage, there was nothing special about it. In the past year or so, she seems to have taken off. She is also much more stable than before, and she was a little impetuous at first glance."

"That's true. It seems that she has changed suddenly after the divorce, and it seems that she has grown up all of a sudden."

"That ex-husband of hers is really not a thing. When she pursued Mo Fei, there was so much trouble on the Internet, and the result... ah! It's a pity, such a good girl."

"Don't tell me, if Mo Fei is still the same temper as before, can you bear it?"

"Temper is temper, but this is not an excuse for cheating. If her ex-husband sees her like this, do you think he will regret it?"

"Who knows? Isn't she with that Xiao Qin now? She is doing well now."

The ratings are up, and the high-level people are also thinking about gossip. They are basically all old enough to be Murphy's parents. It was not that no one thought about reaching out to Mo Fei before, but unfortunately they met Jiang Chan, a man who was so stubborn, and directly brought the high-level evidence and put it in front of the director.

As a result, the executives of UU Reading all clamped their tails, knowing that Murphy was not easy to mess with. If you want to reach out, you have to weigh your own weight. After all, that high-level executive is still eating prison food.

The station director coughed lightly: "Okay, a bunch of big men, gossip one by one. Let's just follow the show. Why are you paying attention to the little girl's private life?"

"As soon as this show came out, Lao Liu estimated that Mo Fei was more kissed than his daughter. This is the God of Wealth."

The director was not happy: "Morphy is so good, isn't that what it should be?"

------off topic-----

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