The next day, after signing the contract with the editor and going to the bank to check the balance in the account, Yang Jing was a little dizzy: "So much money?"

Jiang Chan leaned over and looked at the numbers: "It's okay, there will be more in the future, you have to get used to it."

As soon as the money arrived, Xu Qin and Yang Jing suddenly felt that their backs were stiff, and the mountain that had been pressing on their shoulders before was immediately removed. When they walked out of the bank, the two of them walked very briskly. After all, they now have money in hand and the confidence to face the world.

Xu Qin was very happy at the moment, and his mouth has been grinning since he came out of the bank. Compared with Jiang Chan who saw Xu Qin in Xu Li's memory, he undoubtedly looked much younger and more energetic at the moment.

With money in hand, the trivial things in life are not so annoying. Yang Jing has always been very frugal, even if she has so much money on hand for a while, she still calculates everything when buying things.

Jiang Chan didn't think it was a bad thing for her, and it was a good thing to cherish every penny on hand.

When passing by an electric car store, Jiang Chan suddenly stopped: "Buy two electric cars, it will be convenient for you to go to work in the future, you can't ride a bicycle every day, it's too hard."

Xu Qin waved his hand: "I'll forget it, I don't usually use it much. Just buy one for your mother, it's not cheap."

Jiang Chan: "It's better to buy it. I would rather use it less than usual, and keep it on hand. You can earn money if you can spend it, and money is not saved."

Xu Lin held Jiang Chan's hand all the time: "My sister is amazing, and I will make a lot of money in the future."

Jiang Chan smiled: "Okay, but the prerequisite for making money is to study hard. If you don't study or read a lot, you can't do these things, right?"

Yang Jing couldn't resist Jiang Chan, the family of four went to the electric car store for a while, and when they came out, they pushed two electric cars. Jiang Chan held the handle of the car: "Does Linlin want to ride in my car?"

Xu Lin slumped and stood on the pedal of the electric car: "Yes!"

Xu Qin rubbed his nose and sat in Yang Jing's car knowingly, thinking about getting addicted. As for the bicycle that I rode over in the morning, it was also sent to the bicycle repair shop and disposed of at a low price.

When I returned to the village, people kept asking from the beginning of the village, asking how much the electric car cost, asking Yang Jing where they got rich this year, and so on. After arriving home, the old man Xu Dehai surrounded the two electric cars and was even more envious,

Jiang Chan: "Tomorrow I will accompany you to buy a tricycle. I have already taken a look at it. A tricycle is more stable."

Xu Dehai couldn't be happier: "You really bought it for me? Do you still have money?"

Jiang Chan smiled and said, "Of course, I secretly saved my own money."

The old man had studied for several years, and he could understand everything Jiang Chan told him. No, he also knows that Jiang Chan has made money writing books. As for how much he has earned, he can tell that it must be a lot just by looking at the electric cars his son and daughter-in-law bought.

Seeing Jiang Chan and Xu Dehai talking, Wang Ying curled her lips, not daring to say anything. In the past few days when Jiang Chan was on vacation, she also asked her where she got the money from, and even wanted to get it in her pocket, but unfortunately, after being cleaned up by Jiang Chan once, she dared not speak again.

Of course, Jiang Chan never did anything wrong to her, and she was satisfied with whatever she was going to buy. Usually, I would return money to her every now and then. To be honest, if it weren't for the fear of poverty, no one would be able to do the thing of taking money out of other people's pockets.

Usually the atmosphere in the Xu family is not good. After all, it was already very difficult to make a living in previous years. After returning home, the old man still tried every means to ask for money, after all, they couldn't make money at home.

Now that Jiang Chan is here, it can be said that this year has been very peaceful. After all, Jiang Chan really gave a lot to the old couple, and she didn't only earn money from selling copyrights, okay?

The second day of the Lunar New Year is the day to go back to her natal family. Xu Qin has an older sister, Xu Feng, who has not been close to her family in recent years. So every year on the second day of the new year, I come back to pay New Year's greetings meaningfully, and there are very few New Year's gifts prepared.

Xu Qin was a bit of a villain. After dinner on the first night of the first day of junior high school, he groaned: "When I think of seeing her tomorrow, I will be angry. If you give your grandma so much money, she will give it to Xu Feng in the end."

Jiang Chan rolled her eyes: "She doesn't dare, I said, if she gives Xu Feng a dime, I won't give her any money in the future."

Xu Qin curled his lips: "Can she listen to you? Your grandma has always been soft-boned. After Xu Feng said a few words, she would give her everything."

Jiang Chan: "Don't believe me, why don't we bet?"

Xu Qin immediately shook his head: "I won't bet with you, you won me a hundred yuan yesterday, and my liver still hurts right now."

Jiang Chan was helpless: "Are you sure about it? Are you a Pixiu? You can only get in and out?"

Xu Qin laughed, and Jiang Chan lost his temper because of his laughter: "Okay, don't worry, I will follow her every step of the way tomorrow, and make sure that our family's things will not get into the hands of outsiders."

Yang Jing was busy knitting sweaters: "That's right, Xu Feng has always been bad to us. If you want me to say, you shouldn't give your grandma use this money to buy more things, and you can still It has a good reputation and is affordable.”

Jiang Chan doesn't care: "It's not a big problem that can be solved with money, and it's all small money. Fifty yuan a week, to put it bluntly, isn't much."

Yang Jing: "You are getting richer and richer now, but this year the family bought an electric car, so I guess Xu Feng will ask again."

Jiang Chan doesn't care: "Just ask, you just say that you plan to stay at home next year and not go out to work. This is bought with your savings. As for my affairs, don't talk about it. The meat will be bored in the pot. tasty."

Xu Qin clapped his hands: "When it comes to meat, I thought of going to Xu Feng's house in the past, and there was stewed meat in the pot, and she didn't even tell me to eat a bowl before leaving. I will always remember this incident. Do this to me."

Yang Jing: "We went out to work before, and asked her to help us bring some luggage there. After half a year, we didn't bring it. Your father and I brought it over by ourselves. We will always remember everything. .”

Jiang Chan: "I know you worked hard in the past, isn't it good? Think about it this year when you buy a house in the town, your job is leisurely and not tiring, Xu Lin will go to school again in the second half of the year, my grades are not bad, is it right? Is it a good day?"

Yang Juan pursed her lips and smiled: "Yes, thinking about it, it will be a good day."

Jiang Chan: "I have inquired about the houses in the town years ago. There is a storefront house that is about to be sold, and it is only three minutes away from the school. If it is calculated, 150,000 can be settled."

Xu Qin shivered: "So expensive?"

Jiang Chan rolled her eyes: "The store front room is expensive no matter what, as long as you rely on the school, you won't lose money if you buy it. At that time, you can set up a small stall at home and earn some pocket money. "

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