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She is only thirty-nine years old, and she should still be able to give birth before she reaches menopause. Should she try to have another one? Lin Zheng is gone after all, but her life will go on.

It's a pity that it's useless for her to do these things. After all, God is fair. Fang Hua will never have a son and a half in her life.

After the teacher appreciation banquet, Gu Mei and Gu Sheng were not idle either. Now the mother and daughter were sitting opposite each other in the study space, fighting with those big tomes all day long. Every time Jiang Chan saw this scene, she found it very interesting.

She has had quite a few clients here, but like Gu Mei and Gu Sheng, it was the first time that both mother and daughter came to the learning space to study at the same time, but every time she saw the two of them struggling to study, she I think it's fun.

Even though his college entrance examination results were very good, Gu Sheng didn't think about running far. She is a family lover and doesn't want to be too far away from Gu Mei. And if Gu Mei wants to start a business, she naturally wants to do her part.

In this life of working and studying at the same time, by the time Gu Sheng graduated from university, Gu Mei's company had expanded and expanded again and again, and now it is also among the top three companies in the province.

The company has grown to the scale of going public, but Gu Mei has been holding back that she doesn't want to go public. Once capital enters the market, her control over the company will decline, which is not what she wants to see.

If there is more capital to enter the game, wouldn't she struggle for several years and finally make wedding dresses for others? Therefore, no matter how the outside world disputes, Gu Mei just insists on swearing at one word and not going public.

Her ambition is not so big, what to do bigger and stronger, etc., she is very satisfied with the current scale.

Jiang Chan: "IPO has the advantages of being listed, at least the financing is faster. But there are also disadvantages, and what you worry about is also very dangerous. Many people have worked hard all their lives, and there are many people who are forced out after being listed."

"It depends on how you choose."

Gu Mei gritted her teeth: "These capitals are like sharks that smell blood, they won't want to give up. But in the final analysis, even if it's a listed company, it can't be a family business."

"I'm just a little unwilling and a little worried. What if I fall into a trap in the end?"

She had seen Jiang Chan's case and was very impressed. The self-made female boss finally made a wedding dress for no reason. She worked hard for more than 20 years, and all of them disappeared in one day.

Gu Mei knew that she was only taken care of by Jiang Chan, if she really confronted each other, how could she do anything against those capitals? Don't be too thoughtful.

Jiang Chan: "I think Gu Sheng is very talented in this area. You can ask Gu Sheng for his opinion. After all, these years are not for nothing."

Gu Mei: "She is getting more and more refined now, I don't even want to talk to her, and my head hurts when I see her. She is so old and cunning, who will not be eaten to death when she is with her in the future? It feels like It's like harming a boy from a good family."

Gu Sheng happened to enter the study space: "In my mother's eyes, I'm this old and cunning image? Obviously I'm still a young and beautiful girl, okay?"

Gu Mei: "Ha, this is the funniest joke I've ever heard. Go to the company and ask, who is not afraid of you? Say you are like a smiling tiger."

Not to be outdone, Gu Sheng said, "Mom, you have never been much better. Do you know what people think of you? People say you are a flat-headed brother, but you are a honey badger. Do you know that? You know how to fight with people all day long."

Gu Mei's eyes were a little erratic: "I... Didn't I hold back at that time? That old **** was behind his back, I can't fight back? I didn't break his third leg because I was merciful."

It is undoubtedly more difficult for a woman to make a living in the mall, because Jiang Chan has been recuperating Gu Mei's body in the past few years. Gu Mei's condition is unbelievable. It is no exaggeration to say that she looks only thirty-one or twelve years old at most.

Gu Mei's looks belonged to the classy and glamorous one, and it was inevitable that some people would be dishonest when she went out to discuss business. This made Gu Mei meet, she endured twice to watch the other party make progress, and now Gu Mei couldn't sit still.

She has a pungent temper, and she has learned a few tricks from Jiang Chan, so she screamed at the middle-aged man opposite in the restaurant. The crispness and quickness of his strike made others feel terrified when they saw it.

Therefore, Gu Mei likes to mention the title of Brother Pingtou, because she is really capable of fighting. That is to say, after the scale of the company has grown, Gu Mei has less hands-on time with people.

Of course, at that time, the executives basically went out to discuss business, and there was no need for her to charge forward.

Gu Sheng hugged Gu Mei: "By the way, mother, you didn't think about finding another one? I heard that Lin Weiqi has made mistresses and mistresses outside. Are you just living like this?"

Gu Mei: "It's much more nourishing for me to live alone. Lin Weiqi still looks for Xiaosan and Xiaosi? Fang Hua is not making trouble?"

Gu Sheng: "She doesn't dare to make trouble, does she? It is said that she is completely supported by Lin Weiqi. She is a down-to-earth dodder. She dares to leave Lin Weiqi? Naturally, she will swallow her anger for whatever Lin Weiqi does."

"There used to be Lin Zheng, but now without Lin Zheng, she has no confidence."

"But to be honest, they are still young, why haven't they had a son and a half in the past few years?"

Jiang Chan: "Too many retributions have been done. They are destined to have no children. No matter how many mistresses Lin Weiqi finds, no matter how hard Fang Hua works, if they don't have one, they won't."

Gu Sheng felt concerned: "It can be seen that people still have to have their own moral bottom line. Aren't these two people the most vivid examples?"

Jiang Chan: "I am absolutely assured of your moral bottom line, but Gu Sheng is right in saying a word, you are only forty-two years old, it is too lonely to be alone from now on. UU Reading"

Gu Mei: "I've been doing this for more than 20 years, and it's not just the first day. In fact, I prefer to be busy with my career now than I was busy with my life before."

"Besides, in fact, it doesn't matter if you get married or not. Both left and right have to leave. Isn't I the best example? That's why I never urge Gu Sheng to fall in love and get married. To put it bluntly, those things are meaningless."

Gu Sheng: "I also find it boring. I don't agree with the way young people fall in love nowadays. They just eat, drink, and play all day long. I think they think it's very naive. They can't reach my spiritual resonance."

Jiang Chan is seeking truth from facts: "With your current temperament, it is too difficult to reach a spiritual resonance with you. We are not on the same level as each other, and it is really difficult to get along with each other."

Gu Mei: "That's the reason, and once you get married, there will be one pile after another. Just like that old godly woman, Mrs. Lin, isn't she the best example? I'm really tired of dealing with the relationship between mother-in-law and daughter-in-law. Gotta die."

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