The small paper people were playing and making trouble all the way, and after Jiang Chan parked the car, they were still chatting non-stop. After Jiang Chan got out of the car, he picked up a few small paper figures into the living room, and the nanny Zhang Ma greeted him.

"Koko is back? Sit down, I'll pour you some water on this hot day."

Zhang Ma has been in Mo's house for more than 20 years, and it can be said that she grew up watching Mo Ke. She is also very clear about Mo Ke's natural yin and yang eyes. Last time Jiang Chan came over and did not meet Zhang Ma, she happened to have something to go home.

Jiang Chan stared at Mother Zhang and glanced at her twice, "Mother Zhang, did you go to the funeral a few days ago? You look bad at your energy."

Zhang Ma shivered, and the smile on her face was more ugly than crying. "Koko, what do you see? I don't know what's going on these days. I always feel that my right shoulder is heavy and cold. It started when I came back from the funeral that day."

Mother Mo was also anxious, and she didn't care to freshen up the little paper man "Koko, what's wrong with Zhang Ma? Can it be solved?"

Jiang Chan lowered his eyes, "It's not serious right now, but if you don't do anything, the fire on your right shoulder will be completely extinguished, and you will have to suffer a serious illness at that time."

"Koke, help me!" Zhang Ma suddenly became anxious. "My daughter is still studying, and I will take her alone. If I fall, what can she do?"

Mom Mo couldn't bear it too, "Koke, is this difficult? Zhang's mother has been in our house for so many years, it's not easy."

"Don't worry, I said it's not difficult, it's not difficult." Jiang Chan smiled and put the little paper man on the coffee table in the living room. Then she buried her head to find something in the small bag, and finally turned out an exorcism talisman.

"This talisman is for you, but the evil energy has been expelled. You have also lost a lot of yang energy these days. It is inevitable that you will be a little uncomfortable. Taking more sun in the past few days can also effectively supplement the yang energy."

Looking at the Fu Zhuan pushed in front of them, Mom Zhang and Mom Mo said in unison, "Is this over?"

"Of course, what else do you want? Drink Fushui? How unhealthy?" Jiang Chan spread his hands. "Mama Zhang, you can try first. If it doesn't matter, I will find my master to give you another way."

Zhang Ma took the talisman paper, "Then I will try first...Don't say, I just got the talisman paper, I feel a lot easier on my shoulders."

Jiang Chan glanced at Zhang Ma's empty right shoulder. "Those evil spirits are gone. Wear this exorcism charm. You will not be afraid when you encounter these in the future. Afterwards, the runes on the seal will fade away. , I will give you a new one."

"Thank you so much Koko, it's great." Mommy Zhang stuffed the exorcism charm into her apron pocket like a baby. "Koko, how much is this talisman?"

Jiang Chan gave a meal, "Fu Zhuan doesn't need money, you can cook a few of my favorite dishes at noon."

Madam Zhang turned her face and wiped her tears, "Then I will make you pickled fresh food. This is your favorite food."

Jiang Chan took a mouthful of saliva in concert, "Then I'll wait for Zhang's handiwork, Mom, you see this is a little paper man, do you like it? If you like me, I will cut two for you?"

The five little paper figures stood side by side at Mo's mother, holding fists and bending over, "Hello, old master!"

Mommy Mo's eyes straightened, "The legendary paper-cut into a soldier? Keke, can you do this? My God! So cute!"

Following Mo's mother's straight gaze, she saw Mo's mother staring at the little Lori Xiaoyi with the baby's head. Jiang Chan curled his lips playfully, and Mo Ke also liked the little one the most. These two people are indeed a mother and daughter.

"I can't give you the little one. I can cut a copy of the little one for you." Jiang Chan said as he took out the scissors, he cut out a little girl, and then painted the facial features. The little paper figure was on the coffee table. Moved up, then stood up.

She grinnedly clasped her fist at Mom Mo, "I have seen the master!"

Mother Mo covered her face, feeling that her heart and liver were going to be adorable. "So cute, really cute!"

When Dad Mo walked out of the study, he heard Mom Mo's saying that he was cute, so he asked, "What is so cute?"

Mother Mo held the little paper man, "The little paper man Ke Ke cut for me, and called me the master, is really cute!"

Seeing Dad Mo, the little paper man scratched his head, "Hello Grandpa!"

Mom Mo smiled and couldn't close her mouth from ear to ear, "Then you should call me grandma, how not close the master!"

As soon as Mom Mo said, the little paper man immediately changed his words, and his grandparents kept screaming. Father Mo and Mother Mo were sitting on the sofa, watching the six little paper figures playing around on the coffee table.

"It's so happy, Keke, you are a master." Mom Mo wiped the tears made by Xiaoyi and the others, or she would feel at ease with the children.

"These are all tricks of carving insects, please be happy, if you like me, I will cut a few more for you." Jiang Chan blinked, these are really trivial, just to make them happier.

"Okay, then cut a few more. With these little guys here, the house will be a bit lively." Mom Mo made a decision. If there were a few little ones, she would wake up from a dream.

Madam Zhang also interrupted, "Yes, so the house will be more lively."

Seeing these little paper people, she was even more convinced of Jiang Chan's abilities. She touched the pocket of her apron and made up her mind to cherish this talisman before going to the kitchen to prepare lunch.

Dad Mo fiddled with the little paper man, only to feel that his materialistic thinking had been broken for so many years. If you don't believe it, the facts are right in front of you.

Let him explain, he can't tell why, in the final analysis, it can only be called metaphysics.

"Koke, the effect of that lucky charm is really Mo is sitting next to Jiang Chan." The profit this month is almost comparable to the profit of the company for half a year. "

"It's just an introduction. It's the company's own ability to keep customers." Jiang Chan didn't take credit, and glanced at Dad Mo's body. "Dad, what about your safety talisman?"

Speaking of this, Mother Mo was a little bit afraid, "Your father's safety charm has lost its effect. Yesterday, after working overtime, there was a small car accident on the road. Fortunately, your dad hid quickly so that no personal injury was caused. It's just the safety charm Burned to ashes, I still want to find your master to buy another one."

"Why don't you tell me about such a big thing?" Jiang Chan was anxious, and hurriedly searched for the various seals she had prepared before in her backpack. This has become her habit. No matter where she goes, she will bring a lot of talisman papers, so she can save her life when necessary.

"This is a peace talisman, this is an evil talisman, this is an exorcism talisman..." Jiang Chan muttered a few words, and pulled out ten pieces of talisman paper from it and divided it into two stacks.

"You all carry these close to your body, and you will talk to me when you run out."


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