"Now we applaud and welcome Ren Jiao to bring her performance, everyone applause welcome!" Chi Feng walked to the side of the stage with an inviting gesture behind the stage.

Jiang Chan stood still behind the curtain of light and walked out under the starlight. Just seeing a pair of big long legs, the audience is already crying and howling.

"Jiaojiao, Jiaojiao!"

"Ren Jiao, I love you!"

"Come on Jiaojiao!"

"Goddess, you are the best!"

In the end, almost everyone in the audience was calling Ren Jiao's name. Luo Yuan sat in the singer's lounge and smashed his lips: "The audience calls the singer's name like this, which is a great encouragement for the singer."

Listening to the shouts of the audience, Jiang Chan couldn't help but feel a little stunned. This feeling of being liked by people wholeheartedly is really **** wonderful! She herself has no feeling for these auras, but who makes the audience's affection directly affect Ren Jiao's body?

Jiang Chan has a sense of ecstasy, that is, her self-control is strong, and she has not lost herself in this comfort.

Standing at the forefront of the stage, Jiang Chan slightly nodded at the accompaniment teachers on the left and right of the stage, then raised his right hand in the air and snapped a crisp finger as everyone held their breath.

This sound was like lightning piercing the darkness of dawn, and a burst of fierce electronic music sounded. Jiang Chan held the microphone with his left hand, his body swayed gently with the music, and his flexible waist was bent into an incredible extent like a willow.

With Jiang Chan's blasting sound, the audience shook together, as if they had been electrified. Someone could already stand up uncontrollably, swaying along with Jiang Chan's movements.

Zhao Qi in the lounge laughed: "Little girl is pretty good at playing."

In his position, it is not a problem to call Jiang Chan Little Girl, but it is a little intimate.

Lin Qixin smiled and said, "Jiaojiao always surprises people. I don't know how she will adapt this classic song."

Luo Yuan's finger moved slightly: "I guess she will speed up the melody in the previous paragraph, and the latter will be processed by KEY..."

Before he finished his voice, Jiang Chan's lyrics were sung. Luo Yuan raised his brows at Lin Qixin, meaning that I was right? He and Jiang Chan's arranger teacher are really inspiring.

Jiang Chan has always been restrained, tolerant and calm, but now when singing this popular rock song, Jiang Chan is able to release herself unscrupulously. It seems that she is only able to release herself briefly in the palace of music. I don't need to worry about everything around me, I just need to be myself as I want.

Maybe you can use music as your side business when you go back, and you can sing and sing in your free time to relax and relax? Jiang Chan squinted at the audience, but the big cat's eyes looked a bit blurred at this moment, with a hint of unconscious charm invisible.

Wen Wen stroked her chest: "She is still young, if she is a few years older, who can receive this evildoer?"

Zhao Qi ridiculed: "As far as her skill is concerned, most people can't help her."

"That's right, she's not a girl at all, right?" Hong Zhe couldn't help but complain. Do you know how strong her hands are?

Luo Yuan, Zhao Qi, Lin Qixin, Wen Wen and others all looked at Hong Zhe, and they all said in unison: "You can't even compare to a little girl!"

Hong Zhe stretched out on the sofa and pretended to be dead. He wiped his face pretendingly: "This day can't be passed. There is already Ren Jiao crushing me by force. You are still attacking me mentally!"

There was joking in the lounge, and Jiang Chan released herself freely on the stage over there. On such a stage, she can do whatever she wants, fearless and unscrupulous.

When he sang a high note, Jiang Chan curled his lips and revealed a big smile. The bright smile cut to the big screen. The audience in the audience unconsciously covered their chests when they saw the smile.

The wife is so beautiful! How could there be such a talented and powerful girl? It is as if God gave her special preference when he created her and gave her all the good things in the mortal world.

When the chorus was singing, Jiang Chan even unplugged the microphone and wandered around the center of the stage at will. The sound of the accompaniment is very loud, but it can't cover up Jiang Chan's tone at all, and it is more of an icing on the cake.

Seeing Jiang Chan gleaming on the stage, everyone in the lounge looked different.

Wen Wen sighed: "She is a born singer, she seems to be shining on the stage."

"The evaluation is so high!" Lin Qixin said: "She is too good. It is difficult for ordinary people to have this knowledge at her age. She can write and sing. Who is not popular?"

"Speaking of speaking, she still has the strength. People with strength have food wherever they go." Luo Yuan also said. In their opinion, Jiang Chan's age is enough for their daughters. This is purely to see. The younger generations are too good, they have this kind of emotion.

"She opened the floor even more today. In the past, this little girl was very restrained." Zhao Qi, who had been silent, said suddenly, "What the singer wants to convey on this stage is his own musical attitude and belief. The little girl has already touched it. It's the threshold."

Jiang Chan had indeed touched some thresholds, and when she panted slightly to call the audience, she suddenly understood a little. Both Xu Qiubai and Zhao Qi once told her that there was a lack of humanity in her singing.

In the past, Jiang Chan only thought that his singing had no emotion, but in fact, this was only a one-sided statement. In the past, she tended to constrict herself more on the stage, and did not fully open herself.

How can a singer who does not convey his heart to the audience~www.wuxiaspot.com~ can resonate with others? Now looking at the audience in the audience, Jiang Chan suddenly realized it, but fortunately, it is not too late to understand.

After a curtain call to the audience, Jiang Chan walked off the stage. In the past, there was still a taboo about the entertainment industry, but now Jiang Chan understands that the environment you are in is not important, what is important is whether you can keep your heart.

Now that she is in the circle, she must learn to adapt to the rules of survival here. If someone dares to stretch out her paw, see if she doesn't chop that person's paw!

After stepping off the stage, Jiang Chan didn't have time to talk to Liu Shana and her assistant, and hurried to the lounge with her long legs. She had to rush over to see who the replacement singer was.

Generally speaking, those who can be a replacement singer are very powerful, and most people really can't make it on such a stage.

Liu Shana and Xiao Wu looked at each other. The two followed Jiang Chan on a trot all the way. Watching Jiang Chan walk easily, Liu Shana pulled Xiao Wu's sleeves: "Jiaojiao is so good, isn't she?"

Wonderful book house

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