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Su Yunyu sighed: "I only met her once, I didn't expect her to tell me this."

Su Yuning: "The Gu Mei you're talking about, is that Gu Mei? Her daughter's name is Gu Sheng?"

Su Yunyu was surprised: "Yes, you know her?"

Su Yuning: "I've seen it twice. Since you have made up your mind on Liu Guofu's side, the family must not let it go so easily. Fortunately, Yichen is an adult. If you talk to him later, he should be able to understand."

Su Yunyu forced a smile: "I know, brother, I don't understand, we have been doing well for so many years, why did everything change all of a sudden?"

"That Dong Lei, isn't she just younger than me? Isn't she just a bit famous? She just broke up my family with her bare hands like this... She is a well-known hostess, so shameless?"

Su Yunhe: "If she wants face, she will do these things? Even if you and Liu Guofu are divorced, you can't make her feel better. These days, you know what to do and want to be glamorous. How can there be such a cheap thing? "

Among them, Su Yunhe has the most violent temper. If it wasn't for Su Yuning's suppression, he wished he could beat Liu Guofu right now. How can there be such a good thing for someone who bullied their family and still wants to get out of his body?

Su Yunning raised her eyelids: "Be more prudent, open your mouth and shut your mouth to shout and kill, civilized people do things in a civilized manner."

Su Yunyu: "I'll tell Yichen about it. I'll leave it to my elder brother. I'll treat Gu Mei to dinner after it's done. If it wasn't for her, I would really be caught off guard by Liu Guofu."

Su Yuning: "Okay, you can stay at home, this matter can't be left alone."

The news was given to Su Yunyu, but Gu Mei never paid attention to it afterward. Recently, she has been busy serving her ancestors. Looking at the puffy big orange in front of her, Gu Mei started to stroke it: "Tell me, it's so pitiful to be raised like a **** cat after Bai grows up like this!" ?”

She picked it up by accident, and she was only breathless at that time. When she was sent to the hospital for examination, she still lost too much blood. Seeing the fat and chubby tangerine, it turned out like this, Gu Mei couldn't bear it.

She rolled her eyes, watching Gu Sheng come back from get off work: "From now on, it will be under your control, do you hear me?"

Gu Sheng was not happy: "You don't care about the cat you picked up, let me take care of it? How can I justify it?"

Gu Mei: "It's a bit like you."

Gu Sheng glanced at Daju: "Where does it look like? Am I as fat as it?"

Gu Mei: "This is a blood cat. A cat that is specially designed to transfuse blood from other cats. It usually grows wildly. Once it runs out of blood, it will be abandoned. It's not like you?"

Gu Sheng got stuck all of a sudden, she looked down at the big orange round eyes, and finally sighed: "It's really similar, it's so pitiful, I'll raise it, I'll raise it, the person who raises the blood cat, you Didn't do anything?"

Gu Mei raised her eyebrows: "With the teacher here, how can I help? Those who raise blood cats, which one will benefit?"

Jiang Chan came back now: "It's resolved, but there are a lot of blood cats in captivity, so we have to find a way to solve it."

Gu Mei: "How many? One hundred and eighty cats? Send them to the rescue station? Or donate money to the rescue station? These days, it is really difficult for the stray cat rescue station to maintain itself."

"Many people are pursuing the so-called bloodline these days, and they don't understand where their superiority lies. I think they are all the same. They are all life. Why are pet cats more noble than blood cats?"

The more she thought about Gu Mei, the more uncomfortable she was. She hugged Daju's body: "It's been a few days since I raised it, and it's still so weak. When will it take me to bring it back? It's so pitiful."

Gu Sheng patted Da Ju's head: "Take care of it slowly, the little pity will not be pitiful after she comes to our house. I'm going to work first, mom, take care of it first, I have a meeting to attend."

Gu Mei curled her lips: "You are the only one who is busy, but I am impatient to argue with those foreigners."

Gu Mei can speak foreign languages, anyway, after staying in the learning space for so many years, she can't speak any foreign languages. But she was impatient to fight those foreigners, one by one was more cunning, the so-called capital hooligans were talking about them.

That is to say, Gu Mei was followed by Jiang Chan, and she hadn't been caught in it a few years ago. Even now, there are still people watching her.

Gu Sheng stroked the big orange again before entering the study. Gu Mei patted its head: "Orange is here for dinner, and today I made a new cat meal for you."

Daju meowed softly, his voice still weak. Gu Mei felt sore when she heard this, but she was alone, and she couldn't save all the blood cats in the world.

These days, only when there is business can there be killing. There is undoubtedly a long way to go on the road of saving the blood cat.

After eating the love cat meal made by Gu Mei, Daju rubbed on Gu Mei's thigh, then looked at Gu Sheng's study, and then walked over slowly.

Gu Sheng was having a meeting with the other side when he saw a cat poking its head in. After looking around, it walked to its side in small steps. He looked at the desk, then at the floor, and finally jumped on it.

Jiang Chan: "It seems that the recuperation these days is still effective."

Gu Sheng straightened his face: "Okay, let's continue..."

Daju sat quietly at the corner of her desk, accompanying Gu Sheng to the meeting. During the period, Gu Mei opened the door and took a look, seeing that one person and one cat were getting along very well, Gu Mei waved her hand to indicate that she was going to bed and ignored the two of them.

When working overtime in this kind of winter, with a cute pet by his side, who seemed to share his fate with him, Gu Sheng suddenly felt that he was not alone anymore.

She thought for a while and suddenly laughed, how is she like Daju? After all, she still has a mother to protect her, Daju... Gu Sheng shook his head, life is very difficult for people these days, let alone animals.

After working until midnight, Gu Sheng turned off the computer, and Daju stretched his waist, staring at Gu Sheng. Gu Sheng picked it up: "Let's go, go back to sleep, don't worry about raising you, I will always raise you, UU Reading will not leave you behind."

When Gu Sheng and Daju were getting along, Gu Mei also went to the rescue station. Faced with this situation, she seemed to have nothing to do except give money. Thinking of this, Gu Mei felt a little panicked.

Jiang Chan: "Caring for animals does not depend on one person's strength alone, it requires everyone to participate. Take your time, there are still quite a lot of caring people in society."

Gu Mei had just finished a meeting that day when the secretary came in and said that Su Yunyu wanted to see her. Gu Mei understood: "Okay, let her in."

Later, she didn't pay attention to it, and she didn't know what was going on now.

Su Yunyu sat down opposite Gu Mei, and took out a document from her bag: "Look, the divorce certificate."

Gu Mei pursed her lips: "I don't look like anyone else, but I'm old and I'm a green book."

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(end of this chapter)

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