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Gu Mei sat lazily in the corner, enjoying this stolen half-day leisure by herself. It's just that Gu Mei's expression changed slightly when she saw a noble lady in the banquet hall.

Because of her unsatisfactory marriage, Gu Mei undoubtedly hates unfaithful men very much. It just so happened that she saw Mr. Liu and a hostess going in and out of a hotel intimately a while ago. Now when she sees Su Yunyu, Gu Mei will inevitably have some compassion heart of.

Su Yunyu was about the same age as her, so it would be too pitiful if she was kicked out in the end. After wiping her fingertips, Gu Mei got up and walked towards Su Yunyu.

Su Yunyu went out to socialize with Liu Guofu today. While Liu Guofu was chatting with those bosses, Su Yunyu was socializing with those ladies.

Unexpectedly, there was someone standing next to her. After seeing that it was Gu Mei, Su Yunyu smiled: "Mr. Gu, long time no see, you are in good condition when you come in."

Gu Mei greeted these ladies: "I have some business with Mrs. Liu, do you mind?"

A lady smiled pretentiously: "I don't mind, of course I don't mind, Mr. Gu will talk to us about the secrets of maintenance later."

Gu Mei smiled: "Okay, I just happen to be free recently, we can make an appointment to have a beauty treatment. Recently, a new style has been launched in the beauty salon, let's try it together?"

"That's needless to say? Mr. Gu's beauty salon is absolutely top-notch."

Gu Mei set up a beauty club by herself, the club is not big, but the people she faces are these noble ladies. After all, they all took the prescriptions from Jiang Chan, and the effect can be seen.

In the past few years, relying on this beauty salon, Gu Mei has made a lot of money.

Su Yunyu followed Gu Mei to the corner with some doubts, but Gu Mei didn't drag her feet and passed a document to her.

"I saw it at the end of Mr. Fang's birthday party a few days ago. I was worried that I was wrong, so I went to collect evidence. Now it's all here. You can decide for yourself."

These materials must have been given to her by Jiang Chan, how could she have the time to follow Liu Guofu and that Dong Lei?

Su Yunyu looked down at the phone, the intimate behavior of the two showed that it was not the first time they met. She never thought that she would end up in this situation.

"No matter what, I still want to thank you."

Gu Mei: "Just don't blame me for being too busy. I've inquired about it. There are signs of Liu Guofu's transfer of assets recently. You are a smart person and you should know how to do it."

Su Yunyu was stunned: "Why is marriage so difficult these days? I've always been complacent. I've been married to Lao Liu for so many years, but now I'm being slapped on my face one by one. It's so ironic."

"A well-known hostess, what kind of person does she want? Finally, she has her eyes on Liu Guofu? Liu Guofu is ten years older than her, so she can talk about it?"

Gu Mei leaned on the railing: "It's normal. After being outside enough, I want to catch a big fish ashore. The big fish must also be worth, otherwise how can I match her?"

"After all, the image she has built up over the years is not bad. How could she be willing to live an ordinary life? I checked Dong Lei's previous life, and she wanted to be wonderful, but the people behind her had the means to cover it up for her."

Su Yunyu: "Dong Lei's scandal... can you give it to me?"

Gu Mei: "Just keep flipping through the information you just had, and that's all I can help you with. When my ex-husband cheated, everyone around me helped hide it, but I really hope that someone can tell you in advance. Me, and save me from being so caught off guard."

Su Yunyu wiped away her tears: "I know what you mean, thank you very much. I will ask you to have dinner with me when things are over. Now I am really not in the mood. I still have a lot of things on hand."

Gu Mei hugged her: "Okay, be strong, there is no obstacle you can't get over. There are many men in this world, if it doesn't work, let's change, there is always a suitable one."

Su Yunyu couldn't help laughing: "Thank you for your comfort, I'll go say hello to them."

No matter what, she was in favor of Gu Mei. If she really waited until that day, she would be caught off guard by Liu Guofu... Thinking about this, Su Yunyu hurriedly said a few words to those noble ladies, and then hurried back to her mother's house.

Her natal family's Su family was not vegetarian either, and now Liu Guofu naturally had other intentions, so she had to go back and ask her natal family to help her with an idea. Although I haven't worked for so many years, but her natal family has a big brother and a little brother, she won't suffer no matter what.

Su Yunyu left suddenly, and the explanation to Liu Guofu was that she was suddenly in a hurry, Liu Guofu didn't take it to heart, and was still talking and laughing with the bosses.

Gu Mei looked at him pityingly, the happier you smile now, the more painful you will be later, who told you not to do anything?

On the way back to her natal home, Su Yunyu went through all these materials, and the more she saw the end, the angrier she became. Liu Guofu is really good, if he really let him do it, what will be left to her is an empty shell in the end.

Looking at the relationship between him and Dong Lei, the two have been in contact for half a year. The secrecy work was done very well. If Gu Mei hadn't told her, she probably wouldn't have known about it until Liu Guofu had a showdown.

Suppressing the anger in her heart, Su Yunyu didn't think about tearing herself apart with Liu Guofu right now, which is the most stupid way. She had to wait until she had all the evidence and her natal family was ready before she had a showdown with Liu Guofu.

The atmosphere of the Su family today is particularly dignified. From the old men and women of the Su family to the juniors of the Su family, all of them were furious.

Su Yunhe read the information carefully: "The collection is very detailed, and it is clear at a glance what was done when."

Su Yuning looked at those accounts: "The signs of property transfer are already obvious, Liu Guofu really has a second heart. UU Reading"

The old man was so angry: "This son of a bitch, if it wasn't for the support of our Su family, he would have achieved the current industry? It's turned upside down, it's turned upside down, and this grandson must not be easy!"

Su Yuning pursed her lips: "That's natural. He failed Yunyu and still wants to get out? It's not that cheap. Now Liu Guofu is getting more and more crazy, I really want to teach him to be a man."

Su Yunhe: "Second sister, what do you think? If you want to leave, we will support you."

Su Yunyu: "Naturally, we have to leave. This year, once cheated, there will be a second time. A cheating man is like a soup that has been bitten by flies. After eating it, it makes your stomach upset. It's better to throw it away early."

"Gu Mei said that we can change men if we can't do it. If we have money, we're afraid we won't find a man? It's only for them to please us."

"Now that I think about Gu Mei's uprightness, I don't believe that Liu Guofu messed around outside and his friends don't know about it, but no one has ever said a word."

(end of this chapter)

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