After rolling up Xu Li's quilts and tying them all to the back seat of the bicycle with ropes, Jiang Chan returned to Xu Li's hometown in the drizzle.

Seeing her come back, Xu Dehai greeted her: "Why don't you make a phone call? I can go to school and bring it back for you."

Jiang Chan: "No need, you are not in good health, and you don't have many things."

Xu Dehai is now sixty-six. He has always been in poor health, and he is good at smoking and playing cards. It can be said that he basically has no money in his hands. And because of bronchitis, he was basically unable to do heavy physical work.

Xu Li's grandmother, Wang Ying, is a typical ignorant old lady. Anyway, Jiang Chan hasn't paid much attention to her in the past few months. This is a master who pushes her nose and face, no matter how nice she is, it's useless.

At this moment, she was staring at the clothes on Jiang Chan: "Your parents bought this for you, right? The family is so poor, and you still spend money to buy these? What do students want to wear so well?"

Jiang Chan glanced at her: "Can you control it? I'm tired, so I'll go change my clothes first."

At home during the winter vacation, Jiang Chan was not idle. No matter how bad Wang Ying is, she can see her hard work. Isn't it hard to go to the ground every day? Farmers are the hardest.

Once the field is busy, I can't take care of other places. The house can be said to be like a huge garbage dump. After all, Xu Dehai is not so diligent, it can be said that he is very lazy.

During the first week of the winter vacation, Jiang Chan was very busy. Busy with washing the bedding, cleaning, scrubbing the glass, etc., even the kitchen side, wishing that she would give birth to a layer of wall skin.

Xu Qin and Yang Jing arrived home on the 28th of the Lunar New Year. When the three-wheeled motorcycle stopped at the door of the house, Jiang Chan stopped cooking. By the way, Yang Jing is a smart person, can she see the difference in Xu Li?

Just thinking about this, a little Douding rushed in from the door. The little doll hugged her calf and looked up at her with a small face: "Sister."

Jiang Chan's heart softened immediately, and she put the lid on the pot: "Are you back? I'm cooking, and I'll play with you later?"

Xu Lin smiled: "Okay, sister, what delicious food did you cook?"

Jiang Chan: "Braised pork, I know you are coming back today, I went to the market to buy it in the morning."

Yang Jing was very careful. After moving all the luggage home, she was shocked: "Why is the house so clean? I thought I would be busy when I came back."

Jiang Chan: "That's it, just cleaned it, are you hungry? Lunch will be there soon."

At this moment, Xu Dehai was lighting a fire in front of the stove. After more than a week of vacation, Xu Dehai was put on a few pounds by Jiang Chan. After all, she is an old man in her dying years, so she can't do nothing.

Yang Jing: "You know how to cook now? How is your academic performance?"

Jiang Chan didn't care: "The transcript is in the schoolbag, you can go and see for yourself."

Although Yang Jing is not at home, she is most concerned about her grades: "The last midterm exam, your teacher said that you were the first in your grade. Didn't you regress this time?"

Jiang Chan: "Of course not. By the way, on the sofa are the New Year's clothes I bought for you. You, Dad, and Xu Lin go try them out. I've already bought theirs, so I took them to the store to pick them out."

Jiang Chan himself has money, so he is not a searcher. Although he looked down on the old couple, he didn't think about grinding them. There is no need to make yourself unhappy about things that can be solved with money, after all, the emotional value is very high.

Yang Jing didn't think much about it. Yang Lanzhu told her about Xu Li's contributions, and she only thought that Xu Li bought them for the manuscript fees. But hearing this, she was really in a good mood.

The kitchen was empty for a while, and Xu Dehai was in a good mood. Although he was good at playing cards, after playing a game with Jiang Chan, he was overwhelmed by Jiang Chan, and now he was playing cards with Jiang Chan all day long.

In his words, playing poker with others is boring, but playing poker with his granddaughter is the best thing to win money. And Jiang Chan taught him card counting, and now his card skills have improved a lot.

But Jiang Chan is not always responsive to his requests, and it usually takes him two or three days to go out to play a game with him. Now the old and young men in the village are trembling when they see her, they are really afraid of losing.

Yang Jing didn't say anything during lunch, but pulled her aside after lunch: "Why did you buy such expensive clothes? Can you return them?"

Jiang Chan chuckled: "I can't return it. I've already cut off the tag and washed it. By the way, I just have something to discuss with you."

As she spoke, she took out an envelope from the middle of her schoolbag, and when she opened it, it was full of banknotes. Yang Jing was a little dizzy: "Is it so profitable to write articles?"

Jiang Chan took out a few, and stuffed the rest into Yang Jing's hands: "These are for you, I'll find you a job, work every six days, about 1,500 a month."

Yang Jing hesitated: "One thousand and five, but your father..."

Jiang Chan: "Didn't he have bad eyes? Then don't let him go out to work. UU Reading usually cook at home and take Xu Lin with you. I pay him a salary every month. I want It’s not easy to take care of children.”

Xu Qin smiled angrily: "Okay, how much do you pay me a month?"

Jiang Chan smiled: "The editor called me yesterday and wanted to buy the copyright of my novel. The copyright fee is paid, not to mention at least 300,000 yuan. Is this enough for you?"

Xu Qin stared: "How much? Really give it all to me?"

At this moment, he was about to laugh out loud, as long as the money came in, he would be happy of course.

Jiang Chan: "If conditions permit, buy a house in the town first when the copyright fee is received. Xu Lin will go to kindergarten next year. Why can't she be allowed to study in the countryside? Education can't keep up."

"The factory where you work is not far from the town. It takes only 20 minutes to ride a bicycle. You will live in the town in the future. As for your hometown, you just need to come back more often."

Xu Qin couldn't be happier at the moment: "The money is really going to buy a house, can't I save it?"

Jiang Chan glanced at him: "It's too inconvenient to go back and forth. I'm in the third grade of junior high school, and I don't want to stay, and the relationship with the dormitory is not very good. The head teacher said, with my grades, I can still think about it if I want to be the champion of the city." , you don’t want to affect my study, do you?”

As long as study is mentioned, Yang Jing immediately does not hesitate: "Buy, you must not delay your study."

Jiang Chan clenched her lips: "This is the best. Don't think I've neglected you. It's not easy to take good care of your home. Instead of you going out and stumbling around, it's better to stay at home like this and do the logistics work well. "

Xu Qin smiled: "As long as I have money in my pocket, I don't care what I do."

Jiang Chan smiled: "Okay, I have an appointment with the editor to talk about copyright tomorrow, shall we go together tomorrow?"

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