He Miaomiao suddenly raised her voice: "What she meant is that you picked up the sesame seeds and lost the watermelon. Am I that bad? This Tang Peijun really has a lingering sorrow. How can she be found everywhere?"

Song Ruizhe was tired: "But did my mother make a mistake? Tang Peijun's excellent discerning people can see it. This is the fact before me. Should I just ignore it?"

"Yes, you are all right, she is so good, what are you doing with me? Go find her!" He Miaomiao stomped away and walked out of the community.

When passing by Jiang Chan, He Miaomiao glared at her and snorted, obviously angering Jiang Chan.

Jiang Chan naturally recognized He Miaomiao, the heroine of campus love seemed to have a big opinion of her. What's wrong? Seeing Song Ruizhe standing still, Jiang Chan turned away indifferently.

Since studying at university, it seems that he has never seen Song Ruizhe again. The relationship between the Tang family and the Song family is still good, but compared to the previous enthusiasm, it is indeed much weaker.

In addition, Jiang Chan deliberately avoided suspicion, and basically went to the countryside during the winter and summer vacations, so even if they lived in the opposite door, the two of them had not seen each other for three years.

Now that I saw Song Ruizhe again, Jiang Chan felt the emotions of the original owner, and it was just Gu Jing Wubo.

"have not seen you for a long time."

Seeing Jiang Chan walking over, Song Ruizhe said dryly. How long did the girl who had been following his **** grow up to the height it is now?

"Long time no see," Jiang Chan took a playful look at He Miaomiao's direction. She was biting her lip and standing there looking at the two of them: "Your girlfriend is angry, don't you want to coax her?"

"Sorry, I'm missing." Looking at He Miaomiao with red eyes, Song Ruizhe nodded at Jiang Chan, and hurriedly chased her.

He Miaomiao stood there, watching Song Ruizhe walk towards him, but smiled triumphantly at Jiang Chan. It seems to be saying, what's wrong with you so powerful now? Song Ruizhe is not hers yet?

Jiang Chan doesn't care about this kind of little girl's machine. How could her time be spent on unimportant people because her time is so precious? To her, He Miaomiao was nothing more than a stranger encountered in the vast crowd.

When Jiang Chan arrived home, she happened to meet Song's mother who was opposite. Seeing Jiang Chan, Song's mother suddenly smiled.

"Junjun is back? You have been working hard these days? But take care of your body and don't tire yourself."

As Jiang Chan got better and better, Song's mother became more and more resentful about Song Ruizhe's choice. She is not a snob, so choosing a daughter-in-law is naturally not based on the other's achievements or career.

Her character is the most important thing. Tang Peijun grew up under her nose after all. Of course she knew her character. But He Miaomiao, Mother Song came into contact with this girl and felt that the girl was going well, but she was a little more careful.

Although this idea will not rise to the height of morality, it is very annoying over the years. Song's mother has thought about it. If Song Ruizhe insists on staying with He Miaomiao in the future, she and Lao Song will definitely not live with Song Ruizhe.

Facing He Miaomiao's face for a long time, it seems that the whole family is sorry for her. Mother Song feels that her self-cultivation is not so good, and she can't do it.

"Thank you auntie for your concern. This is the cervical spine massager I made recently. I heard my mother say that your cervical spine is not very good recently. You should go back and try it out. If it doesn't work, I will change it later."

Passing a small bag in her hand to Mother Song, Jiang Chan pushed the door and entered the Tang house. Mother Song was left standing there, carrying the bag and smiling from ear to ear.

Besides Song Ruizhe, even though He Miaomiao was angry at him, he couldn't really just leave people there without asking. Besides, this time he officially brought He Miaomiao back to see his parents, so he couldn't be so embarrassed.

Seeing Song Ruizhe come over to comfort herself, He Miaomiao's mouth curled up, and still said something wrong: "I don't want to say a few words when we meet with her childhood sweethearts? If you let your mother know, she doesn't know what else to say."

Song Ruizhe soothed He Miaomiao skillfully, almost every time they quarrel was because of Tang Peijun. He has to make trouble several times a year, and he has become accustomed to it.

Tang Peijun does not appear in his life, but people around him will mention her intentionally or unintentionally. His mother, He Miaomiao, or Tang Peijun’s company products, etc.

"What are you talking about? We are just old neighbors at best. She is boring to me and I have no feeling for her. You are my girlfriend. No matter how good she is, it has nothing to do with me."

He Miaomiao reluctantly said: "I'm just very sad, she is so powerful, I feel like I can't match her, if she likes you, will I have no chance of winning?"

Song Ruizhe: "I don't like her, and she won't like me. She is so good now, how can she look like such an ordinary me? I am not a sweet potato, and I can still be rushed by others? "

"Then who do you like?" He Miaomiao pointed his finger right, and still wanted to listen to Song Ruizhe's sweet words.

Song Ruizhe hugged her: "Do you not know who I like? I like you the most. Don't quarrel about outsiders next time. It's not good for your health."

"Xing Ba, as long as I don't mention Tang Peijun, I won't be angry. No matter who mentions it, I don't feel happy in my heart."

He Miaomiao lowered his eyebrows, and the three words Tang Peijun seemed to have become her demons. No matter who mentioned it, she felt uncomfortable.

Jiang Chan didn't know that someone had regarded her as a thorn in the flesh~www.wuxiaspot.com~ even if she knew it, she wouldn't take it to heart. If she is too good to incur other people's resentment, then she is irresponsible.

A joke, it's my business that I'm good, you can't see it, it's your business. I have nothing to do with you, why should I go to accommodate your ideas?

As soon as she went back, Mother Tang took her to tell her that she had lost weight and gave her three meals a day to nourish her. In this autumn fat season, Jiang Chan was fed by Tang's mother two catties a week.

"I met with your Aunt Song yesterday, only to know that Song Ruizhe brought He Miaomiao back to see his parents. He Miaomiao will be here for the New Year this year."

At dinner, Tang's mother suddenly lowered her voice and said the news at the dinner table, but found that the news did not arouse any reaction. Old Tang's chopsticks only paused, and then he ate on her own.

And Jiang Chan rolled his eyes: "I know, I met Song Ruizhe and He Miaomiao when I came back that day. What else can they do besides seeing their parents when they come back?"

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