The director and high-level officials were gossiping, but what about Song Xian at that time? Does he regret it? Of course he regrets it.

Especially seeing that Murphy is so good now, can he not regret it? How did they get to this point? Looking back on the past, Song Xian can't remember, they were obviously very good and sweet back then.

But later, there were countless quarrels and cold wars. At first, Mo Fei didn't want children for the time being, and he agreed to it. Then, why did he want a child in such a daze?

Obviously he and Murphy are still young, and they want to have more time in the future.

Huang Manling came over with the child in her arms, watching Song Xianzheng staring at the TV, which was a show hosted by Mo Fei. Huang Manling sighed silently, who should be blamed for the current situation?

Although Mo Fei has a temper, but she has a good heart. When she divorced, she didn't say a word about Song Xian's fault. Good family, just like that.

"Don't watch it, it will only add to your troubles." Huang Manling wanted to turn off the TV, but was stopped by Song Xian.

Song Xian smiled bitterly: "Mom, did I really do something wrong?"

Song Zhiyuan snorted coldly: "Of course you did something wrong, no matter how much you have opinions on the other party, cheating in marriage is wrong. You have always been the proudest, and Mo Fei has a big temper, always asking for one party. Take it softly, but you're not one to bow your head."

Song Xian: "You're right, I like her passionate personality, but flames can not only warm others, but also burn others."

"What Murphy said at the beginning was right. You will be attracted by her flamboyant and enthusiastic character, but it's just a novelty. When the novelty passes, you will still like a gentle and family-friendly person like your mother."

"You can't even figure out what kind of person you really like. You can't get together. Even if there is a brief intersection, the final result is parting ways."

Song Zhiyuan's evaluation was very objective, but there was a hint of sigh in his heart. Everyone needs to grow up, but Song Xian doesn't have the patience to grow up with Mo Fei.

Looking at Murphy's current character, who doesn't appreciate it? If they had been more tolerant and guided, who wouldn't like such an excellent daughter-in-law?

"Since it's been separated, don't think about it anymore. She had already made it clear that she would never look back, and you should also let it go."

Song Xian: "I just don't understand, why is she so good now? And I'm still stuck in the past?"

Huang Manling: "If the marriage is happy, no woman is willing to divorce. Plus you have a child, she is the most arrogant, how can she swallow this breath?"

"Don't watch her become gentle now, but you should know from watching her show that she is still the person who can't rub the sand in her eyes, and she doesn't look down on those who are detrimental to her personal morality."

"Okay, don't talk about this, she has a new life now. You should also consider your own life events. After all, the time that your mother and I can take care of the children is limited, what do you think?"

Song Xian resolutely said: "She and Qin Liyan are just acting. I know her, and I really like someone is not as calm as she is."

Song Zhiyuan: "You haven't given up yet? I can't control you, you can do whatever you want."

Song Zhiyuan took Huang Manling and the child back to the bedroom. Song Xian saw the end of the show until he pressed the remote control. The more he saw Murphy so glamorous, the more unwilling he became.

After the divorce, Mo Fei didn't change her number either. After all, the Song family was very interesting and didn't usually contact her. It's just that after seeing the caller ID this time, Murphy's expression is a little subtle.

Qin Liyan walked beside her, and he was very aware of Mo Fei's emotions: "What's the matter? Whose phone number?"

Mo Fei didn't hide it from him: "Song Xian's phone number is really strange. It's the first time he called me after the divorce."

Qin Liyan looked down at her: "Do you want to pick it up?"

Mo Fei simply pinched off the phone: "Of course I don't answer it, and it's not an important person. I promised not to disturb each other in the future."

I remember that the old couple of the Song family were kind to me back then. Although the old couple didn't stand on her side in the matter of Zheng Miao, Mo Fei is not a heartless person, so she still prepares gifts for the old couple during the holidays. .

It's just that she has never seen them before, and she usually greets them by texting and calling. As for Song Xian, I haven't seen each other since the divorce. Looking back on Song Xian's face now, it seems to be a little blurry.

Qin Liyan was naturally happy about Mo Fei's actions. He held Murphy's hand: "Then don't see it, you are right, a qualified ex will never come out again."

Murphy shook his hand: "Aren't you too natural?"

Qin Liyan: "We are boyfriend and girlfriend, and we should be closer. I think that one is good, it suits you very well."

He was referring to a red dress in the window. Although Murphy's personality had changed a bit, he was still bright and enthusiastic. She usually dresses in bright colors such as light yellow and red.

Mo Fei was suddenly changed the topic: "It's very beautiful, I'll try it, do you actually have time to go shopping with me today?"

Qin Liyan smiled: "It's time, just squeeze it."

When Mo Fei went in to try on the clothes, Qin Liyan was sitting on the sofa outside with a small lady's bag next to his leg, clearly fulfilling his duty as a bag watcher.

As popular CPs, the two of them were recognized by the clerk as soon as they entered the brand store. Looking at the people taking pictures not far away, Qin Liyan's mouth curled into a smile.

Can he say that he deliberately asked Murphy to come out? Seeing that the heat has come down, why don't he hurry up and add a handful of firewood? He didn't want to be separated from Murphy, after all, it's really not easy to meet someone he really likes.

But is Murphy really ignorant or pretending not to? It's hard to say, Qin Liyan touched his chin, should he find a time to clarify?

Mo Fei also wondered in the fitting room: "Teacher, do you think he did it on purpose?"

Jiang Chan was decisive; "Of course he did it on purpose. I guess he will have a showdown soon, what do you think?"

Murphy shrugged: "Let it be, I don't hate him anyway."

Jiang Chan: "Not only do you not hate him, but you admire him very much, right?"

Murphy is also not shy: "Of course, excellent people will always win the appreciation of others. But with him, I never thought about it."

Jiang Chan: "Then you can think about it now. If you were really together, what would your life be like? Would it be different from now? Of course, the most important thing is whether you like him or not. Being together just because of other people's external conditions is undoubtedly too superficial."


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