Naturally, Jiang Chan chose commercial films, and made literary films when she came up. Although she can guarantee the quality of the script and the film, it is too difficult to make a name for herself. What she needs now is the support of capital.

"Mr. Xu, do you have time? I have edited the movie, let's meet tomorrow?"

Watching the movie in front of her, Jiang Chan made a phone call and said something to her before hanging up.

The next day, Jiang Chan entered Xu Shu's company very low-key. At that time, the auditorium was already full. Except for Xu Shu and You Jing and Su Yun she had met, the rest were all new faces.

The entire projection hall is basically full of old men, all of them are greasy, and there are few handsome and stylish ones. Jiang Chan just glanced at it, and quickly sat down in a corner of the conference room.

Xu Shu briefly introduced Jiang Chan, the lights in the projection hall dimmed, and there was a narration at the beginning. This narration was recorded by Jiang Chan. She can't do anything else, so it's okay to record a narration.

Less than ten minutes after the movie was shown, some executives couldn't help laughing. Jiang Chan glanced at Xu Shu from the corner of his eye, and he also had a smile on his face at the moment, obviously the atmosphere of this movie made him feel very relaxed and happy.

After that, the entire auditorium was never quiet, and bursts of laughter burst out from time to time. Of course, Jiang Chan didn't deliberately make it funny, but inadvertently made people laugh.

A movie ended, and no one left the scene in the middle. The executives who were serious or indifferent before were all grinning from ear to ear.

The lights suddenly came on, and Xu Shu squinted his eyes before looking at Jiang Chan who was sitting next to him: "How much does Director Ling rate this movie?"

Jiang Chan: "In my opinion, this script is not very good. If it is a purely commercial film script, if it is scored, it will score seventy-five points at most, and no more."

"If it is purely about the acting skills of the actors, I think it can be given 90 points. They have all contributed very good acting skills."

When Jiang Chan was speaking, the auditorium fell silent, and everyone listened to Jiang Chan with their ears upright. Su Yun was a little curious when she heard that Jiang Chan had such a low score for this script.

"Director Ling still has the script at hand?"

Jiang Chan smiled: "Of course, but no matter how good the script is, we have to wait until the movie is released. What does Mr. Xu think of this movie?"

Xu Shu laughed loudly: "Of course it's excellent, Director Ling, I have an idea, why don't we play Boda?"

After listening to him say a few words, Jiang Chan raised her eyebrows: "This is not Mr. Xu's style. Didn't you have a lot of scruples before?"

Xu Shu didn't hide it: "Hey, don't I want to have a good relationship with Director Ling? Director Ling is already soaring. If I register with you now, I can also get your support in the future, right? ?”

Jiang Chan stared at him twice, then suddenly smiled: "I accept your good words."

She said that she was not stupid to be able to fight Wu Ming for so long, and Xu Shu probably saw her intentions. At this moment, he directly stated his intentions, but Jiang Chan didn't find it annoying, after all, it was better than those who secretly calculated.

Although Xu Shu has all kinds of small thoughts, as long as it doesn't touch her bottom line, then let him go. She's just an investor, but it's absolutely impossible to interfere with the normal operation of her crew.

Among them, You Jing is the most silent. He had read the script at the beginning, and to be honest, he was also thinking about how to shoot. But after seeing the picture taken by Jiang Chan on the spot, and comparing it with what he imagined, You Jing naturally saw the gap.

"Director Ling's director level is very high. I feel ashamed. I don't know which teacher I studied with, so I can learn from it." You Jing is also very frank and generous.

Jiang Chan raised her eyebrows: "Purely relying on self-study, after all, I am confused. I have been in the industry for more than a year and have never filmed a movie. I can only spend more time studying the business."

You Jing sighed: "Ling Dao is a genius, seeing Ling Dao, I can't help but lament that the first thirty years of my life seem to be wasted."

Jiang Chan hurriedly changed the topic: "The tour guide is too rewarding. I have no objection to Mr. Xu's proposal. I am the one who benefits."

Xu Shu patted his chest: "Leave it on me, this time I have to make Wu Ming's grandson look good! By the way, why don't you deal with Wu Ming?"

Jiang Chan narrowed her eyes: "Wu Mingsu and I don't know each other. If there is any enmity, I can't really say it right now. I just have a little feud with Ren Xuehua. This is a well-known old pervert in the circle."

Xu Shu immediately understood. If you want to talk about Ren Xuehua, who do you think it is not good for you to provoke, this tigress? That's right, in Xu Shu's eyes, Jiang Chan is a tigress.

Although he is young, he is very capable. Seeing that the immediate boss was upset, he directly overturned the company. I wanted to make a movie, so I raised money to write the script and shoot the movie myself, but the answer I handed over was so good.

"Does Director Ling intend to sign the company?"

Jiang Chan didn't even raise her eyebrows: "I'm fine if you want to sign me. I can't have any opinions on the company I shoot. The company can't interfere with the casting. The investment company I want must be in place in one step, and the company must vigorously publicize the works I have finished filming. "

"If I do this, I will sign the company in minutes."

Xu Shu was stunned for a moment, You Jing and many executives were dumbfounded, are they so arrogant? How can you guarantee that every work you shoot will be profitable?

Xu Shu stroked his heart: "My place is too small, not enough for Director Ling to display it."

Jiang Chan smiled: "So just like me, it's suitable to do it alone, be responsible for your own profits and losses, and save yourself from pulling a bunch of people to accompany me on adventures."

The matter of signing the company came to an end. No matter how impressed Xu Shu was with Jiang Chan's talent, he would not dare to make such a decision. In fact, Jiang Chan was uncompromising at first glance. If he really signed her, who would the company listen to in the future?

It's better to maintain such a relationship with Jiang Chan, UU Reading www. He is making money around, it's just a question of how much. Little did he know that after seeing Jiang Chan's works exploded one after another, Xu Shu was too regretful.

As long as Jiang Chan can let him lie down and make money, it's not impossible for him to listen to Jiang Chan, but it's too late to say anything at that time.

After Xu Shu has been operating these years, his connections are naturally not to be underestimated. Before Jiang Chan left the company, he got in touch with the theaters he had made friends with. Everyone can see the good works.

Soon the film schedule of Jiang Chan's movie came out, and the initial film schedule was about 20%. This number is already very high compared to the average rookie director.

If the word-of-mouth of the film breaks out in the later stage, they will increase it as appropriate. When Jiang Chan heard the news, she just smiled lightly. She doesn't pay attention to these promotions at the moment. These are all the affairs of the theaters.

Thank you for your recommendation tickets and monthly tickets, thank you everyone!

(end of this chapter)

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