Jiang Chan smiled with satisfaction: "Song, I want to tell you that there is no relationship between us at the moment. Why do you ask me to go to a birthday party for someone I don't like? Just rely on your picture. Face?"

"The relationship between us is only a neighbor for more than ten years at best. What qualifications do you have to ask me to listen to you?" Satisfied with a word, Jiang Chan picked up his schoolbag again.

"By the way, when I get home, I will take the initiative to say to my parents that we will not get engaged. Remember, it's not that you look down on me, but I took the initiative to reject you."

Jiang Chan shook his finger at Song Ruizhe before leaving the classroom. With this, I think Song Ruizhe shouldn't bother her for a while, right?

That's good, as long as she can persist until after the college entrance examination, where does she want to go at that time?

Jiang Chan had been away for five minutes before someone began to speak in the classroom.

"The Academic Committee is too A too today? I am a girl who looks so rigid."

"Didn’t it always say that the academic committee likes the squad leader? I don’t think the academic committee likes the squad leader?

"If you want me to say that the monitor is really true, obviously there are already green plums, and I'm going to provoke other classmates."

"That's not what I said. Flies don't bite the eggs. Who knows if it's consensual."

Hearing everyone's whispers, He Miaomiao clenched her fists. She didn't expect Tang Peijun to come here. What kind of eyes should everyone look at her now?

Everyone would suspect that Song Ruizhe and Tang Peijun were not engaged because of her intervention. Of course, in fact, it was indeed because of her intervention. But can she admit this? Of course not.

Song Ruizhe's face was also not good, and he did not expect that Qingmei, who was very obedient in the past, would come here today.

The most important thing is that in the past, they both went in and out at the same time. If Tang Peijun would go back today, and if she went to Miaomiao’s birthday party together today, he would have an excuse to go back. But now, things will happen. The nature of it has completely changed.

Parents will definitely ask what is going on. If Tang Peijun says nothing else, he and He Miaomiao's relationship between him and He Miaomiao will be completely choked to death in the cradle.

No matter how much disturbance he caused in the classroom, Jiang Chan was fine. The first step has been perfectly achieved, and she has unilaterally drawn a line with Song Ruizhe.

At this time, the boy wanted face the most. If he wanted to come for a while, Song Ruizhe didn't have the intention to talk to her, and she would be able to stay clean for a period of time.

The students in the class should celebrate or celebrate, but no one knows what is in each other's hearts. After all, this kind of school scandal is the easiest way for everyone to get involved.

Holding the key, Jiang Chan walked briskly to the home of the original owner Tang Peijun. The Tang family and the Song family are neighbors, and they are on the right side of each other. The two get along very well, both are ordinary families.

The two families know their roots, and sometimes if one family gets busy, the children will consciously go to the other family to eat. It can be said that in the eyes of Song's father and mother, the original owner is no different from his own children.

The two families are both the same child, and the relationship between each other is good. Mother Song has long regarded the original owner as her daughter-in-law. After all, I have watched the grown-up children since childhood, and the character of each other is still clear.

If Jiang Chan didn't come, it would be the original owner and Song Ruizhe's turn to get engaged. Of course, in the previous life, the two got engaged after the college entrance examination.

Thinking of the end of the original owner's last life, Jiang Chan was worthless for this girl. Sometimes, a man is spoiled by a woman, and he will take everything you do for granted.

Just like now, Jiang Chan refuses to attend He Miaomiao's birthday party, Song Ruizhe is very annoyed, but does Jiang Chan care about this? Of course she doesn't care!

When I got home, it was just in time for the meal, and Song Ruizhe's mother was also there. Seeing Jiang Chan standing by the door changing shoes, Song's mother came over to take the schoolbag on Jiang Chan's back, acting very intimately.

"Junjun is back, where is Ruizhe's child? Why didn't he stay with you? Or the brother, who doesn't know how to take care of his sister."

Mother Tang came out of the kitchen with a bowl of old duck soup: "Presumably something has been delayed on the road? When your brother Ruizhe comes back, we will eat together."

Jiang Chan took a breath of contentment: "Ruizhe went to a birthday party for a classmate in the class. I didn't want to go, so I came back first."

Mother Song asked subconsciously: "What classmate? Male and female classmates?"

Mother Tang paused in her hands with the bowls and chopsticks, and returned to the original state in the next second.

"It's the newly transferred one in the class, called He Miaomiao. Today is her birthday. I don't like going to the buffet. It's better for my mother to cook."

Jiang Chan didn't seem to notice the Ji Feng in Song's words, and smiled with a simple face. After serving Song's mother a bowl of soup, she gave the original owner's mother Tang's mother a bowl again.

"Mom, you have worked hard. Drink more of this old duck soup."

Mother Song also smiled: "Why don't you say that it's a sweet girl, I know your craftsmanship, if I would definitely come back for dinner."

Mother Tang smiled: "Then you have to eat more, eat, let's not talk about anything else."

"Junjun, you are going to take the college entrance examination in one month. Is your class still holding this kind of party?" Mama Song began to test her tone at the table, and Jiang Chan also pretended to cooperate with Mama Song without knowing it.

"Who knows? Anyway, our classmates have never held such a gathering in three years. Maybe it's because of the popularity of classmate He."

Smiling and holding a chopsticks ribs~www.wuxiaspot.com~ Jiang Chan was very satisfied. No matter how many delicious delicacies she has eaten, she still prefers this kind of home-cooked dishes with fireworks and down-to-earth.

Mother Song's eyes sank completely, Jiang Chan and Mother Tang seemed to be eating as if they hadn't seen them. After lunch, she sat there for a while before Mother Song returned to the door.

Jiang Chan helped Tang's mother clean up the table, and Tang's mother began to interrogate carefully: "What's the matter with Ruizhe and that classmate?"

"That's the same thing," Jiang Chan shrugged: "Song Ruizhe likes He Miaomiao and wants to celebrate his birthday. If I want to be a shield for him, I will come back first if I don't want to."

Mother Tang was angry: "How dare he do this? Does he not know that his parents want you to be engaged to him?"

"How could you not know? I guess he still wants to be engaged to me, but secretly he still wants to be with He Miaomiao, so that I can be named as a fiancée so that he can deal with his parents."

Jiang Chan sneered, looking down on Song Ruizhe's style.

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