Huang Xiao glanced at him: "You're welcome, be careful later."

A group of three people arrived in the underground garage, "Yufu will be given to you another day. Your matter is resolved. Huang Xiao and I will continue to have coffee. Do it yourself."

Seeing Mo Ke and Huang Xiao left, Zong Yuanlang let out a cry: "Sister Ke, Brother Xiao, wait for me."

Mo Ke didn't feel it when he was there. Zong Yuen Lang felt that the parking lot was gloomy as soon as Mo Ke left. In fact, this is his psychological function, and he has just been scared.

Seeing Zong Yuanlang catching up with Mo Ke and Huang Xiao's car, Jiang Chan broke up the mirror with a smile. She did this task purely, that is, she had some intersection with the parents of the original owner in the first half year, and then she basically ran outside.

There's really nothing to say about those, but it's an eye-opener for sure.

Qingyuan played with a transparent little stone: "Isn't it just so efficient? It takes more than two years to solve the problem."

Jiang Chan gave her a sideways look, "Don't talk, I want to be quiet. Although I am not afraid of these things, but I always see these things, it is inevitable that I will feel that I should rest for a while."

Qingyuan waved his small hand: "Kneel down!"

Jiang Chan gritted his teeth, what did he watch all day long? Gui'an has all come out, is it possible to ask her to say something?

Jiang Chan's birthday was on January 2nd, the day the dean picked her up. After the second, she was truly independent and free. Thinking of this, Jiang Chan laughed in her dreams.

By the end of the New Year's Day holiday, Jiang Chan has put up a house under his name, not far from the school, in the community next to Laoshi. Finished decoration, checked in with a bag, gave the key to Dean Fan, and Jiang Chan went to school with money.

From now on, this will be her home, with Momo and her. This is something she couldn't even think of two years ago.

In just two years, she has escaped from the abject poor class. Although Qingyuan always pits her, in the final analysis, she is still grateful to Qingyuan.

Perceiving Jiang Chan's thoughts, Qingyuan twisted her body. Okay, she didn't want to cheat Jiang Chan for now, and I'll talk about it later.

The difficulty of the task now is not too big for Jiang Chan, perhaps because she has the ability, so she can quickly adapt to wherever she goes.

When he inadvertently evoked a ball of soul light that day, Jiang Chan was stunned. Campus romance, it seems that in every campus or youth TV series, the feelings of the heroes and heroines are sober and sweet and inconceivable.

On the contrary, there will be a female match between every couple. She may be beautiful, or she may have excellent grades, or she may have a good family background, or she may be a childhood sweetheart with the male protagonist.

Unfortunately, the master Jiang Chan saw was the last one. The childhood sweethearts grew up together, what a wonderful time, people around and even both parents regarded them as a pair.

After pondering for a while, Jiang Chan smashed the ball of light and disappeared into the soul space in a flash.

After Jiang Chan disappeared, Qingyuan appeared: "Go paddling again, how did such a low-level mission get in? No, I have to screen again..."

Yes, from Qingyuan's point of view, Jiang Chan doing such a task is similar to paddling.

As soon as Jiang Chan's consciousness came back, he heard a lively female voice: "Today is Miaomiao's birthday. It's rare that today is a monthly holiday on Friday. Everyone has agreed to go to dinner together at noon."

Jiang Chan slightly curled his lips, is this time unexpectedly? School has just ended at this time, and the students in the class have not left yet.

"Yes, there is a cafeteria near the school, the price is not expensive, economical and affordable, just because our students can afford it."

"We also prepared a gift for Miao Miao, I hope you like it, isn't it, sir?"


"Sir, don't persuade you, hurry up and send the present we prepared!"

For a while, the classroom was laughing, He Miaomiao stood in the middle of the classroom, his cheeks blushing. Only when he looked at the monitor Song Ruizhe, there was a trace of affection in his eyes.

Likes can't be hidden, He Miaomiao is shy, and the classroom is even more boisterous.

Jiang Chan squeezed her eyebrows. It was really restless youth, but she couldn't arouse her old aunt's heart at all.

With a "stab", Jiang Chan pushed away the stool and stood up. She picked up her backpack and walked out without saying a word, with no intention of going out to dinner.

"Academic Committee, where are you going? It's agreed that the luncheon will be dinner?" a girl sitting next to He Miaomiao shouted, her tone a little unhappy.

Jiang Chan just walked to the door, and when she heard that she turned her head back: "I have something at home, so we won't go to dinner today. By the way, I wish you a happy birthday."

After speaking, she nodded at He Miaomiao, and was about to leave again, but was stopped by Song Ruizhe.

"Wait a minute, Tang Peijun, this is a specific gathering for everyone. How can you say that you don't go? Didn't you say that before? Besides, this is the birthday of classmate He Miaomiao."

Jiang Chan took a deep breath before turning to look at Song Ruizhe: "Am I obligated to participate in classmate congratulation? I have already told her a happy birthday, haven't I?"

"But this is Miao Miao's first meeting with everyone after she transferred. Wouldn't it be nice for you not to attend?"

Jiang Chanpi smiled without a smile: "I have been in the same class with you for three years. Have you ever held a party before? No? Besides, I am an independent person. Do I have the right to participate in such a party?"

"That's not how you say it, you are so angry today, the Academic Committee."

"What's so angry? I think she is jealous, because the monitor looks at He Miaomiao differently." A boy muttered all, she is a childhood sweetheart. "

This was a weird boy in the back seat. The whole class heard this, and immediately someone laughed.

Jiang Chan put down her schoolbag. Today she is bound to clarify that gossip like this is the most popular in school.

"I remembered something. Yesterday Uncle Song came to my house to discuss with my parents. The college entrance examination is not going to happen in a month. Uncle Song meant that we will get engaged after the college entrance examination."

As soon as Jiang Chan said this, He Miaomiao's face turned white, and he looked at Song Ruizhe with a wounded face, hoping that he would explain. The class was silent, and the news that Jiang Chan had dropped was shocked.

Song Ruizhe's eyes panicked: "Don't talk nonsense, why would my dad make such a request? I won't be engaged to you, I always treat you as my sister."

"Naturally, I'm not talking nonsense. You will know the truth of the news when you go back and ask your parents. After all, my aunt always likes me the most." Jiang Chan stabbed again quickly, watching He Miaomiao's face change with satisfaction. It's even more bleak.

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