The Female Partner Refuses To Be Cannon Fodder

Chapter 754: Orc Sacrifice Fifty-Four

However, Jiang Chan did not consider such an annoying matter at present, and was not in his position to seek political affairs.

"Teacher, what do you pay so much attention to Lilith? I am your student!"

"The same is true for the land, and the same is true for the land." Sauron also came back to his senses: "I saw it from the beginning. You are an eagle in the sky, and she can only survive in a man's backyard in her life."

"Teacher, you exalt me ​​too much," Jiang Chan covered his face: "I just don't like to leave my destiny to others. I just want to control my own life."

"It seems that your experience has achieved good results. I think your cultivation level has almost reached the seven-star level. Go back and get a good understanding of your cultivation. I think you will soon be able to ascend to the seven-star sacrifice."

"I have the same plan, but this is not in a hurry. It is too tight on the front line. I have to relax first. By the way, the chief priest, how about Vina?"

"A few of them!" Sauron said with an angry and funny voice, "A few of them are very good at exploiting the loopholes in the temple. At the time of the trial, a few of them came back in less than half a year, and we only knew that they were. Those who went to the trial together, the temple later decided for them whether this trial was qualified or not, and everyone still debated for a long time."

"After all, the temple did not expressly stipulate that sacrifices cannot be accompanied by trials, so they took advantage of the loopholes."

"In fact, it doesn't mean that you can't test with partners, but the particularity of the Xuanzu sacrifices. As long as the Xuanzu sacrifices and other sacrifices are tested together, won't the test tasks of those sacrifices be completed lightly?"

Jiang Chan is not guilty at all: "Then you can't blame others, who makes the Xuanzu's racial talent scarce?"

"I remember, haven't you met them before they tried? Did you think of this idea for them?" Sauron suddenly widened his eyes and stared at Jiang Chan.

Jiang Chan cried out injustice: "Teacher, am I such a person? I have this image in your heart?"

She just knew it, and didn't tell the matter.

Sauron couldn't see anything from Jiang Chan's face, so he could only snorted and let go of the thought.

"But you can't blame Vina and the others," Jiang Chan said to Vina: "Who let them enter the temple together? They will naturally hug each other. In addition, Peter, they are all from the lower race, and they are not strong in combat. It will inevitably do so."

"Oh, I don’t know what happened to Vina and the others in the temple, but you know, in this world, weakness is the original sin." Sauron did not say anything: "Even though the sacrificial status is high, they are still orcs in the final analysis. The thinking of advocating the strong for thousands of years is difficult to change."

Jiang Chan understands Sauron's meaning: "Teacher, I understand. I also admire the strong, but I think the strong is not judged by racial status, but by what he has done."

"If you only look at power, then he is at best a reckless man who can only use brute force. Sometimes his mind is much more useful than the value of force."

"This is a good statement. In fact, I don't agree with the so-called upper or lower races. Everyone is a citizen of the God of War. No one is higher or lower."

Sauron's words surprised Jiang Chan. After all, Sauron was a person standing at the top of the upper level, and it was unexpected that Sauron had this knowledge.

"I have the same idea. Everyone is equal, but the orcs themselves are a racially divided country. This idea is not shared by everyone."

"If you want to change everyone's thinking, there is a long way to go." Sauron sighed: "Fiona, this burden will be handed over to you in the future. When you take over the temple in the future, you have to break everyone down properly. Philosophy."

This is the first time Sauron has made a promise to Jiang Chan. As Jiang Chan's cultivation progresses, Sauron is also ready to put a burden on Jiang Chan. As the temple's most potential sacrifice, she should also be ready.

Jiang Chan blinked: "Teacher, I am not yet an adult. I think you are always strong and you should be able to lead the temple for a few more decades. There is no need to pick up your sons now, right?"

Sauron wasn't worried at all: "I have selfish intentions. This is also for the overall consideration of the temple."

He glanced at the direction of the palace: "Why do you think the royal family wanted to marry Lilith? Didn’t you see Lilith’s sacrificial status? If I’m right, I think they want to support Lilith to take charge of the temple. In this way, the temple and the royal family are no longer inseparable."

"They are too smart in calculating the land, right?" Jiang Chan took a breath, "No, if you want to talk about wooing, shouldn't they woo me first? Or is it Vina?"

"Then you have to ask them to find you!" Sauron was angry: "Now I am thankful that you have gone out to practice. In fact, when it comes to winning the temple, you are indeed the best candidate, but unfortunately they are looking for it. Without you, no matter how many calculations there are, there is nowhere to be done."

"As for Vina," Sauron shook his head: "That one is also a chicken thief, as soon as the trial is over, she and the other three priests packed up and left the temple to develop the territory. Of course, the benefits behind her are not that of you. It’s just big."

"So, in order to block the mouth of the royal family, I must first pave the way for you, so that the royal family's calculations will not be revealed. You must also actively participate in the affairs of the temple. After all, you have always been Focus on cultivation, which also makes your reputation not obvious."

"I understand, teacher, what are your plans, I will definitely cooperate." Jiang Chan also understands, to put it plainly, now is the game between the temple and the imperial power, she must participate if she does not participate.

Rather than being angry with Lilith in the, it is better to press Lilith down now. Does she really think she is a cartilage?

"In the past few years, I have also been creating momentum for you," Sauron groaned: "After you ascend to the Seven-Star Sacrifice, you can go to the territory of the temple to see if you can find something similar to corn. Crops that fill everyone’s stomachs, if promoted in this way, can also strengthen your position in the minds of the common people."

"I understand," Jiang Chan nodded: "Now is to accumulate prestige for me, right?"

"Yes, once you have made outstanding contributions to the orc empire, Lilith can't do it with great means, besides, the girl is not a brainy person, stupid and short-sighted."

Jiang Chan was amused by Sauron's harsh comments, and had never seen the chief priest comment on a person like this. Thinking of what the priests had just said, Jiang Chan tentatively said: "Then you have discussed these with the priests of the temple?"

"Yes, when Lilith and the third prince approached, I called everyone to discuss, and everyone had no objection to recommending you to the top."

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