Jiang Chan doesn't care: "I really don't lack that little investment. If I can't do it myself, I can invest in the filming. It's work, the main thing is to have fun. It makes me unhappy, everyone stop playing."

"Want me to look at other people's faces? Impossible."

Xu Shu sighed: "Director Ling is amazing! I have to discuss it with the shareholders."

Jiang Chan raised her hand: "Please go ahead, this is not a small sum after all."

In other words, capital is like a shark smelling blood. Many people have come to Jiang Chan to invest before the final box office comes out. Jiang Chan said a few of her requests, and immediately persuaded a lot of them to retreat.

"That's crazy. She took money from us, and she ended up with this attitude?" In a small room, a middle-aged man jumped angrily.

"Old Wang, you can do it. Now you are begging people to invest, and they really don't lack the money you invested. You want people to lead you to make money, but you also want them to support you and respect you?"

There are also those who can see clearly, and they all know that Ling Lin can't hold back now. How can this kind of person who has just appeared and climbed to the top quickly be pressed?

"The final box office of "Blaze" has come out, 52 million."

This box office is definitely the box office champion of this year. "

"Ling Lin and Xu Shu were joking before, saying that her goal was 50 million, and Xu Shu also said that she was whimsical. Looking at it now, she has confidence in her work and will never speak big."

"As a matter of fact, those great directors can't sit still anymore. Just like this, a little girl covered her head, and she didn't come from a major. With this level, there are too many people who want to be in her drama in the future."

"This year's award ceremony has been settled, unless there is another dark horse in the future."

"It is said that Ren Xuehua still wanted to attack Ling Lin. In this situation, who is attacking whom? This is courting death."

"I heard that Wu Ming is going to die of anger."

"Well, people like Ren Xuehua have long been unhappy with him."

While everyone was discussing, Jiang Chan's crew turned on the phone. Half of the collaboration this time was with the actors from the previous movie. The actors who are used to cooperating with each other went very well in filming. They knew how to behave with just one look from Jiang Chan.

As for the actors who were working together for the first time, after staying in Jiang Chan's crew for a long time, they immediately became honest and did not dare to be monsters at all. They were obviously older than Jiang Chan, but when they arrived on the set, they were all very cute.

When "Blaze" was released, the cumulative box office was close to 60 million. People in the box office watching this box office are all red-eyed. A newcomer is still a layman. The first play has won so many box office. Is this real?

In a small box, Feng Hua squinted his eyes: "Have you all seen "Blaze"?"

"I didn't say it, it's the most popular recently, I watched it when it was first released, and it's amazing."

"Old Li, such a high evaluation?"

"That's the truth, and we can't say anything unconscionable. The script is good, the director's level is also high, the actors' performance is also good, editing and soundtrack, etc., can't fault it."

"I heard that these post-productions are done by Ling Lin alone, and she is also the director of the script, which is too versatile."

"I've also heard that she seems to be self-taught. Whose family do you think she is from? Why is she so powerful?"

"Her new movie has started again. As long as her grades are not bad this time, she will basically be able to move around in the circle in the future."

Feng Hua concluded: "So I'm really envious of such an excellent young director. Do you think we can ask her for a script? It's not easy to come across an excellent script these days."

Lao Li: "I think it's okay, but isn't she busy right now? Even if she agrees, it's probably after the next year."

Feng Hua is impulsive; "I remember that her crew only drove there for an hour, Lao Li, let's go and see together? By the way, let's see how this director Ling is filming?"

Seeing that these two people left as soon as they said they would leave, the rest of the people were dumbfounded: "No, just leave us and leave like this?"

"Forget it, Director Feng is like this. He has a quick temper. Let's play our own game. We will know the result when the time comes."

Jiang Chan didn't know that Feng Hua and Lao Li were coming to her crew, and she was busy lecturing to the actors right now. If the newcomers have aura, they can do well with just a little bit of dialing.

If his acting skills are two points short, he can still perform well by working hard secretly. I'm afraid of those dawdlers who have no talent or acting skills and still think about muddling along.

Fortunately, there is no such third type of person here with Jiang Chan, so Jiang Chan is in a good mood, and when she is lecturing to the actors, her attitude is also very kind.

As soon as Feng Hua and Lao Li arrived at the set, they saw Jiang Chan holding up a small trumpet: "Ka, this one won't work, Xiaoyun, pay attention to Teacher Lu's eyes, your emotions are too early."

Lin Xiaoyun hurriedly bent over: "I'm sorry director, I'll prepare my emotions again, I'm slow to enter the scene, sorry for wasting everyone's time."

Jiang Chan: "Go ahead and get ready. Next time, we'll shoot Mr. Lu's scene first. Mr. Lu, is it okay?"

Lu Yong made an ok gesture, and after the record was typed, Lu Yong suddenly opened his eyes, as if he had become another person. Feng Hua and Lao Li just stood on the edge and watched him pass.

"Ka, pass this one!" Jiang Chan pursed her lips in satisfaction, "Thank you, Mr. Lu."

Lu Yong smiled: "No, I'll go and prepare for the next scene."

Jiang Chan also smiled: "Everyone rest in place for twenty minutes."

She put down her horn and walked towards Feng Hua and Lao Li. She saw them when they first came. As soon as 021 sends the information, UU Reading www.uukanshu.com Jiang Chan will know who they are.

"Director Feng, producer Li, hello, both of you, it's a great honor for you two to come to my small crew."

Feng Hua and Jiang Chan shook hands: "Director Ling is too self-effacing to visit here, please don't blame him."

Jiang Chan: "How could it be? It's my honor for you two to be here. I don't know why you two are here today..."

Feng Hua also said directly: "Director Ling's "Blazing" script is very good, and I will not hide it from the leader. After the release of "Fantastic Man" last year, I have been looking for an excellent script. If I have never met a script that suits my heart, I would rather Empty will not make it."

Jiang Chan understood: "I'm usually busy, but now I'm busy with filming, and I don't have so many things to do to write scripts. Director Feng's script won't come out anytime soon."

Feng Hua: "As long as Director Ling has a script for you, I'm willing to wait as long as you want."

Jiang Chan calculated the time: "Let's wait until the filming of this film is finished. I estimate that it will be finished in two months. It will be December at that time. I will hurry up and write the script before the year. In the end, Director Feng, you must be satisfied, we will not buy or sell by force."

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