The Female Partner Refuses To Be Cannon Fodder

Chapter 753: Orc Sacrifice Fifty-Three

"That person is also a man of action, called Vina, and she is also a Fox sacrifice..."

Jiang Chan helped Sauron into the temple and sat down in the training room at the back of the temple. In the training room, there were more than twenty orcs to worship. Even though it seems to be too many, this number is actually quite small.

Everyone was watching Jiang Chan. The temple also had worshippers who went to the front line to practice after reaching the four-star sacrifices. But those were all male sacrifices, and the female sacrifice Jiang Chan was the first.

"It's still Fiona's great sacrifice. She ran to the front line alone at a young age." Wolf looked at Jiang Chan several times, and admired after sensing Jiang Chan's cultivation.

"Sure enough, I still train people on the frontline, or should I go to the frontline to practice?"

"That's okay. It saves you from being bored in the temple for a long time, and people become lazy." Sauron vomited, "I am really happy to see you come back safely."

"I'm also happy to see the teacher again." Jiang Chan smiled, "I'm back this time. First, I'm back to report on my work. After all, I haven't been back for five years. In addition, I'm going back to Film County to digest my past few years. Income."

"That's right, take advantage of this time to relax and relax. You see you are tight. By the way, there is a banquet in the palace at night, mainly the engagement banquet of the three princes and Lilith. To relax?"

Jiang Chan smiled: "I can go too? Lilith didn't invite me."

Sauron deliberately sullen his face: "That's because you are not in the temple, let alone me, I will take you in."

"Then I will go and relax. After becoming a sacrifice, I have not been to any other place except for the teacher and your territory. I really don't know what the palace is like."

When Jiang Chan said this, it caused dissatisfaction with other priests. Wolf took the lead in attacking: "Fiona sacrifices, I often accompany you to learn from each other. If you go to the priest’s territory to play, you won’t tell me, my Territory also welcomes you to come and play at any time."

"That is, our territory also welcomes Fiona's worshippers who visited in the past. You can't favor one another." The rest of the priests also condemned Jiang Chan.

Jiang Chan hurriedly begged for mercy: "The teacher's territory is near here, but your territories are very far away. I had to practice before, and I really can't spare time to pass. I will definitely come to visit when I have time. I hope that all priests will come. Don't be annoying me at that time."

"That won't, we are too late to be happy if you can come."

"That's it. Why don't you go play in my territory first?" Wolf grinned, "Didn't Fiona go back to Ferry County? Just on the way."

"I really envy the chief priest," a priest exclaimed: "We are selfish in inviting you to play in the territory. You said that the last time you went to the chief priest's territory, you found such a good thing as corn. With stuff that fills our stomachs, we thought you would also go to our territory to help see if we could find other food crops."

"At this time, I am especially envious of the Xuan Clan's racial talent for plant chattering."

"This probability is also extremely low. The Profound Clan existed at the beginning of the Orc Empire, but in the past few hundred years, two Profound Clan Orcs have been offering sacrifices. This probability is too low."

"Hey, I suddenly feel less envious when I say that."


Jiang Chan smiled slightly. It turned out that the priests made this idea. This is also a good thing. If we can find more food crops for everyone, will she not worry about her name going down in history?

"Okay, because my time is tight this time, I'll go to the territory of Wolfe Sacrifice first. I haven't been back to Filing County for several years. I have to go back and have a look. I don't know how Filing County is now."

Because it would not harm his own interests, Jiang Chan accepted it all at once.

"Then you must remember to go to our territory to worship Fiona. We will all be waiting for you in the territory." Many priests are also right. Jiang Chan's words are reasonable, and she always wants to herself Have time to go out after taking care of your territory?

"Okay, you all go out and prepare, Fiona and I have something to say." Seeing everyone talked about it, Sauron started to blast people, is he easy for him? It was obvious that Jiang Chan was his own student, and he could not say a few words to her.

"Then let's go to rest first, and go to the palace to attend Lilith's engagement banquet in the evening!"

Wulf walked out the door, and suddenly poked his head out: "Fiona can dress up, she must be overwhelming, and let them know that the sacrifice of our temple is not only good, but also good. "

Jiang Chan raised his eyebrows: "Forget it, I like to keep a low profile."

"Hurry up, get out!"

Sauron blew his beard and stared, and Wolf hurriedly ran away with his head in his arms.

After the door was completely quiet, Sauron smiled and said, "I am very pleased that you have chosen such a road full of thorns and returned safely."

Jiang Chan was very calm: "This is my own choice. Compared to practicing behind closed doors, I still prefer to practice outside."

"Personally chose a different path," Sauron sighed: "Actually, I don't approve of the marriage between Lilith and the royal family. It's a pity that this is her own choice, and no one can say anything about it."

"I think the two of them are in love with concubines, isn't it because they are in love with each other?" Jiang Chan did not forget the affectionate look in Lilith's eyes when she looked at the third prince.

"Can there be some affection? Isn't it for that benefit?" Sauron said bluntly: "Although there are few orc priestesses, they are not uncommon, but there has never been a priestess who has married into the royal family~www.wuxiaspot. com~ I don’t know if Lilith’s choice is good or bad."

"That was her own choice. No one forced her to be with the third prince. For good or bad in the future, she needs to bear the result by herself."

"That's the truth, I feel a little bit uncomfortable in my heart."

"Teacher, you don't want to see the royal family so much, the royal family is still the same family as you?" Jiang Chan blinked, it seems that there is a story in it.

"These things are old and old things, let alone, I just see them not pleasing to the eye." Sauron sipped: "Especially now that Lilith is still rushing to get close to the royal family, it is even more unpleasant in my heart. "

Jiang Chan knew that Lilith's move would completely defeat Sauron's favor. What did Sauron just say? The orc priestess never married into the royal family. What does this mean?

It shows that for so many years, the temple and the royal family have kept the water in the well, and the two sides have maintained a delicate balance. Now that Lilith is here, the relationship between the temple and the royal family will be a bit awkward in the future.

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