"No, I can watch TV, play on my mobile phone and interact with my fans. Where is my loneliness?" Ren Jiao asked, "You are also a girl, and you are also alone. Do you feel this kind of loneliness?"

"Naturally not, I'm doing well by myself." Jiang Chan didn't hesitate, she understood Ren Jiao's meaning before she could speak. Maybe he had done enough tasks and had seen a lot of worlds. Jiang Chan invisibly distinguished himself from others, and it seemed that no one could compare to his own inner strength.

Now that Ren Jiao asked, Jiang Chan realized the problem on her body. She seems to be seeing others with a secular perspective, and it is clear that in essence, she and Ren Jiao are no different.

"Isn't that all right?" Ren Jiao said, "I didn't deliberately want to make friends, nor deliberately pursue the arrival of friends. If someone gets along well with me, I won't refuse, but others will leave. I will not force it, because fate will gather and fate, because it is impossible to force it."

"Jiaojiao, what are you thinking?" Xiao Wu waved her hand in front of Jiang Chan. Today, when she came to pick up Jiang Chan, she found that Jiang Chan was a little bit embarrassed and didn't know what she was thinking.

"Ah? It's here?" Jiang Chan returned to his senses, seeing Xiao Wu Zheng's eyes widened, his eyes full of worry.

"No, Jiaojiao, what's wrong with you today? It seems something is on your mind?"

"No, I'm thinking about something." Jiang Chan said casually, still reviewing the conversation with Ren Jiao yesterday. The more she repeated the game, the more she felt.

Taking out the pen and paper from the small bag, Jiang Chan wrote two lines of words. Xiao Wu sat in the passenger seat and immediately closed his mouth tightly. At the same time, he gestured to the driver to stop making a sound.

The composer of lyrics and music pays attention to inspiration, it is the moment of inspiration. If you miss that moment, it will be extremely difficult to find the feeling later.

By the time he arrived at the TV station, the words in Jiang Chan's notebook had already had a rough shape, and they needed to be carefully processed and polished later. Seeing Liu Shana standing on the red carpet through the car window, Jiang Chan hurriedly got out of the car, and the host was still standing outside with bare legs on this cold day. It was really hard work.

Perhaps it was already the Spring Festival, and the TV stations were all decorated with red, and they looked particularly beaming. Liu Shana handed over a red Chinese knot: "I wish you a Happy New Year in advance! The new year is booming!"

Jiang Chan held the Chinese knot: "Thank you! Shana, are you going back for the Spring Festival?"

Liu Shana shook her head, her smile a little dim: "My hometown is far away, and I haven't been back to celebrate the Spring Festival for several years."

"Are you still thinking about going back to the festival?" Zhao Qi walked in strode: "The show competition is so fierce, we have all agreed that we will be here for the festival this year, and we all get together and have a good time. As for the family members. Family members are welcome to come here."

"The relationship is good, Jiaojiao is the host, do you want to entertain everyone?" Hong Zhe is a booze, maybe now that his image on the Internet has collapsed, he simply let him go.

"That is, Jiaojiao can go to the hot search to buy a dish. It is good to come to the craft." Wen Wen stood beside Jiang Chan, pinched Jiang Chan's ear with her fingers, her face narrowed with a smile.

Jiang Chan smiled and said, "Of course, all teachers are welcome to come to my house to celebrate the New Year, just treat it as Wenju for me."

At present, Jiang Chan is still an unemployed vagrant, but she is still generous. Although there is no money in the entertainment circle at present, she naturally has a way to make money by herself.

After consulting Ren Jiao, Jiang Chan bought a small single-family villa last month. The community is very quiet and the confidentiality effect is very good, but Jiang Chan rarely goes there, and more often lives in the company. Offered in the house.

But the company's house is not as comfortable as his own house. Jiang Chan has already planned to move there after many years. Now these singers want Jiang Chan to entertain, and Jiang Chan simply takes everyone to his new home.

"That's pretty good, I'm going to prepare Wen Juli for Jiaojiao." Wen Wen smiled, or the little girl will come?

"You're really welcome, I'm very happy everyone can come."

"Are you all here?" As everyone discussed what Wen Ju would give, the director was late.

"Today is the third stage of the competition. This stage of the competition will add a replacement singer. As for the replacement singer, it is still secretly received, and he will be the last one to appear."

Hong Zhe was a little more jumpy, "Director, is it a boy or a girl? Don't have another one like Ren Jiao, it's too scary!"

Luo Yuan made up the knife: "Are you worried that another Jiaojiao will come and rub you on the ground again?"

Hong Zhe had a fisheye: "Brother Yuan, we are still good friends without telling the truth."

Wen Wen applauded gently: "No matter who comes to participate, we are all welcome. If this game is not eliminated, please feel free to play boldly."

It was precisely because there was no knockout match in this game, Jiang Chan noticed that everyone was very relaxed, not as heavy as the last time. Although everyone said that they were relaxed, they must have carefully prepared in private.

Lots were drawn before the rehearsal. Everyone was humbly, and finally Jiang Chan, the youngest one, would draw first. When she opened the ball in her hand, everyone was amazed.

"Jiaojiao, are you lucky? Seventh! This number is too good!"

Wen Wen rushed over and hugged Jiang Chan, "No matter, you can pick one for me later, don't ask how good it is, as long as you don't get too far forward."

Lin Qixin quipped Wen Wen: "This time Jiaojiao helped draw the lottery. Sister Wen Wen should get a good number."

Jiang Chan blinked: "I just touched the ball casually~www.wuxiaspot.com~ What if the one who draws to the front?"

Wen Wen was very angry: "That's okay, as long as it's not number one."

Chi Feng smiled and said, "Then let Jiaojiao help Wen Wen draw the next one. How many numbers can I draw?"

Jiang Chan didn't refuse, and he touched a ball in the box casually. Wen Wen opened the ball and took a quick glance, then screamed, and put her arms around Jiang Chan, facing two haws and landed on Jiang Chan's cheeks.

"Jiaojiao, you're so lucky, 6, ah, I actually got the number 6!" Wen Wen stretched out her hand, and the six words almost dazzled everyone's eyes.

If it weren't for this all under everyone's eyelids, everyone would wonder if it was a black-box operation.

"I've decided, and I will let Jiaojiao draw lots for me in the future. I'm so lucky!" Wen Wen said as she said, she also said something like a catchphrase.

After the lottery episode, everyone went back to the room, put on makeup, and prepared for the rehearsal.

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