The Female Partner Refuses To Be Cannon Fodder

Chapter 2765: Jingyun Forty Seven

Jing Yun: "The more I talk about it, the more curious I become. I must go and see it today."

Ian: "I've read the reviews on the Internet. The environment is very quiet. There are resort hotels nearby and the sea. The dishes inside are also good. I haven't seen any bad reviews at first glance."

Such a statement immediately aroused Jing Yun's curiosity, and half an hour later, the group of them stood in front of the restaurant. One of them counts as one, and all of them are dragons and phoenixes among men.

Needless to say, Jing Yun, the standard thick-faced beauties, age brings more amorous feelings. In addition, Damon, Vincent, Wells, Simon, Lin Yao and others each have their own characteristics.

Not to mention Sean and Ian Nolan, all of them are unique handsome guys. There are two more children, the young lady carved in powder and jade. When such a large group of people entered the store, they immediately became the focus of everyone's attention.

Coincidentally, there happened to be a program group broadcasting live here today. Nowadays, live streaming is prevalent, and you can often see various director groups or program groups doing various programs, and there are also Internet celebrities or bloggers holding cameras and live broadcasting everywhere. These are very common.

In this way, Jing Yun and others inevitably entered the camera. Although Jing Yun didn't show up in front of the camera, everyone knew her face. Not to mention that there are several big stars around her, and the barrage of the program group is densely packed for a while.

The program team didn't expect them to come out to do a program and meet Jing Yun and others. The director of the program group also simply came over to say hello to Jing Yun and asked if we could have a meal together.

Jing Yun looked at Ian and the others: "What do you think?"

Ian shrugged: "I can do it, it's just like this, isn't it a bit bad, isn't it good for us to appear on your show suddenly? You don't need to eat, we will sit at the table next to yours, so as not to spoil your itinerary."

Jing Yun has nothing to do: "Then let's sit there, sorry, I don't want my children to be overexposed."

The director also understood what Jing Yun meant. It wasn't because after getting everyone's consent, he quickly added a live broadcast device to Jing Yun's table.

They didn't pay attention to the camera deliberately, but there were so many people watching in this live broadcast room. The main thing is that these people are very low-key, and they can only be seen at award ceremonies every time, or in TV dramas.

Fortunately, the official blog will post some photos or tidbits from time to time. But those magazines or variety shows and announcements, etc., these people are very rare, so it can be said that they can't keep a low profile.

Lin Yao and Ruiya are now in the thick of their love. After learning the exercise method from the company, Rhea stopped dieting, and it can be said that she has carried forward her foodie nature to the end.

Now that there is such a new store, Ruiya can't wait to taste everything, and suddenly turned it into eating and broadcasting. Lin Yao was sitting on Rhea's right side, and after eating a shrimp, he suddenly smiled and said, "This is delicious too, do you want to try it?"

He didn't shy away from the camera, and directly sent it to Rhea's mouth. Rhea opened her mouth subconsciously. After eating the shrimp, Lin Yao wiped Rhea's mouth with her little finger, wiping off the little soup.

Their actions were not blatant. For a while, the barrage was full of excitement, like it was Chinese New Year. The eyes of the masses are sharp these days, and you can’t hide your liking for it. It’s all shown in your eyes and in your every move.

"The cp I knocked on is real!"

"I'm so happy, I really like the waxy Rhea, and I also like the fair-skinned and beautiful Lin Yao, it's a perfect match!"

"Director, isn't it a good mood to see these every day?"

Jing Yun sneaked a glance at the live broadcast, and said with a smile, "Of course I'm in a good mood, and I also like Rhea. When I first saw Rhea, I thought he was cool and sweet, very charming."

Rhea was embarrassed: "Sister Yun, I'm almost thirty, so I can't talk about milk anymore."

Lin Yao smiled and said, "Even if you are eighty years old, you are still very milky in my heart."

The two of them didn't make it public, but what's the difference between this kind of intimacy and publicity? Not to mention that the two are still wearing the same ring, which is so obvious that it is not shy at all.

Not to mention how sweet Lin Yao and the others are, just looking at the other couples, each is more natural than the other. Later, the barrage was full of sweets, and it can only be said that sweet girls are everywhere.

The audience is actually very curious about Ian and Nolan, after all, these two have always been very low-key. Now it can be regarded as meeting their partners, and after seeing all the handsome guys with unfathomable looks, the barrage suddenly changed direction.

"Sure enough, in the end, handsome guys are always with handsome guys,"

"In these days, not only do you have to compete with women for men, but you also have to compete with men for men."

Jing Yun looked amused: "True love does not distinguish between genders, as long as both parties are willing, and they don't hurt others, gender doesn't need to be too concerned."

"Are they interested in appearing in TV dramas?" Jing Yun looked at Simon and Wells across from him, and suddenly smiled: "They all have their own jobs, and everyone is very busy, and they are not interested in this aspect."

"It's a pity? Isn't it a pity? Even if they don't become actors, they are still very good in their own industry. UU Reading Actors are just a profession."

"The next movie? This movie is still being filmed, and today I came here specially for team building. Tomorrow our crew will be operating normally again, and it was just a coincidence that we encountered the program crew today."

Picking up and talking a few words, Dimon couldn't see it, and gave Jing Yun a few dishes: "Eat first, and then answer the audience's questions after eating."

Everyone is familiar with Dimon's identity. As the man behind Jing Yun, everyone knows him well.

"Brother-in-law is so handsome, and so gentle and caring."

"Sister, you are so happy."

Jing Yun said with a smile: "Of course, I am very happy. He is the best and the best."

There was a smile on the corner of Damon's lips. Although Jing Yun seldom talked, he always spoke sweet words, and he never shy away from expressing his love and appreciation for him in front of others.

Vikas squeezed his eyes: "There are so many people in pairs, it's too difficult for us."

Lucas: "Isn't it? Let us eat dog food all day long. If we can't find a girlfriend in the future, it will be all the fault of you two."

Vikas: "After seeing such a sweet love, I will always have great expectations and fantasies about my love. Invisibly, my vision will be much higher, and it will be difficult in the future."

Dimon was helpless: "Why do you have so many emotions at such a young age?"

Lucas shook his head and shook his head: "I didn't say this, it was the teacher. The teacher said, don't meet too good people when you are young, because it is difficult for others to go to the heart after seeing the eyes. gone."

(end of this chapter)

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