At around 12 noon, Jiang Chan was waiting at the airport exit with a thick down jacket in his hand. Feng Yuan's flight should have arrived at this point. Sure enough, after waiting for about ten minutes, Feng Yuan pushed his suitcase and walked out.

   When he saw Jiang Chan standing at the exit, Feng Yuan, who was still beaming, suddenly felt a little short of breath. She hesitated and didn't dare to approach Jiang Chan. Cheng Yuanhang, who was walking by her side, keenly noticed Feng Yuan's strangeness.

   "What's the matter?" Didn't it still work well just now? Why is it like this now? It's like a mouse who saw a cat?

   "Because of her guilty conscience." A clear female voice came over. Jiang Chan put on Feng Yuan's down jacket in his hand, and then squatted down to zipper Feng Yuan's long down jacket.

   Feng Yuan is embarrassed: "It's not cold on the plane, I plan to wear it again after leaving the airport."

   Jiang Chan took her suitcase: "It's cold and hot, and it's especially easy to catch a cold. You have a bad body, do you want me to worry?"

   Feng Yuan retorted shortly: "Where is it so delicate?"

   Jiang Chan smiled and said, "You are my little princess. Of course, you are more delicate and no one can go beyond you."

   She said that she glanced over Cheng Yuanhang who was standing next to Feng Yuan without a trace, and she understood Cheng Yijin's plan just by looking at it. She would not raise any objections, but what she wanted to tell Feng Yuan was that no matter who she met, Feng Yuan was always cared for in front of her.

   Cheng Yuanhang lowered his eyebrows, she was really a keen little girl. Only when he met, he saw all his intentions.

   "Since your daughter is here to pick you up, I won't send you back. Let's call again when we have time." No matter what I think, Cheng Yuanhang is still very decent.

   After all, everyone is an adult, so you should do things decently.

   "Okay, thank you for today. I have said that my daughter is coming to pick me up today. You still don't worry." Feng Yuan turned around and said something to Cheng Yuanhang, and finally watched Cheng Yuanhang leave.

   "I'm back, we should go back." Jiang Chan stretched out her hand and shook in front of Feng Yuan. If she doesn't wake up Feng Yuan again, she probably will keep seeing the wasteland grow old.

   It's going to rain, mother wants to marry, there is no way. Jiang Chan shook his head. Feng Yuan recovered after she came, but she didn't expect to develop a relationship for Feng Yuan. What would she think if the original owner came back?

   Forget it, the boat went straight to the bridge, Jiang Chan dragged Feng Yuan's suitcase: "Go out and get tired. Go home and take a hot bath. I'll squeeze it for you."

   Not to mention that Feng Yuan hasn't felt it yet, but when he talks about Feng Yuan, he feels pain everywhere. She twisted her neck: "It's really a bit sore, and I keep walking all the time. Fortunately, it's an elderly group with me, and the schedule is not tight."

   "It's about an hour before you get home. You can squint for a while." Jiang Chan glanced at Feng Yuan in the rearview mirror and slowed down the car thoughtfully.

   "No, I want to go back soon. I still think it's the best at home after this. Where does the hotel feel like home? Besides, I also want Sanhua and Xiaohuang, as well as the flowers I raised."

   Feng Yuan sat up straight, feeling quite an arrow at home.

   "I will take good care of all of you, and the three-flowered cat will sleep in the flower room all over the world, and it will look for you a few days before you leave home."

   Jiang Chan chatted with Feng Yao every sentence. When Feng Yuan came back, there was a kind of happy emotion in her heart. She understood that it was the emotion of the original owner, Qiu Xin.

   "I miss it too. I didn't expect to meet it the first day I came to the old house." Feng Yuan's eyes were a little empty, as if that day was still near.

   Jiang Chan turned the steering wheel sharply: "That's also your relationship with it, or it doesn't go anywhere else, but the first day we returned to the old house, did you meet him?"

   "Speaking of the land, it's fate for us to meet." Feng Yuan muttered with lowered eyebrows.

   The day Feng Yuan came back happened to be the twenty-fourth of the twelfth lunar month, and the Chinese New Year was less than a week away. Jiang Chan had also cleaned up the house a long time ago, and all that was left was to buy and buy.

   Feng Yuan owns a driver’s license. She felt that Jiang Chan was busy rushing to catch up with the script, so she simply took over the task of going out to purchase goods for the New Year.

   Jiang Chan didn't settle down even at home. It was the end of the year. The income of the village was pretty good this year, and it was basically brought by the sunflower field of achievements. So by the end of the year, many villagers Wang Jiang Chan gave New Year gifts here.

   Everyone gave them their own things, basically agricultural products, potatoes, sweet potatoes, pickles, etc. They even sent two big geese to Jiang Chan.

   Jiang Chan and the two big geese stared at them for a long time, but in the end they couldn't get it right. They simply put the two big geese in the yard, and they were scattered to the fruit tree after the spring of the coming year.

   Originally, Jiang Chan also planted fruit trees, a small orchard, and there were many chickens in the orchard this year. You don’t need to buy any chickens this year, they are all self-produced.

   I don’t know how many tourists had the idea of ​​hitting Jiang Chan’s chicken, but Jiang Chan rejected it. She didn't raise chickens to sell money, but to satisfy her appetite.

"Your name is You are called Xiaobai." Jiang Chan nodded the heads of the two big geese, untied the ropes from their feet, and brought a scoop of corn kernels from the warehouse. , The two big geese didn't recognize raw food, they were very happy to eat.

   I drank some water by the pool when I was thirsty, and then strolled around. Seeing that the two big geese are adapting well, Jiang Chan is also relieved. I heard that Big Goose is very good at housekeeping, and I don't know who is better than Xiao Huang.

   Xiao Huang squinted half his eyes and lay on Jiang Chan's feet, looking at the two big geese who called a sigh. Is this still to be said? It must be better!

   Feng Yuan came back at noon, seeing the two big geese in the yard, Feng Yuan was taken aback: "Make iron geese at night?"

   Jiang Chan sternly said: "Don't do it, these two will be put in the orchard after spring next year, and let them look at the orchard."

   "Oh, that's okay, the orchard really needs to be watched. Someone went to take pictures this year and broke a lot of branches." When it comes to Feng Yuan, I feel distressed. The fruit tree saplings planted by Jiang Chan have survived, and they have bloomed this year.

   Not everyone is of such a high quality. Sometimes it’s inevitable to pick up a flower and pose for a photo. After all, this stem is not as conspicuous as a sunflower.

   So this year the orchard is indeed a lot of land, Feng Yuan also wondered whether the orchard would be fenced off after the new year.

   "I have seen it too. This will not send Dabai and Xiaobai over next year. Big Goose is a must-see for the house, it depends on who can hold it."

   Jiang Chan smiled and touched Xiao Bai's head, Da Bai came over unwillingly, and insisted that Jiang Chan be covered with rain and dew.

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