"Teacher, will he find anything unusual after he wakes up?"

Jiang Chan: "You think my soul-hunting is just a display? I have woven many dreams for him. I guess he is feeling boundless right now? There is no seal on this small box. Let's see how many crystal fragments are inside? "

When it was time to get down to business, Stina was not ambiguous at all. She opened the box and took a look: "There is only one piece, is this the biggest piece?"

Jiang Chan: "I haven't seen the Sacred Flame crystal shards. How do I know which one is the biggest? That crow will come over tonight. You will give this to the crow when the time comes. It's not safe to hold this thing in your hands." .”

Stina also understands this truth. The theft of the holy flame crystal is not good news. Now I hope that the dog Ka Suo finds out as soon as possible. It is said that this dog thinks about love affairs all day long, does he know that he is on the right track?

Half an hour later, Stina left Ka Suo's bedroom without hindrance. As for Ka Suo, right now he is still lying on the carpet dreaming of dying.

It was night, it was still a familiar place, it was still a familiar crow, Stina carefully hid the small box under the crow's wings, and only after watching the crow leave, she patted her heart.

To be honest, it is not so easy to be an undercover career. The Temple of Light looks calm, but in fact it is full of dangers. Not only do you have to face the intrigues of the people around you, you also have to face the various schemes and calculations of your immediate boss, and you have to carefully cover your own vest. Every day is like walking a tightrope, and people who have no concentration really can't do it.

Because it is in the state of the soul, Jiang Chan can go anywhere. Then she followed the crow out of the Temple of Light. The crow flew all the way, probably the crow didn't even know that it came back with a small tail.

Jiang Chan followed the crow for nearly an hour, and the crow finally flew into a big house. Jiang Chan took a look outside, and finally went in grandiosely, and no one around here could see her.

In the main hall, seeing the crow fly to the front chair and stop, the old man beamed with joy: "My lord, you are back!"

Jiang Chan raised her eyebrows slightly, feeling that the crow is still a sweet potato in the Dark Temple? The status is not low? She didn't see any difference in this crow, except that it was smarter? It seems that the qualifications are better?

The crow flapped its wings, and a third eye suddenly appeared between its brows. Jiang Chan's eyes widened slightly. Coming to such a world really opened her eyes. She had heard of the three-legged golden crow, but she had never seen this three-eyed magic crow.

The Great Elder looked at the small box under the crow's wings, and carefully took it out. After opening it, the Great Elder burst into tears: "It's a fragment of the Holy Flame Crystal! This is the real Holy Flame Crystal!"

The rest of the elders also gathered together, and after a careful look, they also determined that this was the largest piece of holy flame crystal in the central temple.

"Great, now the only thing missing in the temple is the holy flame crystal fragments in the east and north. Saintess Stina is really clever and really got back the holy flame crystal fragments!"

"The eastern and northern temples have to hurry up. The holy flame crystal shards in the central temple have been stolen. Shall we bring Stina back?"

"That's right, the Temple of Light is full of dangers, staying there for a minute longer will make it more dangerous..."

The Great Elder frowned: "Let me think about it again, I will send these fragments to the forbidden area first, and then I will wait for the god's will."

Once the great elder spoke, the other elders stopped talking. The little elder took the small box and went around to the forbidden area at the bottom of the temple. Jiang Chan thought about it and followed.

She has never seen the God of Light in the Temple of Light, will she be able to meet the God of Darkness here this time, the one who made the deal with Qing Yuan? As a sealed god, the Dark God should be able to sense where the remaining holy flame crystal fragments are, right?

If he knew the whereabouts of the remaining crystal fragments, it would be easier for Jiang Chan to plan his next step. Generally speaking, the Temple of Light is not a good place, and it is better to leave as soon as possible if you can get out as soon as possible.

Following the Great Elder into the forbidden area, after sending the three holy flame crystal fragments to the high platform, the Great Elder knelt down on the futon and prayed sincerely, but the **** did not issue any will.

The Great Elder sighed regretfully, this time he did not take away the Sacred Flame Crystal Fragment, but put it on this high platform. Only here is the safest place. No one knows that the Sacred Flame crystal fragments stolen from the Temple of Light will be here.

After the great elder left, Jiang Chan didn't accompany him, but looked left and right in this situation. In other words, she didn't feel the existence of the God of Darkness here, she just felt that the dark elements were very strong here.

Just when Jiang Chan walked to the most central high platform, she suddenly stopped, Jiang Chan smiled after a long time: "So that's it, I understand, I will take the time to take a look."

Is this the power of the gods? Although it has been heavily sealed, what it shows is still not to be underestimated. After wandering around the forbidden area again, Jiang Chan walked out of the forbidden area slowly.

The headquarters of the Dark Temple is not in the imperial capital, but Stina, as a saintess carefully cultivated by the Dark Temple, arranged for the temple to station people near the imperial capital, so that it is convenient to respond when necessary~www.wuxiaspot.com~ It's just that the elder just happened to travel to this time In the imperial capital, Jiang Chan just caught up with him. It is estimated that after obtaining the Sacred Flame Crystal Fragments recently, he will continue to go out to find the remaining Sacred Flame Crystal Shards.

Or it should be said that for so many years, everyone in the Dark Temple has been busy with this goal. For thousands of years, I don't know how many people have worked hard for this.

"So, even a **** has selfish intentions." Jiang Chan sneered, light and darkness are eternal opposites, and the world can function normally only when both sides are in balance.

Now the God of Light is dominant, and the believers of the Temple of Light are almost all over the entire continent. And those people who were born with dark element physique, in order not to be persecuted these years, can only hide around.

Among them, there are not a few whose wives and children died innocently, so who should they turn to for reasoning? So in his heart, Jiang Chan looked down on the God of Light, even though he was very strong.

After wandering around here, Jiang Chan and Stina sent a message, and instead of going back to the Temple of Light, she planned to look for the whereabouts of the Holy Flame Crystal.

The God of Darkness only gave her two directions, and Jiang Chan needed to find out where exactly. Fortunately, the temple has collected three holy flame crystal fragments at this moment, so the difficulty of Jiang Chan's task has been greatly reduced.

It is said that after knowing that the Sacred Flame Crystal was fake, he was able to collect two more pieces of the real Sacred Flame Crystal, and the Dark Temple is also full of talents.

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