As the seventh singer to appear, Jiang Chan is very calm. After sitting down in the room, Jiang Chan continued to ponder her lyrics on the corner of the sofa. This word can be said to be her experience since doing the task. It is actually a test of people's skill to melt these things into a word. .

Seeing Jiang Chan lowered her head and was busy writing words, Liu Shana didn't bother either. She walked out of the room lightly, ready to inquire about the new singer's movements, and wanted to know who the replacement singer was.

As soon as Liu Shana went out, the room became quieter, Xiao Wu shrank on the small sofa in the corner, making no sound. If it was because she had influenced Jiang Chan's creation, she would be blown to death afterwards.

After writing, changing, and deleting, the notebook is a mess. Jiang Chan scratched her hair, her long curly hair like seaweed was almost tangled by her. She didn't show a slight smile until almost before the rehearsal.

"It should be almost done, I will copy it again."

Seeing the deleted lyrics, Jiang Chan pulled her long hair aside, turned over the other page of the notebook, and transcribed the word "Fate" again.

While writing, her left hand was still tapping gently on the coffee table, as if she was thinking about how to compose the music better. When Jiang Chan was all done, Xiao Wu came over and said, "Jiaojiao, are you busy?"

Jiang Chan closed his notebook: "It's almost there, is it about to be our rehearsal?"

"Yes, Teacher Wen Wen is about to end the rehearsal." Xiao Wu said of the news from the studio choreographer. She was still wondering if she was going to disturb Jiang Chan, watching Jiang Chan have been immersed in her own world.

"Then let's go over." Jiang Chan stood up straight and stretched out, bringing out a slender waist between his arms, and he can see the vest line.

Xiao Wu sucked, "Jiaojiao, do you still have a vest line?"

Jiang Chan squeezed Xiao Wu's round face: "No one can eat just like you? I exercise a lot every day."

"Xing Ba!" Xiao Wu was a little bit sly, she was afraid of moving, and she didn't want to get up when she sat in one place.

This time Jiang Chan chose a difficult song, an English song, which is more difficult to sing. It was Jiang Chan who took a long time to ventilate, and she couldn't catch her breath when she sang this song.

The arrangement this time is also a little bit rock and roll. It is a song very suitable for warm-ups, and it will be very burning to sing. After rehearsing with the band teachers, Jiang Chan wrapped her down jacket and returned to the lounge.

Liu Shana followed Jiang Chan with a vacuum flask: "This confidential work is done so well. Our agents went out to inquire for a long time, but we didn't find out who came."

Jiang Chan was very peaceful: "It's okay, I'll know when I get on stage."

She is not so curious about who will participate in the show, she just has to make sure that she finishes singing the song well.

"Jiaojiao, you were so charming on the stage just now." Liu Shana saw this and talked about other topics, "I am a girl who is about to fall in love with you when I watched below, why are you so awesome!"

Jiang Chan twitched her lips slightly, not because she was great, but because Ren Jiao was great. When standing on the stage, Ren Jiao started to become active. Perhaps it was because of Ren Jiao's empathy that Jiang Chan was able to finish the rehearsal perfectly.

"Go back quickly. When the rehearsal for the replacement singer is over, it is estimated that the recording will start soon, and we are running out of time." Jiang Chan speeded up, and Liu Shana trot all the way to follow Jiang Chan.

"That's right, I have to put on makeup when I go back. It is estimated that not an hour will be over." Liu Shana glanced at Jiang Chan's profile, and suddenly a little envious: "But Jiaojiao, you have a good foundation. It will definitely not take that long. ."

It wasn't until about three o'clock in the afternoon that the show officially started recording. Jiang Chan sat up straight, and watched the seniors sing on stage one by one with a serious expression. Today, because they had to write lyrics, Jiang Chan did not go to watch the rehearsal. Now naturally, he has to watch carefully.

Before the show was recorded, everyone said they were very humble, there was no pressure and so on, but after coming on stage, almost all of them were big moves.

What surprised Jiang Chan most was Luo Yuan. Luo Yuan was originally a rock singer. He used to sing heavy metal rock style, but this time he was dressed in a white shirt and sang a love song quietly on the stage. .

Holding her cheeks, Jiang Chan said for a long time: "What kind of woman can tame a wild horse like Teacher Luo? It must be someone with a grassland at home."

Liu Shana blinked and did not understand Jiang Chan's meaning: "What does it mean to have grassland at home?"

"I fall in love with a wild horse but there is no grassland at home. Does this make people feel desperate?" Jiang Chan said casually, "So I said that it is definitely not easy for a woman to put Teacher Luo in his heart."

"That's what I said." Liu Shana and Jiang Chan are sitting in the same posture.

Jiang Chan's casual remark was finally cut in by behind-the-scenes editing. After the broadcast, Luo Yuan liked to mention a title, that is, a man like a wild horse.

Of course, this is a story.

Luo Yuan's singing on stage has gradually ended, and soon Wen Wen came to the stage, Liu Shana also stood up and packed her things, preparing to go backstage with Jiang Chan to make preparations.

Wen Wen is very peaceful this time. She herself sings love songs. The selection of songs this time is also quite satisfactory. She still sang a classic love song, and the singing in her voice is vivid and vivid.

Jiang Chan really didn't feel the same after hearing Maybe it's because she has experienced too little? Many love songs will easily resonate with others, because they seem to be able to hear their own stories.

Wen Wen's voice was very delicate again, and she whispered over there, every word seemed to be hammered into everyone's hearts. Jiang Chan saw that Liu Shana's eyes were a little red, and he thought of something.

"Thank you Sister Wen Wen for bringing this affectionate and atmospheric love song. Every time you hear Sister Wen Wen's singing, it's like hearing your own story. I believe everyone resonates just like me."

Chi Feng stepped onto the host stage, "We will once again give the applause to Sister Wen Wen, the singer who is going to play next..."

Before Chi Feng had time to introduce it, the following was the tsunami: "Ren Jiao, Jiaojiao, Jiaojiao!"

Chi Feng was stunned, and suddenly smiled: "Yes, I know everyone is looking forward to seeing Ren Jiao, but I just want to pronounce this host sentence..."

The audience laughed, Chi Feng laughed and said: "Since the show was broadcast, she has been known as a natural singer with a mermaid voice. She can write and sing. The key is to sing so well!"

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