The Female Partner Refuses To Be Cannon Fodder

Chapter 434: Autumn Heart Twenty

There are two deck chairs in the glass flower room with dense blankets. Jiang Chan was lying on the recliner, covered with a thick blanket. Sanhua cat lay lazily on the small table, stealing a few snacks from the plate with his mouth from time to time.

   As for Xiao Huang, he was lying next to Jiang Chan's recliner, with a corner of the blanket that Jiang Chan was hanging down under his stomach. One person and two pets, looking extraordinarily leisurely.

   Jiang Chan reported to Feng Yuan for a one-month tour group. One month after New Year's Day, one week after the Spring Festival is the Spring Festival. Feng Yuan just came back to rest and relieve the fatigue of the journey.

   As for herself, taking advantage of Feng Yuan's month of going out, she quietly enjoyed the space of solitude. Jiang Chan didn't feel lonely when she was alone. On the contrary, she enjoyed the feeling of being alone.

   Maybe it's because her heart is strong enough to completely relieve her emotions, in other words, she doesn't like things or saddens herself.

   Lazily flipping through a page, Jiang Chan rushed to learn all kinds of knowledge no matter which world he went to. So in every world, Jiang Chan would look through all kinds of books in every way.

  From economics, politics, history and philosophy, to literary masterpieces, etc., each world has its unique literary treasures. Since Jiang Chan and Feng Yao came to the old house, Jiang Chan specially left a room as a study.

   There are bookshelves in the room against the wall, and the bookshelves were almost filled in the year Jiang Chan came back. Visually, there is an increasing trend. Feng Yao once teased Jiang Chan, saying that she was going to turn her home into a small library.

   Jiang Chan now holds a collection of essays. In this fragrant floral fragrance, savoring the words and pearls left by the poet, Jiang Chan felt that the tea he drank was all sweet.

   There is nothing to do in the old house. Jiang Chan's daily routine is to walk the dog and drink meals a day, the small days are very leisurely.

   Occasionally, Huang took Xiao Huang to wander around the mountain, picking up some dead wood and going home, quite a feeling of returning to the basics.

   Jiang Chan also asked about the crew. The director is very famous, and the script has been handed over to him. Jiang Chan really has nothing to worry about. When this wasn't a little free, Jiang Chan wondered if he would not open a new article again?

   She just couldn't stay idle. After seeing all the worlds, Jiang Chan suddenly wanted some sweet essays. This time she was not going to open a long story, it was as short as five or six hundred thousand words, so she was writing to relax.

   Sometimes when he writes about sweet places, Jiang Chan couldn't help but smile. This feeling of being sweet by the characters in his pen is quite subtle to be honest.

   I put my heart and soul into it, time always flies quickly, and of course the results may be gratifying. Less than two weeks after the new book was uploaded, it has reached the top of the popular list.

   The editor was also amazed. She originally thought Jiang Chan would open an old saying again. Who knew that Jiang Chan would come with a new cookie? Every time Jiang Chan updates, she has to squat in front of the computer to watch.

   This kind of text that has no tearing, no dog blood, all the way to the end, is really suitable for relaxation. The editor looked at the corner of his mouth with a smile from his aunt, and applied for two recommendations to Jiang Chan.

   The original "Zhu Hua" still has a lot of heat, and there are a lot of readers. Now this little sweet article is on the shelves, the readers will be crazy, okay? The plot is arranged very quickly, and the brain circuits of the heroes and heroines are also very strange, almost all of which you did not expect.

   This new book has only been on the shelves for two weeks, and a company came to contact the editor to ask about the filming of a TV series. This book has only reached one-third of the plot, and few companies have come to discuss adaptation at such an early stage.

   Jiang Chan didn't expect that the handwritten Xiaotianwen would still be appreciated, although she was very serious and attentive when she wrote it. But when you think about it, you can understand the reason. Nowadays, many TV shows are old-fashioned and full of blood.

   There is a rare book, no blood, no routine, of course someone will take a fancy to it. Once cooked and cooked again, fortunately, Jiang Chan's essays were all written. After this was not given to the film and television company, Jiang Chan resumed his work as a screenwriter.

   Xiao Huang is now a big adult dog, and has faded from his childhood jump, Xiao Huang has become very calm.

   Every three meals a day, Xiao Huang will come to the flower room on time to remind Jiang Chan. As long as the smoke rises in the village, Xiao Huang will come to the flower room on time. From this point of view, Xiao Huang is very smart.

   "Autumn Heart, my plane will be at 12 noon tomorrow, will you come to pick me up?"

   "Of course it will pass, you remember to wear the down jacket when you are in your routine, and the temperature at home has cooled down again." Jiang Chan held the phone and kept tapping on the screen with her fingers.

   "I know, my wife! I brought you some specialties."

   Jiang Chan's eyebrows are soft: "You just need to go out and have fun, what specialties do you bring? Are you tired?"

   "I'm not tired, don't talk, I'm going to have dinner."

   Seeing Cheng Yuanhang, Feng Yuan made a gesture and hung up the phone hastily.

   Looking at the hung-up call, Jiang Chan sighed. Should Feng Yuan go to dinner with Cheng Yuanhang? But this is not easy for her to ask or after Feng Fengyuan comes back, she will observe again.

   The background of her little sweet article is not huge, and the crew is built very quickly. Now Jiang Chan has also handed over the first ten episodes of the script to the director, and she will continue to drive out the rest.

   First of all, it is still serialized on the Internet, but the TV series is already being filmed. This is a two-pronged approach. At that time, it will be able to catch up with another wave of enthusiasm.

   I'm already biased towards idol dramas like this. Jiang Chan doesn't plan to drag the floor for a long time. After discussing with the director, he has set twenty-four episodes, as long as Jiang Chan adapts all the scripts to him after the new year.

   As an author and screenwriter, Jiang Chan also invested when the crew was established. When "Zhu Hua" was filmed, Jiang Chan also took a stake, but it was more than one million yuan, but now that "Zhu Hua" is popular, Jiang Chan's investment has long been profitable.

   This time the crew has just been established, and Jiang Chan has almost invested all his money in the new drama. She doesn't have much money to spend now, and there is still a lot of monthly manuscript fees. The money will not appreciate at all when she has money on hand, so it is better to use it for investment.

   Look at it's not early, Jiang Chan put away the computer and took Xiao Huang to the kitchen to cook. Just keep working at night, maybe some people will feel tired when facing the computer for so long a day.

   But if you really do what you like, you won’t feel tired. After dinner, Jiang Chan immersed herself in work again. She is not a person who likes to procrastinate. If she finishes her work earlier, she can relax earlier, right?

   Wonderful Book House

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