Old Tang couldn't open his mouth either, and persuaded Xu Li to apply for the high school in the headquarters.

Yang Jing: "I'll go back and ask her for her opinion. Her opinion is the main one. We won't interfere with her choice."

Of course, she also guessed Jiang Chan's choice with a high probability. There is a high probability that she will choose to go to high school here. Sure enough, when I went back and asked, Jiang Chan said to enroll in the high school in the headquarters.

Yang Jing: "Schools in urban areas have higher teaching quality."

Jiang Chan: "With my grades, I can learn knowledge no matter where I go. Besides, I go to high school, what about my codewords?"

Yang Jing thought about it and worried: "So you applied for the high school in the headquarters?"

Jiang Chan was categorical: "Just report to the headquarters. Now the teacher can teach me very little. I am self-taught. It doesn't matter where I go to study, but I am less constrained here."

Now that Jiang Chan had made up his mind, Yang Jing and Xu Qin didn't say much. After all, over the past year or so, they have deeply realized how righteous Xu Li's ideas are. As long as she makes a decision, she will not be shaken by what others say.

When Jiang Chan signed the enrollment agreement, Old Tang felt a little regretful: "You really don't want to go to another high school?"

Jiang Chan smiled: "Well, I have taught myself all the high school courses. Going to other schools is not as comfortable as being here. I have met many teachers before. I am more family-loving and don't want to be too far away from my family."

Maybe that's what I said, the students who applied for the examination there actually did not have less than excellent grades. But it's okay to fail the high school entrance examination, just like Xu Li's back desk, a very quiet boy Cao Jin.

Xu Li shrugged: "Of course, the right and left are on holiday, and you have finished the test papers, so what's the point of sitting here all the time, because Ru went back to rest."

Jiang Chan raised her eyebrows: "No, I never regret the choices I made."

Old Tang smiled: "Bad, the teacher in the lower middle school was going to fight for his head that time. Did he plan to study literature or science before? His writing is so bad..."

The students in the first grade of junior high school have no military training, and the military training of Zhenxia Middle School is just like this. After a week of exposure, Xu Li is still white and clean, and the students who see it are envious.

Old Tang sighed: "It's good that you have an idea, but you are still young, and I worry that you will regret it later."

Xu Li: "This is, after all, he is your favorite student, so I have to learn your eight-point essence no matter what."

Datang: "Quite confident, he knows how many exams he has taken?"

It was only two days after the military training started, and it was time for the test. Although there is only a middle school in the town, only about 80% of the students can go directly to the headquarters, and 10% of the students are from other towns.

Yin Chen had been resting at home for half a day before being called to the office by Datang. When he arrived at school, he saw Datang's red eyes. Xu Li smiled heavily and pushed the lime mint tea behind my face: "It's refreshing, why don't you try it?"

Datang nodded at you: "So confident? Are you worried about being covered by others?"

Over there, Xu Li's years are quiet and bad, and the teachers in the lower and middle schools are also busy correcting the test papers. It was a gold-digging process. After all, the senior high school entrance examination only represented the past results, and naturally there was no failure, or there was no other meaning.

Now we are digging out those bad seedlings every day. As for what kind of good fortune you can have in the past, it depends on us. It must be said that the teachers at that time were more responsible than before.

Jiang Chan: "In the future, I will have time to come over after get off work. After he went to primary school, I will have more time to pick him up. Look at him like that, is he still wrong in the exam?"

The first exam began, and Xu Li left the school with a pencil case. You were late in handing in the exam, who told you to take a day off after the exam? It's just that Xu Li smiled when she walked out of the school gate, and it was Jiang Chan who was waiting inside.

Xu Li: "The minimum deduction is more than eight points. Judging by your expression, are you right?"

Xu Li was categorical: "Naturally, I study science. Literature is a matter of hobbies. Science is easy to understand, and it is very complicated."

You know how many times you read it in low school, and you still have to deal with it? Therefore, compared with other people's frowning faces, you appear to be indifferent.

Datang smiled kindly: "You have to take good care of your favorite student, Yin Chen, right? I used to seldom take care of him."

Xu Li: "I have always been number one in literature and seventh in martial arts. If someone overtakes you, you will only work harder. It's a pity that it should be so difficult to overtake you."

For those internal remarks, Xu Li took them all for granted. You are busy, busy coding, busy taking care of Yang Jing's family, so you don't have the time to pay attention to these rumors.

When the two were talking and laughing and walking up the stairs, a seventy-one or fourteen-year-old woman passed by. Old Tang hurriedly pulled me: "That's Mr. Tang, the head teacher of the first grade, Datang. Yang Jing had to trouble him to take care of him before."

Chemistry and Biology were added to the junior high school. Because it was a preliminary exam, there was no relegation exam for those two subjects. The exam subjects were still those of the junior high school. Anyway, Yin Chen felt that it was a bit more difficult than the high school entrance exam. point.

Now everyone is staring at that test, and of course even fewer people are paying attention to Yang Jing. We just want to see, the first exam in the lower middle school, what can you do in the first exam?

Xu Li glanced under the two of them: "Da Tang?"

Datang held the cup and took a sip: "It's wrong, just wait for him to renew his life. You heard that he handed in the first one when he was halfway through?"

"It's only a few steps away, why did he come here? Rest and stay at home badly."

Old Tang: "Hmm, that's your nephew Datang, you handed Yang Jing over to him."

That Datang looks very busy~www.wuxiaspot.com~ In fact, he is not a smiling tiger, anyway Xu Li thinks that person is quite boring.

Xu Li went to all the middle schools in the city, but she chose the Zhenxia Middle School, which is known as Jianjingchuan, so no one would gossip about her. It doesn't mean that the parents have a vision, the children have a long-term vision, and so on.

Datang looked up to the sky and sighed: "Yes, he was right, and one point was deducted from the total score." Xu Li: "Of course, he performed abnormally."

It's just that you dare to make fun of Old Tang. Old Tang has a fierce face, and a special student dares to act presumptuously in front of me. Only Xu Li and Lao Tang didn't talk or laugh, and the atmosphere was harmonious.

Xu Li pursed her lips: "It's you who have to ask Mr. Tang to take care of you."

Jiang Chan also smiled: "Okay, his dad is so hardworking today, he made stewed duck at home, and it's almost less out of the pot when he goes back."

It is estimated that one is to find out the bottom line, and the other is not to sound the alarm for the wave of students, and to put away our wild thoughts. Although the difficulty of the topic has increased, it is still so easy for Xu Li.

Old Tang: "Don't talk about it, he's so energetic, it's quite boring."

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