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Gu Sheng had never met Mrs. Lin, and it was mainly because of Gu Mei's protection, and she seldom heard Gu Mei say these things.

Gu Mei: "When it comes to ignorance, Mrs. Lin ranks second, and no one ranks first. In her eyes, her son is the best, and others are going to take over their family. She was so complacent back then."

"Later, Lin Weiqi and Fang Hua got involved. She helped outsiders to talk, and I was a strong-tempered person. Isn't it just that I can't make it through? Just leave, I can't do without him, Gu Mei?"

"Back then, she thought that Fang Hua was carrying a son, but now it's all over. Lin Zheng died a long time ago. Isn't the Lin family going to be wiped out in the end?"

"Thinking of this, I'm all kinds of happy, really happy."

Gu Sheng: "I didn't expect it to be so difficult for you back then? I thought you'd always been so irritable."

Gu Mei: "I was very gentle when I was in my natal family. Didn't I get forced? If you are not tough, others dare to ride on your head. Once you are tough, no one will dare to take you seriously. "

"I quite like my tough character now, at least I feel happy. Compared with me looking at other people's faces, it makes me feel better when others see my face."

Gu Sheng: "Yes, my mother is really very strong now, and she always looked like a bluff before. Now it's not, it's really scary to look at."

Gu Mei: "So, I don't want to look for it anymore. I am rich these days, so I am afraid that I will have a bad life in the future? When I am old, I will hire ten or eight nannies."

Jiang Chan: "It's good for you to be successful, but it's not bad. Sometimes the family is warm, but you can't deny that it does have a lot of troubles. I think for you, what you are most afraid of now is all kinds of family aspects. Are you in trouble?"

Gu Mei: "That's natural. After a long time alone, I will really become addicted. I have already worried enough in my working life. What should I do to worry about others? Isn't it good to live a good life?"

Jiang Chan also understands Gu Mei's choice, and to be honest, she does not persuade Gu Mei to remarry. After all, the cost of starting a marriage these days is very high, not to mention that Gu Mei is worth a lot now, and if she is really married, if there is any emotional discord in the future, it will be difficult to cut off her assets.

Perhaps Gu Mei also thought of this point, after all, she worked so hard for it, how could it be possible for others to get it through a marriage? Although she doesn't want to think of people as utilitarian, that's how society is.

"Gu Sheng, let's think about it. You said whether the company should go public or not. I really can't stand it anymore." After a meeting for the day, Gu Mei entered the study space with a thought.

Gu Sheng frowned: "It's still going to be listed. If you don't get listed, the capital will be sold. If your business is doing well these days, people will naturally be jealous."

Gu Mei did the same thing: "Are you bullying us by staring at us? Wait for the capital to enter the game..."

Jiang Chan: "This is the worst plan. I am very optimistic about Gu Sheng. She will not allow others to share your hard work."

Gu Mei laughed: "Gu Sheng, the teacher is so optimistic about you? Are you more cunning and cunning than them?"

Gu Sheng rolled his eyes: "Mom, isn't old treacherous and cunning a good word? I'm too lazy to tell you, I'm off to work."

Gu Mei suddenly smiled: "You said that after the listing, will I be able to let Gu Sheng take over? At that time, I will still go out to do sales. What I love most is this feeling of being on the front line."

Jiang Chan sighed: "No wonder everyone calls you Brother Pingtou, you are too energetic."

Gu Mei: "In life, how boring is it to always eat, drink and have fun?"

No matter how unwilling Gu Mei and Gu Sheng are, it is imperative for the company to go public. Right after the company went public, Gu Mei simply resigned from the position of CEO, and Gu Sheng suddenly became the largest shareholder of the company.

Even if the shares were diluted a lot after the listing, Gu Mei and Gu Sheng have not been idle these years. No matter what, she and Gu Mei hold the majority of the shares.

Seeing this situation, those capitals who entered the game felt their noses crooked. Knowing that the mother and daughter are not that easy to get along with, Gu Mei can tell that this is a firecracker, basically it will explode at any point.

On the contrary, her daughter Gu Sheng is undoubtedly more resourceful than Gu Mei. Gu Mei does things openly and fiercely, but Gu Sheng is always smiling, and no one else can see what is going on in her heart.

Gu Mei's company's listing is such a big event, and with Gu Sheng in charge of the company, such a big news can't be hidden from the outside world. Of course Lin Weiqi and Fang Hua also knew about it. Looking at Gu Sheng's smart suit, Fang Hua gritted his teeth in hatred.

Her daughter passed away a long time ago, but Gu Sheng lived so comfortably, and is now the boss of a listed company. Why is this world so unfair?

Looking at Lin Weiqi with a surprised face, Fang Hua hid the hatred in her eyes again, and now she relies on Lin Weiqi to live. No matter how messed up Lin Weiqi is outside, she can't complain.

At this moment, she was glad that Lin Weiqi hadn't produced a child in the past few years, but when she thought that Gu Sheng was now Lin Weiqi's only child, Fang Hua's pointed fingernails dug into her palm.

Lin Weiqi is really very happy now, his daughter is now the head of such a big company, how could he not be happy? It's a pity that he wanted to contact Gu Sheng, how could it be so easy?

If he wanted to go to the company to find Gu Sheng, he couldn't even get in at the front desk. After all, Lin Weiqi was not even a supplier of Gu Sheng's company, so how could he be able to meet Gu Sheng with empty words?

Gu Mei's work has not been as busy as before. After handing over the work at UU Reading to Gu Sheng, she can also get off work on time. When she got off work that day, she saw a man standing at the front desk. Even if he turned into ashes, Gu Mei would recognize him.

"Lin Weiqi? What are you doing here?" Even though she was codenamed Brother Pingtou, Gu Mei didn't go up to fight alone, so she was able to suppress her anger at this moment.

Looking at Gu Mei who was wearing a red suit not far away, Lin Weiqi was taken aback: "Gu Mei? You...why do you look like this?"

Gu Mei smiled but said, "I'm not popular, so I don't have to worry about others, I'm naturally young. You look a lot older, like a veteran."

The secretary who followed turned her face away and tried her best to hold back her smile. She just likes to see Mr. Gu **** off people, so there is no battle she can't win. It is said that Mr. Gu is a legend in their hearts. He only started his business at the age of thirty-nine, but the company has achieved this scale in four years. What is it if it is not a legend?

Of course, Gu Mei did not shy away from talking about the past. Everyone knew that Gu Mei and her ex-husband had divorced a long time ago, and she had been a father and a mother all these years to bring up her daughter.

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