Jiang Chan: "Without the protection of the unicorn, this cub can't live for more than three months. Little Aowu is still very smart, so he doesn't show himself, let us help it raise the cub."

Jing Yun reached out and hugged the little tiger: "Okay, then you can stay with us for the next few months, and we will definitely keep you healthy and healthy."

Looking at this weak little cat, Jiang Chan's expression was a little subtle. She never expected to work as a veterinarian one day.

Today Jing Yun's house is very lively, friends are all here, and everyone's eyes are all focused on this little cat. It's a pity that although the little guy is weak, he has a big temper, so no one can reach out.

Rhea was stunned: "We were surprised at the beginning, why we saw the unicorn so easily, and we felt that it wanted to ask Sister Yun to take over this hot potato."

Jing Yun brought a pot of milk: "It can be seen that unicorns can also do business, congratulations on getting what you want."

Lin Yao smiled very flamboyantly: "Thank you, Sister Yun, after all, we are still thanks to Sister Yun."

Jing Yun clicked on the little cat drinking milk: "It's because of this little thing. I remember that Nolan and Ian found it after searching for a long time."

Nolan: "Isn't it? At the beginning we were really exhausted to find the unicorn. It seems that we have no fate with this little cat."

Jing Yun: "It doesn't matter if the process is tortuous, as long as the result is good. Isn't the fruit of hard work sweeter and make you cherish your relationship more?"

Ian smiled and said, "Indeed, is this little guy kept at home like this?"

Jing Yun: "Of course not. I'll send it back when it's healthy. How can I have such a big heart to raise a tiger at home?"

Vikas was reluctant: "Can we really not raise it?"

Damon: "Its home is in the forest, not here. In the forest it can go wherever it wants, but here it will be subject to many restrictions, and you are not willing to restrain it, right?"

Vikas thought about it too: "It's okay, Dad, can we go to see it in the future? You have all seen Aowu and Xiao Aowu, and neither Lucas nor I have seen it."

Nolan and Ian both said at the same time: "We haven't seen Aowu either."

Jing Yun Meizhe: "The next time we send it back, we all go together? But I'm not sure if I can see them, and we haven't seen them for many years."

Rhea: "With Sister Yun here, we will definitely meet."

Little Aowu was raised at Jing Yun's house. In order to reduce trouble, no one knew that she had a sick kitten at home except for a few people close to her.

Under the care of Jiang Chan, Xiao Miao's body became stronger and stronger, and her running up and down became more and more powerful. Because he will be released back into the forest, Jiang Chan consciously keeps the cub from getting too close to people.

Time passed in a flash, and the little cat at that time had grown up twice, and finally looked like a king of beasts, and it was no longer the sickly look at first glance.

"Take some time to send it back." Jiang Chan said suddenly that day, Xiao Miao recovered, and it would not be suitable to keep her at home.

Jing Yun didn't give up either: "Okay, let's do it tomorrow, just in time for the children to rest. I'll arrange the things at hand, and give the crew a vacation, so we can go relax together."

When they heard that they were going to the mysterious forest, the two children were so excited that they came to knock on the door early in the morning. Dimon frowned: "I've never seen them so excited before."

Jing Yun rubbed his blond hair: "It's not that Aowu and Xiao Aowu are hanging in front, get up, it's rare to see Vikas so excited."

Today can be said to be a full-scale mobilization, Jing Yun's family, plus four other couples, it can be said that it is not spectacular. Half a day after entering the mysterious forest, Xiao Miao suddenly called out to the bushes.

Jing Yun paused: "Its mother is here."

Sure enough, it was a mottled tiger that came out of the bushes. The little guy stumbled and ran towards the tiger mother. After reaching its feet, he kept circling around it, not to mention how happy he was.

Jing Yun waved at Xiao Aowu: "Long time no see."

With a low growl, Jing Yun tugged at its beard boldly: "I brought it back for you. If you have any troubles in the future, please feel free to contact me."

Seeing such a wild and powerful animal, Lin Yao and the others were eager to move, but Vikas and Lucas couldn't control so much. Each of the two children held Xiao Aowu's leg, rubbing their faces on it from time to time.

Vincent: "Are you not afraid? Is the child still young?"

Damon smiled: "It's okay, don't you think its attitude is very peaceful? I guess it knows that Jing Yun and the children are not threatening. If we want to get close, we can't do it."

After the children took many photos, Jing Yun had to stop: "Okay, I can't play any more, let Xiao Aowu go home."

Vikas stood up: "Okay, goodbye, little woo, we will come to see you if we have time."

Xiao Aowu swept his tail leisurely, opened his mouth to pick up the cub, and walked slowly into the jungle. Jing Yun looked at the sky: "It's getting late, let's go back, we can still catch dinner."

Nolan was a little disappointed: "I didn't see the unicorn, I'm a little disappointed."

Jing Yun was curious: "What other wish do you have?"

Nolan shook his head: "I don't have any wish at the moment, I just want to see it again, such an elegant and mysterious existence, everyone will be curious. UU reading www.uukanshu.com"

Jing Yun smiled: "The unicorn is a legendary existence, and it is not easy to see it once. For it, living in seclusion is the best choice, and it can stick to its own small world."

"And now it is not in the mysterious forest, it has gone out to travel."

Ian: "Will unicorns travel too?"

Jing Yun: "That's natural. The place where the mirror lake water flows is the place where the unicorn's footprints reach. Thinking about the scope of the mirror lake water flow, are you particularly glad that you met the unicorn horse so early? "

Rhea: "Indeed, it's just a little short. If we come a few days later, won't we miss it?"

Lin Yao: "It will be even more difficult for everyone to find a unicorn in the future. We also met Sister Yun."

Jing Yun waved his hand: "I just provided a direction. It is your fate to meet each other, or it is the fate between you and Xiao Miao. You really don't need to push everything on me. By the way, we have also left the mysterious forest. Tonight Where are you going to eat?"

Her topic changed quickly, and Sean and the others reacted quickly, "I heard that there is a new store opened near here, and many Internet celebrities have gone to check in. Why don't we go there and try it? It's only a half-hour drive there. Hour."

Jing Yun: "Let's go here, how's the reputation?"

Ian: "Word of mouth is naturally excellent, and the environment is also good. If it is not more than two hours away from the city, we would have come here to try it out."

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