Seeing Jiang Chan chuckling and talking to her classmates, several students who used to be in the same class as her lowered their eyes.

Xu Xiaowen sneered: "Cut, who cares about it? Isn't it just good grades? What's there to be proud of?"

Ding Li was assigned to the same class as Xu Xiaowen as she wished, and they were still at the same table, but she was not so happy in her heart. The way she looked at Jiang Chan was very complicated, she couldn't figure it out why they were all isolated from each other, how could she still be as dazzling as she is now?

The obese, sloppy and introverted people who were able to attack her in the past are all gone now, and the other party is like a butterfly reborn from a cocoon, already having its own light.

Jiang Chan didn't care what her former classmates thought, because she was ranked first in the grade, and the result of the third grade of junior high school was undoubtedly very different from her impression. This can be regarded as a butterfly effect, of course, she likes the current change very much.

It seems that there will be a test every time the school starts, even junior high school is no exception. When many students were wailing and sighing, Jiang Chan was exceptionally calm, she was naturally not afraid at all.

She walked into the examination room calmly, and then walked out calmly. Compared with those students, her calmness was really too unique.

Yang Jing picked up a shrimp for her: "Are you not worried at all?"

Jiang Chan: "What are you worried about? As long as the foundation is laid well, no matter what test you face, you can face it calmly."

Xu Lin hugged the small bowl: "I will also take the first place in the exam in the future. Sister, I got a little red flower today. The teacher praised me."

Jiang Chan laughed: "Really? What did the teacher praise you for?"

Xu Lin: "The teacher praised me for being able to write my own name, count, recognize characters, and abide by classroom discipline."

Jiang Chan: "Okay, let's make persistent efforts in the future."

Xu Lin said seriously: "Of course, I will always be the number one and not be overtaken by others."

Jiang Chan didn't try to persuade her right now, it's undoubtedly good for a child to have such a strong heart.

When the two sisters talked, Yang Jing and Xu Qin kept smiling. Yang Jing was curious: "So you can still take the first place in the exam this time? I heard that there are about ten students in the third grade who are repeating the exam."

Jiang Chan raised her eyebrows: "Calm down, remove the um, and you won't be afraid."

Sure enough, after the final test results came out, Jiang Chan's grades were still high. That eye-catching score hurt the eyes of many people.

Old Tang is very happy in the office at the moment, and he is reading the composition written by Jiang Chan over and over again. Perhaps because of too many martial arts writings, Jiang Chan's choice of words and sentences is particularly particular.

The same is true for such a composition, although it is only 800 words, but after reading it carefully, Old Tang feels that the more you read it, the more memorable it will be. He was in the same office as Yang Lanzhu, so he asked Yang Lanzhu for advice right now.

"Mr. Yang, has Xu Li's composition always been so good?"

Xu Li was not in her class. Of course Yang Lanzhu was disappointed, but she also looked away now: "Of course, I also specially made a clipping book for her. Do you want to read it? I collected all her articles."

Old Tang, a serious literature lover, certainly wouldn't refuse, and he was fascinated by it. It's just that when he saw a few articles with the pseudonym Yan Shu, he was a little suspicious.

"Is this also written by Xu Li?"

Yang Lanzhu didn't deny it either: "Well, she doesn't want to publicize this, so you and I know."

Old Tang suddenly realized: "No wonder, this little girl is so talented."

Yang Lanzhu: "That's right, she's so talented, but she happens to develop in a balanced manner in every subject, and none of them is partial. According to her current momentum, it will be easy for her to become a writer in the future."

Perhaps because she knew about Jiang Chan's little vest, Jiang Chan felt that Old Tang looked at her with deep meaning in the next class. Later, she was able to figure it out, probably old Tang knew something from Yang Lanzhu.

At the beginning, Yang Jing was worried that Jiang Chan would not adapt in the third year of junior high school, but after seeing her consistently good grades, Yang Jing was no longer worried. Most of her thoughts are now on work. As for Xu Lin, Xu Qin is naturally with her. If not, there is also the eldest daughter. She can make Xu Lin look crooked?

Perhaps because she has found the meaning of her work, Yang Jing is now extremely enthusiastic about her work. Of course, her salary has also increased from the original 15,000 to 2,000, and her job requirements are also higher.

Seeing that Yang Jing is happy doing it, Jiang Chan doesn't pour cold water on it. No matter what the job is or how much she earns, making money with her own hands is more respectable than anything else.

Time flies, and Jiang Chan soon ushered in the high school entrance examination. The examination room is in my own school, so I don't have to travel back and forth, after all, there is only this middle school in the township.

Perhaps Xu Li's image as a good student is too deeply rooted in the hearts of the people. Yang Jing was still working in the factory during the high school entrance examination, and she was not at all worried that she would explode. Now who doesn't know that her daughter has good grades? Proper champion seedling.

Of course, some people are touting and others are bad-mouthing. How can everyone like me? Yang Jing also has people who don't get along well with her in the factory, but Yang Jing has a big temper and doesn't have the same knowledge as the other party.

When the results of the senior high school entrance examination came out, Yang Jing was still at work, and she was reporting to the leader when she received a call from the teacher announcing the good news. Seeing that it was the class teacher's call, Yang Jing hurriedly made a gesture with the leader: "Her head teacher is calling, should I answer the phone first?"

The leader, Old Liu, smiled: "It's okay, you just pick it up here, did you get your grades? How many points did your daughter get in the test?"

Yang Jing is also generous, UU Reading www. The main reason is that she has confidence in her heart. Xu Li told her to rest assured after the exam, and she knew that she would not be worse, so Yang Jing directly pressed the hands-free button.

Old Tang laughed from ear to ear: "Is Xu Li's mother? I am her teacher, Old Tang. I want to congratulate you. Xu Li is the champion of our city T this time, with a score of 748, which is a pity There is one in N City who has extra points in the senior high school entrance examination, but her naked score is five points lower than Xu Li's, so Xu Li's grades are better than hers."

Just hearing the number one scholar in the city, the leaders and employees in the office widened their eyes. Listening to the score of 748, the full score is two points away. Is this still a score that can be obtained by a human being? So Yang Jing wasn't bragging before?

Yang Jing was also happy in her heart, and of course she was also happy on the face, her eyes narrowed into a smile: "It's all because of your careful teaching, teacher, that she was able to pass the test. Thank you for telling me the good news."

Old Tang quickly waved his hands: "You are too modest. I think Xu Li is a very stable student. By the way, once the results come out, she can choose any school in the city. Which school do you want her to go to?"

He ignored the eyes of the principal next to him. This is an ordinary middle school in the town. Although it also has its own high school, but compared to those high schools in the urban area, after all, it cannot compare with others.

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