Mo's father's breathing was a little bit short, "Okay, very good, wait for you to come back to the company to celebrate for you!"

After saying a few more words over there, he hung up the phone in a hurry. Father Mo calmed down and went on to work, but the following documents couldn't stand a word.

He touched the lucky charm in his shirt pocket, wouldn't it work so quickly?

But the next day, Dad Mo's cell phone kept ringing, basically talking about cooperation. Dad Mo deeply understood what it means to be soft when answering the phone.

On the way off work, Mo's father couldn't wait to call Jiang Chan: "Girl, your lucky charm is too smart? Do you know how many people are calling today to cooperate with the company?"

Jiang Chan is cutting a small paper man, "You are too exaggerated? This lucky charm has such a strong effect? ​​It can only play an auxiliary function, and the most important thing is the efforts of the company's employees."

"Yes, the most important thing is the hard work of the employees." Mo's father also returned a bit of reason: "There are indeed a few customers that the company has been contacting before, and they were originally intended to cooperate."

"So, it's better for you to lead your father," Jiang Chan turned on the phone and turned on the hands-free, cutting the paper man intently in his hand. The little paper man that was just cut out was lying right next to the phone. After hearing the volume of the phone, the little paper man turned over humanely, held Jiang Chan's phone with two small hands, and jumped to Jiang Chan. Shoulders.

When I got closer, I felt that the hands-free voice was louder. Jiang Chan felt a little pain in his ears. How happy is Dad Mo?

"Don't tell the public about the lucky charm. This thing is quite rare. Master gave me one."

"I know, your father, I am such an unstable person?" Dad Mo laughed loudly, "At most, I will talk to you and your mother, girl, you can think of me and you for such useful seals in the future. mother."

Jiang Chan smiled: "I know, I will practice hard, so I won't have to ask Master for the seals in the future."

Hanging up the phone in a few words, the little paper man put the phone on the desk, and then lay on his back on the desk, shaking his two little hands, looking very tired.

Jiang Chan fiddled with the little paper man's cheeks, "Wait, I will paint you the facial features, and I will paint you beautifully."

Speaking of Jiang Chan's brush dipped in cinnabar, a little paper man with delicate facial features appeared, Jiang Chan painted a small skirt, and the little paper man happily went in circles.

"Thank you master, thank you master!" She was still a cute Loli voice. When she heard the master two sons, Jiang Chan raised her eyebrows, she really didn't have any special hobbies.

Mo Ke covered her face: "My wife is so cute! I want to learn too!"

Jiang Chan's subordinates kept moving, and soon cut out four more small paper figures, all with beautiful faces. It's just that these little paper people have very different personalities. There are cool handsome boys, vicissitudes of life, and gentle big sisters.

"Oh my god, I feel that my blood tank is empty." Mo Ke stomped and circled in Jiang Chan's heart. Only these little paper people could be seen in his eyes, and he wished to come out and touch it.

The appearance of the five little paper men solved many of Jiang Chan's problems. In the past, Jiang Chan had to cook by himself, but after having the little paper people, just talk to them, and the little paper people can cook together.

They can also clean, and can be said to be good helpers for home travel. The most important thing is that with their twittering, they have virtually driven away the loneliness and desertedness in the villa, and they seem to be a lot more popular.

While cultivating, Jiang Chan also consciously wrote the book Qingyuan had given him silently. It is a pity that because her cultivation level is not at home, she can only write the first fifth of the book silently at present, and the Fu Zhuan at the back is even less pitiful.

Maybe after her cultivation base comes up, this book will be able to appear in the world in its entirety. What she can show to Mo Ke is the first fifth, and even the first fifth needs Jiang Chan to tell Mo Ke word by word.

Having a good aptitude does not mean that Mo Ke's understanding is very good. When Jiang Chan explained this, Mo Ke felt that his head was about to be knotted. She is a dignified undergraduate, how can she feel like a primary school student when she sees these Taoist scriptures?

In the final analysis, it was because she had received a vernacular education, and this kind of ancient prose for her was almost the same as the heavenly book.

Jiang Chan sighed: "You should read more classical Chinese!"

Mo Ke said to the finger: "It's really not that I am stupid, but you are too smart!"

"I didn't mean to blame you." Jiang Chan was speechless: "If you don't understand in the future, just ask me, if something goes wrong in your cultivation, you will have nowhere to cry."

"There is also this mental method, you must understand it before you can cultivate. It is easy to go wrong if you don't understand it."

"Understood!" Mo Ke nodded like a little quail. She also knew that Jiang Chan was for her good, so she would not misunderstand Jiang Chan's meaning.

Now Jiang Chan is going back to Mo's father's house for dinner once a week. During this time, the small paper people are also very comfortable with the land. Jiang Chan is still thinking about whether to match Mo's father and Mo's mother with a few? It's okay to make them happy.

So when he went back that morning, Jiang Chan took all the five little paper figures in the family with him. This time the Coke broke the five little guys, and they were still quiet when they were in the small satchel.

After getting in the car, five little things bounced around in the car. Jiang Chan glanced at the rearview mirror: "You are not allowed to come in front of the co-pilot. If you are seen by others, you will be scared."

The little one said gruffly: "Little one is the most well-behaved and cute, so will definitely not be scary."

"Stupid! Human beings are timid. We are paper people. If we frighten them, it is the master's fault!"

The voice of a cool little boy appeared, and he gently tapped Xiao Yi on the head, and Xiao Yi fell on the back seat, watching the drama not working well.

Jiang Chan raised his eyebrows and smiled, what should I do? All of my little paper folks are great actors!

"Xiaoku, don't bully Xiaoyi." A gentle voice sounded, and the paperman in the long skirt jumped and hugged the paperman in the long skirt: "Yes, sister Xiaorou is protecting me."

Xiaoku turned around, leaving the back of his head facing the little paperman. Xiaoyi moved his fingers, and slowly rubbed against Xiaoku's side. The two small heads touched his head, and they were reconciled in a blink of an eye.

Watching the little paper men frolicking around, Jiang Chan also felt happy and at ease, and the atmosphere in the car was temporarily unhappy.

As for the unbelievable Mo Ke, he bit his fingers and stared at them with golden eyes.

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