Perhaps it is because the world always judges martial arts as dead, so Jiang Chan consciously wrote about martial arts in this world. Although he can't compete with an old man in the real world, Jiang Chan thinks that his writing skills are not bad.

Haven't read that the first batch of first edition books are already sold out? Even Yang Jing has to read a book for a while after get off work. She is an experienced book fan, but due to the need to work before, no matter how much she likes reading, she can only give up this hobby.

Now that she is not tired from work, she has more time, so Jiang Chan and Xu Lin usually read and write inside the house, while she reads in the living room. As for Xu Qin, he chats with the neighbors outside.

Seeing that it was almost ten o'clock, Yang Jing put down her hand and read two chapters of the book, got up and went to the kitchen to make a bowl of beef noodles for Jiang Chan. The beef is the leftover lo mei from Xu Qin's sale in the afternoon. He doesn't cook much every day, and closes the stall when it's sold out.

Xu Qin can see clearly that the family doesn't expect him to make money now, as long as he takes good care of Xu Lin and prepares three meals a day.

As for what lo mei to sell that day, it was Xu Qin's own decision. Of course, his favorite is stewed beef. Compared with others, beef is easy to take care of, unlike pig's head, which requires various processes.

Bringing over a bowl of hot noodle soup, Xu Lin sniffed, with a greedy look on her face. Yang Jing looked amused, she took a small bowl from the tray, and picked a chopstick for Xu Lin.

While Jiang Chan was eating noodles, Yang Jing looked at the manuscript that Jiang Chan had put aside; "Your editor called today to ask, can you have the complete document for him? It saves them from having to enter the manuscript into the computer after receiving it. "

Jiang Chan raised her eyebrows: "I would like to, but can you buy me a computer first? The standard configuration is fine."

Yang Jing thought for a while: "Is it easier to type on a computer than to write by hand?"

Jiang Chan nodded: "Of course, it takes about two hours to write by hand, but the computer is different."

Yang Jing: "Okay, I'll have a rest tomorrow, and I'll go take a look with your dad then."

Jiang Chan also knows Yang Jing's temperament, he is a very decisive person, since he has made a decision, he will definitely do it. She didn't say much right away, it would be much more convenient for her if she had a computer.

Sure enough, there was no evening self-study on Saturday night. When Jiang Chan came back, he saw a computer in the study. Xu Qin was sitting in front of the computer playing a card game, his eyebrows were beaming.

Seeing Jiang Chan come in, he immediately gave up his position. After all, no matter how important the game is, it is not as important as Jiang Chan's job. After all, games can't bring money.

Standing next to Jiang Chan, Xu Lin saw Jiang Chan's fingers fluttering, without even looking at the keyboard, line after line of text appeared on the screen.

Xu Qin was surprised: "Isn't it your first time to touch a computer?"

Jiang Chan was very calm: "The school has a computer class every week. You have to go to the computer to learn how to operate the computer. You will have to take the exam in high school. These are not difficult. If you want to learn, I can teach you."

Xu Qin waved his hand: "Let me explore by myself, don't say, I have a computer, and I don't have much interest in mobile phones. There are a lot of content on the Internet."

Jiang Chanxin said that you have never experienced the big explosion of information in the future, that is, what happened here will be known to everyone in the next second, and the speed of transmission is beyond your imagination.

Xu Lin pulled Jiang Chan's finger: "Sister, I also want to learn to type."

Jiang Chan glanced at her: "If you recognize three thousand characters, I will teach you."

Xu Lin ran away: "I'm going to study now."

Generally speaking, Jiang Chan's life in the second semester of the second year of junior high school was very peaceful. Yang Jing's work is also gradually getting started. She is actually a very capable person. This is not because at the end of Jiang Chan's second semester, Yang Jing was transferred from a clerk to the quality inspection department.

As for Xu Qin, his small stall is still set up like this. As for what to sell and how much to sell every day, he has the final say. Anyway, he earns money every day, at least he can manage the meal money for a day.

Ever since Jiang Chan came to this world, she has never dropped from the number one position. Her grades, which were infinitely close to full marks, made the students below her breathless.

This final exam is no exception. Looking at Jiang Chan's perfect score, Yang Jing smiled from ear to ear: "Great, great, you are really enlightened now."

Jiang Chan doesn't care: "The knowledge in junior high school is simple, but it will not be so easy in high school."

She knew she was talking about the scene, and she could still come out on top in high school.

Yang Jing: "Did you stay in the town or go back during the summer vacation?"

Jiang Chan thought for a while: "Let's go back and live for a few days. Isn't the second book finished? I want to rest for a few days."

Xu Qin: "Your editor called yesterday and asked when you will get the third book to him."

Jiang Chan: "Let's talk again, I have a general idea, but I still have to think about it."

Yang Jing smiled: "Okay, let me read it first when the time comes. After reading the book you wrote, it will be boring to read other books."

Jiang Chan: "I'm so praised. I plan to go back tomorrow. Xu Lin will come with me. It's summer vacation. I have time to take you with me so that you don't have to play at home all day."

Xu Qin couldn't be happier that someone volunteered to take care of the child. He was not a very patient person. Although Xu Lin was quite relieved, who would like to stay with children when he could be alone?

Now he hopes that Jiang Chan will stay in the country longer, longer. What did the book say? Let them live a two-person world? Staying with the children all day long, the couple spends very little time alone.

Jiang Chan also understood the urgency on Xu Qin's face, and asked her to say that the Xu family is not ugly, Yang Jing has also raised a lot in the past six months, and when she looks good, she looks younger, and no one says she is beautiful when she goes out Good temperament?

Although Xu Qin's eyesight is not good, UU reading www. But the height and appearance are all there, so it is still very attractive to really dress up. The original owner, Xu Li, also looks like Xu Qin, but with slender willow eyes, which are narrowed when she smiles, but the flaws are not concealed.

Xiaodou Miao Xu Lin is a replica of Yang Jing, with a round face, big eyes, thick eyebrows, and a proper little beauty. Generally speaking, the Xu family looks pretty good.

On the second day of summer vacation, Jiang Chan took Xu Lin back to the countryside by bicycle. Although Yang Jing usually has to work, she will go back to clean up whenever she has time.

Moreover, she also planted vegetables in such a large garden in the countryside, and sometimes she would go back to the countryside after get off work to pick vegetables and bring them to the town.

After all, as summer approaches, the days are getting longer and longer, and the time is also a lot longer. And Yang Jing can be said to have saved money in his bones, vegetables and so on are all grown by himself, only the meat needs to be bought at the vegetable market.

Thank you for your recommendation tickets and monthly tickets, thank you everyone!

(end of this chapter)

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