Now it seems that this Temple of Light is equivalent to a huge tortoise shell. As long as she doesn't go out, she can sit back and relax here. But no matter what, the holy flame crystal is still to be found.

After a simple breakfast, Jiang Chan followed the bishops to the main hall of the Temple of Light. At that time, Sia and Kerry were already in line, and Jiang Chan stood in Stina's place. The bishop waved his scepter and began the routine prayer.

The days in the Temple of Light are as boring as a pool of stagnant water, and after the morning meeting is over, it is their own free time. Jiang Chan went to the library of the temple. She didn't know much about the world, and Stina's knowledge was also limited.

If you want her to say that Stina is too impatient, and she hastily stole the Holy Flame Crystal before she has thoroughly explored the Temple of Light. Isn't this a gift or something?

After staying in the library for a long time, the most in it is the praise of the God of Light. That flattery, the other party was so embarrassed to write about Jiang Chan that he was too embarrassed to read it, his scalp was numb from embarrassment.

In these books, the God of Light is undoubtedly the embodiment of justice. He defeated the God of Darkness and brought eternal light to the world. Under the protection of the God of Light, people live and work in peace and contentment.

Skimming through this series of general history, Jiang Chan came to another bookshelf. The content of the books here is much richer. In addition to describing various cultivation techniques, there are also contents about potions, alchemy, magic scrolls and so on.

Finding a book about medicine, Jiang Chan sat on the floor and read it very engrossed.

Even if there are training materials sent by the Dark Temple, the saintesses themselves are taking the auxiliary route, and if they really fight, their combat effectiveness is pitifully weak. Therefore, Jiang Chan has to find ways to increase his own strength, and strength is not only counted as force.

After staying in the library for half a month, after reading all these books, Jiang Chan also has a general understanding of the medicine system in this world, and now all that is left is various practical exercises.

This afternoon, Jiang Chan came out of the library and was going to the dormitory, but when she passed the main hall of the temple, she suddenly had an idea.

"You want to go out and buy some spiritual materials?" The archbishop stared at Jiang Chan, his old eyes gleaming.

Jiang Chan did not evade: "Yes, I will not delay my practice because of this, I just want to find something to do in my spare time."

Archbishop: "Alright, I will give you a warrant, and you must return to the temple before the sun goes down tomorrow."

Jiang Chan nodded: "Thank you Archbishop, I will be back on time."

After receiving the warrant from the archbishop, a glint flashed in Jiang Chan's eyes. This matter cannot be hidden from others, and it is estimated that tomorrow's purchasing trip will be very exciting.

As for how to start and how far she can go, she can't be too pretentious. After all, on the bright side, the saintesses of the Temple of Light should be gentle and kind. If the attack is too harsh, it will make others have a bad impression of the Temple of Light.

Moreover, the relationship behind these bishops and elders is intricate, and it can be said that it affects the whole body.

So she had to think about what to do. Looking through the original owner's inventory, Jiang Chan was helpless. Apart from a few spiritual stones for cultivation and a few purple gold coins, Stina had nothing.

Even these few purple gold coins are just the monthly welfare given by the temple after she entered the temple of light.

That's right, the Dark Temple has struggled to survive in the cracks for so many years, so it's natural that there are very few things in hand. So she had to figure out how to make money.

After the morning class the next day, Jiang Chan held the archbishop's warrant and walked out of the Temple of Light unimpeded. Seeing her disappearing figure, Shia and Kerry looked at each other, and they both quickly understood what they meant.

As soon as he left the temple, Jiang Chan found a little tail following behind him. After she got to the pharmacy, there were more tails. When getting off the carriage, Jiang Chan looked around and saw several strange faces, who seemed to be not weak.

With a sneer, Jiang Chan stepped into the pharmacy shop. After placing an order for a series of spiritual materials and potion making tools in the store, Jiang Chan slowly curled her lips, hoping that these people would not wait too anxiously.

Flicking her fingers over a few spiritual materials, Jiang Chan carried them out of the pharmacy. After getting into the carriage, Jiang Chan didn't leave in a hurry, but stayed near the pharmacy for a while.

The attendant asked in a low voice: "Miss, aren't we going back to the temple now?"

Jiang Chan smiled: "Don't worry, you go along the main road first, I heard that there are a few new shops here, let's take a look at it later."

It's fake to want to hang out, but it's true to buy something to save your life first. As a former pharmacy master, although the pharmacy system in this world is completely different from what she knows, Jiang Chan can understand it after thinking about it.

It wasn't that after the carriage rattled away for nearly an hour, Jiang Chan knocked on the window: "Go back, it's almost time."

It is estimated that the people following behind are impatient now, so it is easier for Jiang Chan to do it.

The Temple of Light is in full swing on this continent, and even the royal family retreats three points when facing the Temple of But the Temple of Light is not located in the most prosperous place in the imperial capital, but far away from the imperial capital. outside the city.

As soon as he left the imperial city, the coachman keenly sensed that something was wrong: "Miss, there are people following us, what should we do?"

Jiang Chan opened a corner of the curtain: "It's okay, I remember there is a path ahead? You go in that direction."

The coachman was frightened: "But there are only two of us... Shall we go back to the city? Then I will rush back to the temple to deliver the letter?"

Jiang Chan chuckled: "You think too simply. Once we separate, no one will survive. You listen to me, go to the path, I have a solution."

The driver tremblingly drove the carriage towards the path, Jiang Chan twisted a few packs of medicinal powder with her fingers, and a cold smile suddenly appeared on the corner of her lips. Now that a ready-made drug tester is delivered to her door, she has to verify whether her prescription is correct or not.

The closer you are to the Temple of Light, the more inaccessible it is. The small road is even more overgrown with weeds. After the coachman stopped the carriage, he felt all kinds of nervousness in his heart.

Jiang Chan looked at the coachman, he was only in his thirties. People of this age are at a time when the family burden is heavy, there are old and young, and if he is here, what will the big family do?

Jiang Chan: "Don't worry, we will be fine, this is for you..."

After whispering a few words to the coachman in this way, a trace of hope appeared in the coachman's eyes, and he immediately walked around the carriage according to Jiang Chan's instructions, and then sat on the rut as he said, but his legs and feet were still trembling. No confidence.

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