After all, it's not for nothing that she gave the theaters so much share, so what's wrong with asking them to contribute a little bit? Now Jiang Chan is writing her new script, and she loves suspenseful themes.

I think when I first made suspense films, a suspense film could be filmed for several seasons. If the movie is not enjoyable, you can also make a TV series. Jiang Chan couldn't help but feel a little excited when he thought of the Xiaotian drama, Xianxia drama, Gongdou drama, workplace drama, etc. that he had filmed.

There are too many choices, so what will she shoot this time? Or start with suspense films? It's just that the leading actor is a little hard to find, forget it, wait until the script comes out and then find it slowly.

If you really can't find an actor you like, the script can be put on hold temporarily, and you can shoot other things first. Anyway, she has enough scripts here, and any one will be a hit.

Now Jiang Chan has suspense movies with his left hand and TV scripts with his right hand, so be prepared for both. After the movie is released, see which one to start shooting as appropriate?

She is not afraid that these capitals will join forces to block her when the time comes. The world is so big, if G City is not easy to get along with, she can go to other places, and it is not impossible even if it is not good for foreign countries. Where can capable people not be satisfied?

When you are successful and famous, at that time, you can kill the carbine again, and it depends on who can spend more than whom.

Lu Yong flipped through the script: "Which one does the director want to shoot first? The scripts are all very good."

The implication is that he is reluctant to give up any one, and he can also see that Jiang Chan is a hidden dragon in the abyss, and it will be a matter of time before he succeeds. Now that I have established a good relationship with Jiang Chan as soon as possible, I will have more job opportunities in the future.

Jiang Chan: "I like them very much, but I have to wait for the box office of this movie to come out. But if it hits, I will continue to make movies. If it doesn't hit, I will make TV dramas."

Lu Yong chuckled: "Then I will prepare two characters at once? These two characters still have something in common."

Jiang Chan: "If Teacher Lu is not busy, I will prepare it. I believe in Teacher Lu's acting skills."

Lu Yong laughed loudly: "We must not disappoint Director Ling!"

"Director Ling can really sit still, the movie is about to be released, and he still has the time to drink tea with us." Zhao Yanan, another actor in the crew, smiled, and added a little more to Jiang Chan's teacup.

Jiang Chan: "After the movie is finished, the result will be the same. The best will always come next. I heard that our movie has collided with Ren Xuehua?"

Lu Yong: "That's right, I heard that the schedule was temporarily adjusted, and it wasn't released so soon. Ren Xuehua's appeal is still very strong."

Jiang Chan smiled: "No matter how great the appeal is, it still depends on the word of mouth. Once the script stretches the hips, no matter how good the acting skills are."

She admitted Ren Xuehua's acting skills, but she had already read the script from 021, and to be honest, Jiang Chan couldn't appreciate it. Besides, she has always had confidence in her own works, and she didn't pay attention to Ren Xuehua's counterattack.

While they were talking about Ren Xuehua's movies, Wu Ming was also a little busy here.

"I think your decision is a bit rash, but what can a girl in her teens achieve?"

Wu Ming lit a cigarette, squinted his eyes and swallowed the clouds.

Ren Xuehua: "I'm also at risk. I've inquired about it, and now Yingting, Xingyao and other theaters are scheduling 20% ​​of her films. I heard from those people that there may be more in the future."

"If she gets angry, why doesn't she turn against us?"

Wu Ming: "It's you, not me, and I have nothing against her at all."

Seeing Ren Xuehua's silence, after all, he is an old friend for many years, Wu Ming smiled and said: "Then let's fight in the ring. If such a person can't press down before she comes out, it will be even more difficult in the future."

To be honest, Wu Ming didn't take Ling Lin seriously at the moment, she was just a girl under twenty years old, why should she be so cautious? Little do they know that underestimating the enemy is the biggest mistake.

Jiang Chan didn't even hold the premiere of this movie, but just such a movie made by a small crew has exploded in word-of-mouth after its release. Even if Ren Xuehua called many people in the circle to support his movie, he couldn't cover up Jiang Chan's starlight in the end.

She also went to Ren Xuehua's movie, if she didn't bump into her, she can only say that she has done nothing. But when compared with "Blaze", the difference is not even a little bit.

Only three days after the film was released, the number of films scheduled has ushered in an explosive growth.

Xu Shu called Jiang Chan: "Director Ling, I've sent it, let's do it!"

Jiang Chan turned the pen in her hand: "Well, I see, is Mr. Xu still busy?"

Xu Shu's voice was high: "Director Ling, what will your next film be? Just tell me how much investment you need, and you can choose any actor from our company!"

Jiang Chan: "Let's talk about it, I haven't thought about it."

After a few chatters with Xu Shu, Jiang Chan hung up the phone: "If you don't see a rabbit, you won't be a hawk."

Han Ru: "It's normal. I've also received a lot of calls in the past few days, asking about your next move."

Jiang Chan: "Take care of them first, and wait until the movie finally comes out at the box office."

Now everyone in the circle is watching, how much box office will this new director's first film win in the end? Nowadays, it is far from expected that future generations will easily earn billions at the box office. According to Jiang Chan's estimation, it is hard to say whether the box office of this movie can reach half of the small goal.

"Half a billion? Fifty million?" Xu Shu's eyes widened. He felt that he had dared to think about it, but this one was even more exaggerated, opening his mouth to say fifty million.

"Director Ling, do you know how much the box office champion was last year?"

Jiang Chan nodded: "I know, "Fantastic Man" won 32 million box office, and it is the work of director Feng Hua."

Xu Shu: "You know that? Feng Hua is a veteran director in the industry, and the actors of "Fantastic Man" are also the best actor and actress."

He almost said that Jiang Chan didn't know the heights of the Jiang Chan smiled: "You are not allowed to be young and frivolous? Just according to the current momentum, I still have confidence in rushing."

Xu Shu shook his head: "If you really achieve this goal, Director Ling, you became famous in the first battle. Of course, the box office has already reached 20 million, and you are already the highest-grossing female director in the industry."

Jiang Chan: "The name doesn't matter, these are all false."

Xu Shu: "Everyone is curious about you now. I don't know how many people want to meet you. There are many investors waving money. What will Director Ling plan to shoot next? I heard that both Lu Yong and Zhao Yanan are from You got the script here?"

The news from this circle seems to be well-informed, and Jiang Chan is not surprised: "Yes, I originally watched it based on the box office, but now I have decided to make a movie, and the script of the TV series will be released first."

Xu Shu: "Director Ling, please invest."

Jiang Chan shrugged: "If Mr. Xu can meet my request, I have no problem."

Xu Shu had a toothache: "Director Ling's requirements are a bit harsh for not filling in actors and not dictating the crew."

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