Jiang Chan said in her heart that some things still have to be me, and it would be impossible to change someone else. For example, on Qingyuan's side, how many people can accept Qingyuan's existence?

Not to mention that every time you do such a task, you really have to put your head on your belt, and there are all kinds of pain and suffering in it. After having dinner with his family, Qing Yuan flew out from the mission hall when he returned to the room.

She didn't speak this time, but just looked at Jiang Chan with her arms around her chest, and Jiang Chan naturally understood the meaning. She tugged at the corner of Qingyuan's skirt, "Is it okay if I go? Tell me about you, acting like a coquettish and cute, you have not been left behind, how old is this old monster?"

Qing Yuan snorted arrogantly, and then entered the mission hall together with Jiang Chan's spiritual body. After crushing the ball of soul light that was surrounded by countless black mist, Jiang Chan disappeared from the mission hall.

Qing Yuan remained silent for a few seconds, and when Jiang Chan came back next time, her strength should have grown considerably...

Just as Jiang Chan opened his eyes, he was almost dazzled. After seeing the Holy Flame Crystal above, Jiang Chan squinted uncomfortably. Where is the crystal? Just like a little sun, people can't see it.

Just looking at this situation, she knew that her start this time was not the worst, at least so far, Stina's identity has not been revealed. As an undercover agent hiding in the Temple of Light, Stina hid very well. If she hadn't stolen the Holy Flame Crystal rashly, perhaps she would have been safe forever.

Looking at the holy flame crystal on the high platform in front of her eyes, Jiang Chan calmed down. She stared at this "crystal" for a few seconds and then suddenly smiled: "This is the holy flame crystal? I'm afraid it's not all right?"

Except for the Pope and Archbishop of the Temple of Light, no one has seen the Holy Flame Crystal. Of course, the original owner, Stina, was no exception, but Jiang Chan always felt a little strange staring at the holy flame crystal.

It stands to reason that as the existence of suppressing the dark god, the holy flame crystal will inevitably have a dark attribute, but all Jiang Chan sees on it are light attributes, which is a bit unreasonable.

Thinking about this, Jiang Chan withdrew her eager fingers. She will investigate the secret of the Holy Flame Crystal later. If this is not the Holy Flame Crystal, where is the real Holy Flame Crystal?

The most urgent thing for her is to improve Stina's strength first. As a saintess raised by the Dark Temple since childhood, Stina went undercover to practice in the Bright Temple. Due to her physical fitness, her practice speed is really not fast.

After all, this place is filled with the power of light. If Stina wants to be the first among these saintess candidates, she will naturally have to work hard.

Taking one last look at the "Holy Flame Crystal", Jiang Chan quietly left the forbidden area. Walking through the long corridor and avoiding the patrolling guards, Jiang Chan returned to the original owner Stina's residence without any danger.

Lying on the small bed, staring at the ceiling above her head, Jiang Chan cursed after a long time: "I know I can't trust Qing Yuan so easily."

She didn't lie to herself, but she didn't say the whole thing. She didn't say that the holy flame crystal was fake, but did she say that the few holy flame crystals obtained from the dark temple were real or fake?

These are all problems, and she has to solve them one by one. Of course, the most important thing is to increase your strength. No matter which world you are in, without strength, it is basically impossible to move forward.

Thinking of this, Jiang Chan didn't go to sleep anymore, but sat up and started to practice according to the practice formula in the original owner's memory. It's just that this is the Temple of Light, and the power of darkness that can be obtained is pitifully rare.

Flipping through the space ring of the original owner, Jiang Chan finally found out a few dark things that looked like spirit stones. To put it bluntly, this is what Stina assisted in her cultivation, and a large amount of dark power is stored in it.

Counting the time, it seems that it's time to send training materials to the Dark Temple? Thinking about this, Jiang Chan held a small black stone in his hand, and the rest were all received in the space ring.

Just as she was about to practice, something suddenly knocked on her window lattice. Jiang Chan opened her eyes subconsciously, she pushed open the wooden window, and a crow flew in.

"The crow?" After staring at the crow twice, Jiang Chan withdrew her gaze. She untied the small bag tied to the crow's feet, and when she opened it, there were twenty black stones inside.

Putting these into the space ring, Jiang Chan touched the crow's head. After exchanging a few words like this, the crow flapped its wings and disappeared in the room in a blink of an eye.

After throwing pebbles, Jiang Chan sat cross-legged on the bed, reckoning that next month there would be more training supplies. According to her cultivation speed, these would only be enough for her to practice for half a month.

The sun was rising in the early morning, and Jiang Chan, who had practiced all night, opened her eyes without the slightest look of fatigue on her face. After washing up and putting on a brand new white robe, Jiang Chan opened the door and walked out.

While walking through a corridor, she met two other girls. These two are both saintess candidates, one is Shia, and the other is Kerry.

The competition for the Holy Maiden of Light is very fierce. Both Shia and Kerry came from big families, but they were overwhelmed by Stina from a remote place. The two have long been dissatisfied with Stina. .

Now I met Stina in the early morning, UU reading www.uukanshu. The two of them looked at each other, and passed by Jiang Chan without looking sideways, as if they had never seen her before.

Jiang Chan didn't care too much, she shouldn't spend her time fighting with little girls. Now that she came to this world, she encountered many mysteries, how could she have the heart to put on a show about hello, me, hello, everyone?

Seeing that Stina didn't even say a word to herself, Shia and Kai Rui's expressions were not good.

Shia gritted her teeth; "What are you proud of? Push her down sooner or later!"

Kerry: "It's a pity that this is inside the temple. If you leave the temple..."

Shia: "Where can we enter and leave the temple at will? There must be a warrant from the archbishop."

Kerry: "It's a pity, our people can't enter the temple."

Jiang Chan knows that as long as her identity is not revealed, staying in the Temple of Light is the safest. Once she stepped out of the Temple of Light, what awaited her was the endless pursuit of the families behind Shia and Kai Rui.

As long as there is a girl in the family who enters the Temple of Light, the status of the family will rise to a higher level. How can these families miss it? Although the saintess is not allowed to marry during her term of office, compared to the interests of the family, the sacrifice of a girl is unbelievably small.

So for the benefit of the family, Stina has long been a thorn in the side of these two big families. It's just that Stina usually lives in seclusion and has never been out since she entered the Temple of Light, so she was never caught by these two big families.

Thank you for your recommendation tickets and monthly tickets, thank you everyone!

(end of this chapter)

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