Old Zhou: "That's not enough to buy such an expensive mobile phone, right? It's more than a thousand."

The banknotes at this moment still have a lot of purchasing power, which is nearly a month's salary for ordinary people.

Xu Qin: "This alone is not enough. Her book is about to be published, so I said reading is useful. How can you write such a good article if you don't read? When my mother and I came home, she bought it for us. New clothes, new shoes, everything is well bought..."

Listening to Xu Qin's gleeful flaunting over there, Yang Jing's mood became much more peaceful. Right now, she was packing her luggage with a few close friends, thinking about what to bring back before she came.

But in the end, after looking around, she found that there were very few that she could bring back. The clothes are all worn out, and some of the bedding is hardened. After tidying up in the end, there are only a few close-fitting clothes, and it would be too cumbersome to carry other things.

The landlord's grandmother has always been very kind, and she didn't say anything when they said they wanted to check out. When she returned the deposit, she smiled and said, "Happy for you, your good days are yet to come."

Yang Jing felt warm in her heart, and everyone said that distant relatives are not as good as close neighbors, and this sentence is indeed true. Poor people have no relatives, and this is vividly reflected in the Xu family, otherwise, no matter how few people there are, there won't be no places to go during the Chinese New Year.

When I came back from c state, it was already the fifth day of the new year. There is a custom of picking up the God of Wealth on the fourth night of the fourth day, but Xu Qin is not at home, so Jiang Chan did it for the evening cannon.

As for the old couple, they were snoring so loudly in the room that Jiang Chan could hear them clearly in the living room. It is said that after the copyright fee of the next book arrives, it will be demolished and rebuilt here.

According to what Xu Qin and Yang Jing are like, they will definitely run between the countryside and the town in the future. There are only two rooms in the house. Xu Li is so old and sleeps with her parents, which is definitely not possible.

So building a house is imperative, but Jiang Chan doesn't like the two-story buildings in the village, so I really have to think about how to build a house. But let's not be in a hurry for the time being, Xu Li is only in the second year of middle school at the moment, and these things can be done before she goes to college.

Having said that, whether it is possible to build a house early or build it as soon as possible, after a few years, the approval of self-built houses will be extremely difficult. No matter how comfortable you are in the city, it is not as comfortable as living in the country.

At noon on the fifth day, Xu Qin and Yang Jing arrived home with two luggage bags. Jiang Chan glanced at it, thinking that these two had already got the essence of it.

Xu Qin's family bought a house in the town and set up a family. The news was never released deliberately, but they were never concealed either. Perhaps it was because they were usually too low-key, until Xu Qin came back with Xu Lin, the villagers stopped him and asked about it.

The main reason is that Xu Qin and Yang Jing went to C state to work after the Lantern Festival. When did they stay in their hometown after the first lunar month? Looking at this appearance again, they are well dressed and used. Did the couple get rich?

Xu Qin was naturally proud of other people's inquiries. But he also knows the truth of not revealing money and hurting Zhongyong, so for other people's inquiries, Xu Qin only said that the two rented a house in the town, and now they are doing a small business to make ends meet.

Then he sold Bo Yan again, to the effect that the two children had to go to school, and the younger one was about to go to kindergarten, so they had to think of ways and so on.

Xu Lin stood on the pedal of Xu Qin's electric car, blinking her big eyes and listening clearly. When Jiang Chan came back from self-study in the evening, Xu Lin told Jiang Chan what happened in the morning.

Xiao Douding likes to sleep with Jiang Chan, even if she has her own room, she doesn't want to sleep in her own room, but wants to be with Jiang Chan. When Jiang Chan was writing a book at night, she would sit quietly across from her and read the comic strips. After finishing a book, she would turn around and continue reading.

Although she is still young, Xu Lin also knows that Jiang Chan is doing serious business, so she will never disturb her unless necessary. And the little girl brushes her teeth, washes her face, dresses, etc., and she does everything in style.

In fact, Yang Jing has done a good job in teaching children. But it cannot be denied that she is indeed more partial to her younger daughter Xu Lin, but on the whole they are similar.

It's just that Xu Li has a delicate mind and is usually sensitive, so she will inevitably think too much. Looking at Xu Li who was still sleeping, Jiang Chan sighed. According to Xu Li's previous experience, she would basically not wake up if she didn't sleep for five or six years.

So who killed Xu Li in the end? Calculating the time, Xu Li was killed twelve years later, that is, when Xu Li was twenty-seven years old. An ordinary girl, how could she be killed for no reason? It doesn't make sense.

Therefore, Jiang Chan still has another important task, which is to find the murderer who killed Xu Li, so that she can spend her life in peace. It's just that Jiang Chan never thought that she would go directly to the point where Xu Li was framed for theft, which was considered a major change in her life.

In her previous life, Xu Li was finally cleared of her grievances, but her reputation was almost destroyed. After all, for the sake of other people's privacy, the teacher will not clarify who stole the money, so in the end everyone is suspicious, and more people will suspect Xu Li first.

A sensitive girl with low self-esteem, and being under such suspicion for a long time, will inevitably have a major impact on her mentality. Jiang Chan can understand these things, and she is a person who keeps everything in her heart. She usually doesn't tell Xu Qin and his wife what happened in school.

So it wasn't until after Xu Li got to work that she said the matter lightly. As for the reaction of Yang Jing and Xu Qin at that time, UU Reading www. uukanshu.com Jiang Chan thought it was a little ironic.

She gave Yang Jing and Xu Qin so much money, not because of her mother. It's because the Xu family is currently in difficulty, which allows the Xu family to improve their living conditions. Besides, even if Xu Li was dissatisfied with her parents, she never really thought about letting them go. After all, she still admired them in her heart.

It's just that Jiang Chan will not support them unconditionally. When Xu Li becomes an adult, every penny she earns will belong to Xu Li, and will not be handed over to Yang Jing and Xu Qin.

If Xu Qin dared to have any objections, don't blame Jiang Chan for taking him down. Although Xu Qin is quite humorous, in the final analysis he is a narrow-minded person.

As long as he has money, everything is easy to talk about. If he has no money, he will turn his face and deny people. By the way, Xu Qin used her formula to open a food stall, does she want Xu Qin to share some of the profits with her?

Forget it, if he really wanted to take money out of his pocket, Xu Qin's heart would die of distress. Putting aside these thoughts, Jiang Chan no longer thought about the current situation of the Xu family, but focused on the new book.

(end of this chapter)

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