Jiang Chan went out alone to find the holy flame crystal fragments, and Stina was inevitably a little worried. But it's useless to worry. Compared with her, Jiang Chan's actions are undoubtedly more free. Unlike her, she is not allowed to be free at all in the Temple of Light.

It is said that after Ka Suo woke up that day, his memory of Stina was very vague. Of course, it is also because of Jiang Chan's restraint. Later, Ka Suo lost interest in Stina, so Stina's life became easier.

After all, those saintess candidates are all good at fighting for the wind and being jealous. Now that Stina was rejected by the Pope, they were naturally too happy. At this moment, they didn't care about adding insult to injury, but were busy brushing their faces in front of Ka Suo.

Now Stina is completely silent in the Temple of Light. As for when the temple will announce the selection of the Saintess of Light, Stina doesn't pay much attention. After all, she is already the Saintess of the Temple of Darkness, okay?

And the Temple of Light is so filthy, she is naturally not uncommon.

Besides, Jiang Chan, the two general directions given by the God of Darkness are the east and the north, so there is a high probability that the holy flame crystal fragments are still within this range, but this continent is so big, I want to find two small holy flames Crystal shards are really not easy.

Now Jiang Chan has arrived at the Eastern Guangming Temple. Compared with the Central Temple, the Eastern Temple is undoubtedly a bit smaller, but the etiquette system is not bad, and everyone in the Temple still practices after the morning meeting.

The Temple of Darkness also has a corresponding stronghold in the east. After Jiang Chan found out the Temple of Light in the east, she naturally went to see the Temple of Darkness. But this time, it gave her a big surprise.

Looking at the girl practicing cross-legged, a trace of treachery flashed in Jiang Chan's eyes. She and Stina's face are 50% similar, but Stina has black hair and black eyes, while she is blond and blue-eyed.

Jiang Chan's mental power spread infinitely, and soon connected with the sleeping God of Darkness. The person on the opposite side was very cold, and he got straight to the point when he came up.

Jiang Chan: "You don't even know that you have nails planted here? I can feel the strong power of the light element even standing here. Maybe you put nails in the Temple of Light, so that others are not allowed to do the same?"

"You have a way to cover up Stina's dark element physique. The Temple of Light has been in operation for so many years, so you can naturally find a way for Karina's physique. What is this now? Being undercover for each other?"

The Dark God was also surprised: "I don't know."

He usually only cares about cultivating and restoring his strength, so why would he pay attention to these minutiae?

Jiang Chan: "The most important thing is that I saw that she actually has a causal line with Stina. She is two years younger than Stina. The elemental physique was expelled from the family? Then this is their daughter born later?"

The God of Darkness was silent for a long time before saying: "I will issue a decree to keep a close eye on this Karina."

Jiang Chan: "Naturally, don't startle the snake, I will find the remaining two holy flame crystal fragments as soon as possible."

Karina still doesn't know that she has been exposed under the eyes of the big boss, and at the moment she is still practicing without distraction. On the contrary, the Great Elder, after receiving the oracle, broke out in a cold sweat abruptly, remembering all kinds of fears and joys.

The last thing I was afraid of was that the Temple of Light stretched out its hand so far, and their Temple of Darkness was hidden so deep, and someone even inserted a nail into it. Fortunately, it was discovered early, and this Karina has not come into contact with the core secrets.

And she didn't know that there was Stina in the temple, but thinking of the oracle of the gods saying that Karina was actually Stina's younger sister, the Great Elder couldn't help feeling a little bit embarrassed.

When he picked up the wandering Stina, he brought her back to the temple to teach her carefully. She didn't expect that her younger sister was actually an undercover agent sent by the Temple of Light. After all these years, if you want to live in Karina's family, it will be a prosperous life, right?

And what about Stina? But you want to hide like this for the rest of your life? Thinking of this, the Great Elder sighed, when will they be able to walk in the sun dignifiedly?

The Great Elder was naturally worried about all kinds of things in the Dark Temple, and Jiang Chan didn't ask too much. Now she was basically digging three feet in the eastern region before she managed to find the whereabouts of the remaining two holy flame crystal fragments.

After hearing the news, the Great Elder personally led people to the eastern region. Before leaving, he received an oracle, and after arriving here, he followed Jiang Chan's orders in everything.

Therefore, after seeing Jiang Chan, the Great Elder was not surprised at all. Although she is a soul body, although she knows everything about them and others.

Of course, Jiang Chan only showed up to say hello to the Great Elder Sorens. No one else knew that Jiang Chan existed. This time, a total of ten people came to the Dark Temple, all of them were high-level mages.

Jiang Chan glanced at it: "When there are too many people, accidents are easy to happen. This is a map. I have already figured out everything here. You can just follow me when the time comes."

Sorens didn't ask any further questions, and agreed respectfully.

It was night, and Solons and another elder left the hostel ~www.wuxiaspot.com~ in a clean and tidy outfit and went straight to the location on the map. After leaving the hotel, Jiang Chan appeared next to Solons, and the second elder who was with him just widened his eyes and didn't say anything else.

"The guards in the northern temple are very tight. I am curious why the two fragments are put together? Isn't there a legend that they are guarded and kept in their respective temples?"

Sorens: "Ever since the first piece of holy flame crystal was stolen five hundred years ago, I guess the Temple of Light has raised its vigilance? I speculate that they want to store these pieces together, but I didn't expect you to be one step ahead of them, my lord." Found the remaining crystal shards."

Jiang Chan didn't take the credit: "Your gods gave the clues. If he didn't give the general direction, it would not be so easy to find it. By the way, I have been looking for holy flame crystal fragments outside this year. Karina's side How to say?"

Sorens: "The temple is currently keeping her safe. She doesn't know that she has been exposed, and the messages she sent out were all replaced by us halfway. Thankfully, we found out early, otherwise..."

Otherwise, everyone knows it well. If the opponent is allowed to figure out the power of the Dark Temple, it will be a catastrophe.

Jiang Chan slightly curled her lips: "Everything will be fine when the fragments are in hand. The front is here, I have checked, and the guards will be changed in the early hours of the morning, with a ten-minute gap in between..."

Solons and the other elder nodded. After touching the northern temple as they wished, Jiang Chan took the lead. The three of them walked east and west in the temple, and finally reached the place where the holy flame crystal fragments were stored.

(end of this chapter)

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